Chapter 2- Meeting Their Match

Chiyo who was now covered in red paint, her eyes which were still glued to the three men were feeling very unpleasent. She wanted to scream and shout at the three people who made her blood boil with annoyance. She balled her fist and began shaking.

The three men were observing her. Expecting her to do anything interesting.

Would she cry? Scream? Run away? Tattle her parents?

But something came out from her mouth that everyone was not expecting,


The three men blinked, together with the whole highschool students.

Chiyo was not one to curse. You could only flip her switch if you touch certain things that affected her greatly. And the men had stepped on a landmine of hers'.

You see, Chiyo may not look like it but she's a very thrifty person. Due to her living independently since the start of summer, she had been working on part time jobs. Living off on her salary and saving as much as she could. She lived in a small apartment and she couldn't renovate it no matter how much she wanted. She had dreamt of painting her apartment walls but had no part in her savings for miscellaneous expenses.

Not to mention her favorite color was red.

She was infuriated. She could see that the paint they threw on her was enough to paint almost half of her apartment wall.

She finally gave a glare to the three men.

Raiden was the first to react, "What are you glaring at?!", he didn't like the way the girl glared at them, seemingly looking as if she had the chance with them.

He moved forward and was going to grab Chiyo's collar but in surprise, Chiyo beat him to it and grabbed the boys own collar as she pulled him close to her face.

"You guys are the fucking worst! Do you know how much a can of paint costs?! You little fuckers are pushing my buttons, huh?!"

Multiple gasps were heard in the gymnasium. The people who fainted had already recovered and were now looking in shock at the action of the girl. Their adrenaline was rushing. No one had cursed the deadly trio before and no one even dared to try to fight back at them! This was a revolution and every student were holding onto their seats, wanting to cheer for the black haired girl.

Kenzou was still standing, a frown in his face. It seemed the girl was more than he had expected. They couldn't scare her with their fists. He needed a back up plan to ensure the girl would be obedient towards them.

He then felt a hand tap on his shoulder. Kenzou glanced at Subaru who was signalling him to come closer. He did so, and as his ears came close to Subaru, Subaru whispered to him something he believed could be of use.

Kenzou's eyes widen and he smirked. This could work.

Raiden was in the verge of his temper. He wanted to punch the girl right now and he was. He balled his fist and was going to throw his strongest punch towards the woman. Heck he didn't care of the fact he'd be hitting a girl. Chiyo raised her hand first towards him and he was more than happy to raise back his.

But before he could even punch the girl, Chiyo blocked his fist with her other free hand. Inches away from reaching her face.

Another wave of gasps engulfed the venue. Soon a wave of shouts and cheers were filling the whole place. Everyone was excited. They all believed that maybe Chiyo was their hero that finally came. She would put an end to the unjust ruling of the deadly trio. The students eyes were filled with hope, cheering on the girl.

Raiden was more than boiling right now. He didn't expect his punch would be stopped that easily by a girl! Shit. He was embarrassed but more so furious. The people were cheering the girl on. If this continued more, they would lose their power.

Soon, Kenzou walked towards Chiyo and Raiden. He bowed his head, a smirk forming from his face.

Raiden was embarrassed even more as his friend drew closer. He didn't want to tarnish their reputation by getting beat up by a girl. But Kenzou didn't care a least bit for their reputation. He moved forward until he stopped on Chiyo's side. He tapped Chiyo's shoulder and whispered,

"I know your secret.", he whispered so that only the two of them could hear.

Chiyo, who was still in dark mode answered back, "Ha?", she scoffed.

Kenzou could only smirked back.

"Your family are yakuza's right?", he whispered once more to the female's ears.

Suddenly, Chiyo was back to herself. Her eyes widened at the boys question. Her grip loosened and Raiden fell on his butt at the impact, "Hey, atleast give me a warning!", he complained as he massaged his bottom.

Kenzou finally amused again, smirked at the girl, "Now just be an obedient puppy and your secret's safe with us.", he said as he placed another tap on Chiyo's shoulders.

Kenzou looked towards Subaru and they made eye contact. He tilted his head a bit, pointing to the mic. Subaru nodded.

Subaru was never one to talk infront of a lot of people. He hated crowds as well as talking. But it was this moments that he had no choice but to follow. He regained his voice and proceeded to the announcement, "I hope you didn't have too much fun with the activity...", his voice sounding more like a warning to the people who had cheered Chiyo before.

Now the gymnasium was overcomed by silence once more.

"Now I request everyone to leave the venue and proceed to their classes. You've got...", he looked at his watch,"20 seconds to leave. If you go pass that...well, you'll have to stay to see what we're going to do.",he said as he tapped his fingers on the podium.


Suddenly everyone rushed out if the venue, Many were pushing and pulling eachother until finally, no one was left.

Subaru closed his eyes and turned back to his two friends, and their new toy.

Raiden had now stood back up. Dusting his clothes, making sure no dust or dirt were left. He hated it when his uniform was messy. He only had one of it and he didn't want to waste their detergent. But he grumbled as a blob of paint rested on his collar. It would've been a pain to wash off.

Subaru and Raiden now stared at Chiyo, Kenzou still standing beside her.

There was a bit of silence until Chiyo began regaining her composure.

"H-How did you guys know?", she asked, her head still facing down.

Kenzou hummed in response, "We have our connections...", he said.

"Ughhhh!!!", Chiyo exclaimed almost suddenly as she fell down on the stage on her knees, "My life is over... I knew I had been too lucky today. I must've used all my luck...", she excalimed depressingly.

Raiden, who wasn't able to hear what Kenzou told the girl to make her like this, turned to Subaru for an answer. Subaru gladly told him, which earned a raise of eyebrow from the discovery. So that was her secret huh? Raiden inquired.

The three men were now looking at Chiyo. She was seriously more than they expected. No girl reacted as she had and not to mention she was still covered in paint, but she seemed nowhere near bothered by it. Also, not to forget that monster strength. Raiden could still feel his fist throbbing a bit.

"I guess I've got no choice...", Chiyo said as she slowly stood up. She removed her glasses and cringed at how red it was due to the paint. She could hardly see from it now. She sighed once more but spared a glance on the three men around her.

"Umm...what are your names if I could ask?"

Now again, the three men were shocked. She was more clueluss than they had thought. Kenzou let out a small chuckle, "You haven't heard of us?", he asked.

Chiyo pouted that they ignored her question with another question.

"Well, I heard that you guys are the deadly trio and you do all this scary things so the whole school is scared of you guys but what's that got to do with wanting to know your name?", she inquired.

She earned a pair of amused looks from the three.

Finally, it was Kenzou who spoke first, "My name is Kenzou Matsuo.", he stated as he pointed at himself. He was smirking and his droopy eyes seemed bored. It was something Chiyo had noticed since a while ago.

Then Kenzou pointed at the brown haired boy on his left, "This is Raiden Harada.",next he pointed to the black haired boy on his right, "Subaru Maeda.", Subaru nodded at the mention of his name.

Chiyo smiled and then raised up her hands infront of them, "I'm Chiyo Asano! Nice to meet you!", she beamed.

Again, silence filled the atmosphere.

Raiden scoffed, "We already know.", he said as he glared at the girl. He was one to hold on grudges. And he was sure he wouldn't be letting the girl go without making her cry one day.

Kenzou looked at the hand and had a deep frown, "Just how stupid are you?", he inquired. "We aren't here to make friends little one.", he said almost threatingly.

"You are our toy. We won't even be considering you as a person. You'd be a servant and we'll do anything we want with you, wether you permit it or not.", Kenzou then let out a smile that seemed fakingly scary.

But as though Chiyo was a shield of bad omens, she just tilted her head as if confused.

"Toy? If you want a toy, I could get you one from a toy's store near our apartment though!", she exclaimed almost too proudly.

Kenzou could feel his eyebrow twitch. Raiden was more than disgusted now. And Subaru..well he's still quietly watching but he could imagine himself face palm at the girl.

"You don' understand...", Kenzou was now massaging his temples, making sure to calm himself. He believed the girl was trying to get a reaction from them and he didn't want to give her what she wanted.

"No, I understand.", Chiyo replied calmly.

This made Kenzou raise an eyebrown at her.

"Since you know my secret I guess I need to stay close to you as much as possible. I heard that you blackmail teachers to let you off so I guess this time you're blackmailing me?", Chiyo made sure she guessed right.

As no one answered, she took the silence as a yes.

"Hm. Okay then...Chiyo Asano at your service!", she proclaimed as she gave them a salute.

Kenzou just stood still, quietly staring at the small girl. He wasn't sure if she was dumb or just freaking oblivious of everything. But atleast she had understood the gist of it.

Now it was just a matter if time before she runs out of that positivity. This had been his plan all along. He wanted to suck out that girl's positive character until nothing was left. It was a great souveneir for the school to see a happy-go-lucky girl like her suddenly becoming a depressed teenager.

This was his goal the moment he saw her. How he wanted the girl to break since she seemed all too blessed for them. The school had no place for naive people like her, she needed a taste of reality and he with his friends were going to make sure to give her a taste of reality's darkest side.

Raiden who was still looking disgustedly at the beaming girl wanted to barf. He didn't like how aloof she was. She looked like someone who wasn't used to hardships which annoyed him as hell. He wanted the girl to suffer. To suffer so much that she would be on the verge of tears and regret even standing on stage today. Not to mention the embarrassment Chiyo had given him. The girl was going to pay with every bit of herself.

Raiden was going to make the girl's life a living hell.

Subaru who stared at the girl had nothing against her unlike his two friends. He never liked the idea of having a toy since he never liked having someone other than his friends come close to him. He would just silently observe how things would go. He wouldn't get involved much and just give way to his other two friends on what they would do to the girl.

If anything, he was sure even Chiyo wouldn't want to be close to him. He was not one that was fun talking to and not one that cared much for others. He was an observer and Subaru wanted to leave himself as that. Chiyo Asano was not his problem to deal with.

Chiyo Asano on the other hand was smiling but in her head, she was 10x more excited.

Though she knew the three boys didn't like her, she was very optimistic that they would soon. She wasn't one to hold grudges and wasn't one to avoid anyone possible of being her friend.

Yes, Chiyo still believed that those three were possible friend candidates. After all, even her father's disciples in the yakuza were secretly softies and they did tons more of crimes than the three! Just a little nudge towards these three men, Chiyo believed, and she would be sure to get on their good side.

This was highschool after all, nothing could go wrong!