
Tengoku Highschool was known to be a normal school filled with normal students.

That was until three certain first years came into the picture. This three males turned the whole school upside down, putting everyone to their feet.

Changing the curriculum and blackmailing all the teachers, this was how they gained their name,

The Deadly Trio

No one dared to come close to them, befriend them nor talk to them. Their names followed continuous rumors concerning their life and no one dared to give light to their names.

Everyone hated them and wanted them out of the school but they couldn't do anything about it.

They couldn't call the police because they never actually committed any crime. Their only crime was scaring away everyone, cutting classes and refraining from taking tests as long as they want to. No one could stop them because they have all the teacher's darkest secrets to back them up.

Countless students have already transferred schools and countless parents have already raised complaints but no one could actually physically kick them out.

Their only chance was to let them graduate highschool and the school would finally be free of them!

This was the hope they held onto for 2 whole years...

Finally, one year left and these cunning men would be out of their sights!

One year left...

I mean they lasted this long, how hard would the remaining year be?

But alas since it was their last year to reek havoc to the school, they decided to play a little game.

A game of choosing one lucky student as their toy.

And their toy would be coming from the new student council president which will be drawn by lots.

Now who would this lucky student be?