Turn and Face the Strange

Something is very wrong here.

It's not that I was about to masturbate because a younger girl almost half my age teased me a little bit, no. It wasn't even the strange changes that seemed to be taking hold of my eyes. No, not that either...

What's wrong is my dick.

After all but tearing off my trousers once Sam took off, I sit down in the chair behind the desk Sam just destroyed. As bad as it sounds, I was too stimulated to even make it back to my office.

However, right when I sit down, I notice the change immediately. I think it would have been impossible not to.

I wouldn't say I was ever a small man. Even before today, I was on the above side of 'above average'... yet as I look down at my erect meat, my eyes point out the obvious. What was once a healthy six or so inches has now lengthed to a monstrous ten. Not only that, my girth has exploded several times over.

Did Sam do this to me, somehow?

...Well, it goes without saying that obviously, she was the cause of part of it, but this erection is far from ordinary. Could it somehow be magic? ...No, even if she were a capable Mage, you'd think I'd have noticed Sam casting some sort of spell on me. Non-verbal magic is far less potent, so I doubt I'd swell this hard if that were the case.

I just don't understand what this could possibly be about.

Don't get me wrong. I'm more than pleased with the sudden endowment. You could even say I'm thrilled, even.

But shit like this doesn't just happen. Hell, it's not even just my dick. My balls have at least tripled in size, and Gods, are they swollen. Their increased heft is distinctly noticeable. Even more so than that, I can feel a burning, pulsing need throbbing from within them.

But... it's not a normal throbbing. It's as if my orbs were pumping and churning thoughts into my mind, warping my ideas and making them all the more focused and singular in their lust.

I want Sam. My balls are screaming this fact at me over and over like a pair of hissing, angry cats.

My thoughts flow from one mental vision to the next. For whatever reason, I can't stop picturing myself ramming my newly enlargened cock into Sam's deepest depths and unleashing my volley straight into her womb. It needs to be inside of her. I don't know why I know it, but I do.

Inside that tight little Princess, just letting it all out... every last drop of semen that I have to give...

'Good, good. That's where it needs to go.' A voice inside me seems to whisper. Slightly creepy, but I'm sure it's perfectly normal to hear hallucinatory voices right after your cock inexplicably doubles in size.

The thought drives me to action, and I begin shamefully masturbating to thoughts of the youthful blonde despite every inch of me knowing how wrong it is.

I just met her...

She's so much younger than I am...

She's clearly the fucking Crown Princess of Karnalle, too. That fact alone would stop most reasonable people, but I can't hold myself back for whatever reason.

What the hell is wrong with me? I know I'm at rock bottom, but I... I have morals, don't I?

Erotic fiction must've ruined my mind, making me into a drooling imbecile. Now I'm lusting after the first girl who remotely showed any interest in me like it were totally normal, despite her age, circumstance, or who she is...

I need to stop the gears of my incessant mind from grinding.

For now, I kick back in the chair and focus on the task at hand.

Getting off.

Seeking to relax and sort out my thoughts after reaching sweet release, I begin delving deeper into my immoral fantasies. Focused only on wanting Sam, I build my excitement further. It takes both hands working together in unison, but my lust finally spirals into a fantastic and grand climax.

It shakes my body, my soul, and I unleash my load with eyes clenched so tightly my vision almost goes white. This orgasm brought on by fantasies of Princess-claiming lasts longer and is more robust than any I've orgasm felt before in my entire life.

Never before has sexual satisfaction felt like this.

As soon as I open my eyes, I discover that something else has changed. A bizarre sight greets me, filling me both with worry and with pride.

On the one hand, good going, me. Damn.

On the other hand, Humans don't cum such copious, excessive amounts such as this. Now I'm just worried about my health, wondering how much bodily fluid I just lost from that climax alone...

Instead of a few healthy ropes of seed spurting out, I apparently unleashed a puddle so thick that it looks like someone accidentally dumped a gallon of cake batter on the floor.

Grandpa only told me bits and pieces about my father. He didn't know anything about my mother, so I'm suddenly suspicious that perhaps she was part Orc, or... no, it doesn't work like that. I'm just doing mental gymnastics in an attempt to make my confounding conundrum make even a lick of sense.

My thoughts have calmed down a fair bit... at least to the point where I can bring myself to look at the clock on the wall. Close to forty-ish minutes have passed since I sent Sam on her very first quest as an adventurer.


Even a rookie wouldn't take any longer than an hour to finish something as simple as slaying five slimes. This leaves me scant time to clean up this... this veritable flood of my spent swimmers writhing on the wooden floor.

I can't even imagine her reaction if she saw this. I'd never hear the end of it, and Goddess knows she'd tease me like no tomorrow if our brief interaction thus far is anything to go off of.

Hopping out of the wooden chair quicker than silver, I toss on my pants and run out to the storage room where the cleaning supplies are kept. I grab a towel in hand and dash back to the mess, managing to soak it all up nicely. The problem now is the smell. In my desperation, it slipped my mind to grab a cleaning rag and some scented soap.

I run back to the closet and remedy my mistake before setting back to work on the floor and scrubbing with all the intensity I can muster. Not even a third of the way through cleaning it, I very plainly hear the sound of Sam groaning outside the Guild.


I scrub and scrub with what little time I have left only to be interrupted when Sam steps in. Now that I have no time left to clean, I stand up and walk towards her in an attempt to intercept her. If I can cut her off now, I can hopefully delay her from sensing my shame.

Now that I'm walking towards her, I suddenly notice Sam looks like shit. The runaway Princess is now covered in sweat, red-faced with exhaustion, with gobs of blue slime dripping off of her skin and what little armor she wears here and there.

Looks like it went well, if not a little rougher. That's alright. After all, this was her first quest; even Slimes can be troublesome for beginners who don't know what they're doing.

Smiling professionally, I adjust the bowstrings of my collar and greet her like a true Guild Master. "Welcome back, Adventurer. I take it the quest was successful?"

Sam's face becomes tensed with annoyance and shame. Even before she says it out loud, I can sense my presumptions were wrong. "Well, y'see... um. Funny fuckin' story, boss..." She nervously scratches behind her ear and turns away from facing me, doing her best to avoid eye contact.

"My apologies, it was wrong of me to assume." I try to make Sam feel a bit better by reaching out to pat her on the shoulder, but I hesitate. It's probably not a good idea to invite such familiarity between us. Not with the bizarre sexual tension clearly brewing under the surface.

Sam immediately huffs up to defend herself. "Those little blue goo fuckers were TOUGH, alright?!" Her emerald eyes flare, and her fists clench. "They kept DODGING and Dodging, and... and... RRRGHHH!"

She's taking it pretty badly. I feel a bit sorry for her, despite being wary of her potential anger issues.

I should have considered this. Melee warriors do tend to struggle against Slimes at lower levels, especially if, like Sam, they use big heavy weapons that are slow.

She probably hit them once and then couldn't hit them with the follow-up attack needed to finish them off. That'd give the Slime time to regenerate fully and go on the offensive. "What was the problem? Not fast enough for the killing blow?"

The Princess drops her anger and replaces it with disappointment. She crosses her arms conservatively, looking away once more. "Nah. I couldn't even fuckin' hit them in the first place..."

I raise my eyebrow. "Have you considered a lighter weapon?" She can't be THAT bad with a great blade considering she got her license with it, but one can't help but wonder.

It seems that my suggestion sent Sam into a panic to prove herself, making her draw her tremendous sword over her shoulder with ease out from the sling on her back. It's clear to me that she's strong enough to use it, at least. If she didn't have the raw power necessary, there's no way Sam could pull her sword out and wave it around so effortlessly.

Yet her expression is manic. Stressed, even. "N-No, don't worry about that shit, Boss! I'm not an amateur or nothing, I swear! Just you watch, I-" She raises her arm, intent on swinging her sword.

"No, Sam. Please. I understand that you're skilled with the great blade, so I urge you not to continue. A demonstration is NOT requi-"

Disregarding my advice, the young warrior does a practice swing ending in a downward arc that smashes into the floorboards below. I can now firmly confirm that she's not even that good. It was a horribly sloppy swing with no proper form behind it.

I don't know how much more of this I can honestly take... while having myself a deep breath in an attempt to steady my mood, my right eye begins twitching from the sheer stress of it all.

"See? Told ya I know what I'm doing!" Sam smiles and poses, utterly oblivious to my inner suffering. "It wasn't me. It was those Slimes! They're just so tricky, and... uh... Boss?" Somewhere along the way, she notices my tensing expression and stops in her tracks.

I snap, grabbing her by the slim strap connecting her breastplate to her pauldrons. "I'm going to give you one warning and one warning only. Stop. Fucking up. My guild. Understood?"

The blonde Princess just stands there, staring and trembling as my piercing eyes stare daggers into her soul. She bites her lip and meekly nods her pretty little head up and down, bobbing those cute twintails of hers as she does so.

"You ruined my door. You ruined my desk, and now this?" I extend a hand towards the damaged floor, and Sam shrinks in retaliation right away. "If you can handle your sword to that extent, then why couldn't you defeat a couple of Slimes, hm? Are you some kind of fool?!"

"N-No, I mean... uh... yes..." Sam begins sweating as I lean in even closer with my threatening glare, no longer caring about the distance between.

"Say it."

"I-I'm an idiot...!!" She smiles an odd smile, almost as if she's enjoying this...

Because of my frustration, I don't pick up the implication right away, and instead, I just keep pressuring her further. "Good. Say it again, Sam. For good measure."

"I-I'M AN IDIOT, DADDY!" The young woman says in a breathy daze, a maddening red blush coating her cheeks. Her eyes are glossed over to the point where they look like they're covered in an addling fog brought about by her own burning-hot arousal. She opens her full, round lips seductively and says, "I-I'm so sorry, I promise I won't break any more shit! Please, PLEASE don't get rid of me, Daddy..."

In a single instant, I reflexively let go of her strap and take several steps backward. "Are... are you fucking getting off on this?! What is wrong with you!?"

"Look, I know my type, alright?" Sam smirks, face still full of lust as she closes the distance between us. Clinging to my vest like a puppy trying to garner the affection of its owner, she looks up into my eyes, saying, "Don't tell me you're done telling me off! That was... fuck, that was everything I've ever wanted..." Sam sighs a long, dreamy sigh of contentment as I start to realize this girl might just, in fact, be hopeless.

"STOP! Stop, just... tell me how your fucking quest went, alright?" I pull away once more, and this time, Sam follows my command, albeit with great reluctance.

"Yeah, sure." She tries to shrug off whatever spell of arousal she just went through, and she straightens out her posture. "It's like I said... they were just too dang fast, and I sorta kept missing... there's not much else to it besides that, Boss."

"You missed every single time?"

"Yes..." A deep and significant frown uglies her beautiful face, and I see now that I should probably go a bit easier on her. Sam is actually upset over this for whatever reason, whether she's ruminating on her own skills or is upset at the possibility of letting me down.

"Great." I sigh, cradling my forehead in the palm of my hand.

Just when I thought I was out of the woods, Sam takes a step forward and places her index finger on my chest. While not as playful as before, she takes on a smirk and looks my way. "Least one of us was able to finish our quest, though, right?"


"Don't be coy, Boss. I can smell it. Judging from how strong it smells, it must have been one HELL of a load, too." She giggles after tracing a little heart shape on my pec, her eyes lighting up with delight up as she watches the blush rise in my face.

"It was a normal amount, I'll have you know...!" I tell her, but it falls on deaf ears. Sam doesn't buy it, and her smirk continues to grow. Much to my surprise, though, her teasing face softens and returns to how she was just before she left. Concerned, comforting, and gentle.

"Do you feel any better now? I was really damn worried about you, ya know..." Looking into her striking emerald eyes soothes me, and I hang my head with no small amount of shame.

"...Yeah. I feel a lot better, actually." I offer her a weak smile in response, which seems to be enough for the young Princess, who backs off for now and gives me some space.

"Good. I hope I was able to help out up there... Daddy." Sam winks and sticks her tongue out at me.

I refuse to dignify her teasing with a response, and instead, I adjust my shades, giving her a severe look. "I'm more worried about you right this second, honestly."

"Wha? Why the fuck would you be worried about me?"

"Because you failed the easiest bronze ranked quest I possibly could have given you. If you can't clear such a quest, then it doesn't matter if you can wield a great blade or not. You're not cut out for this." My words hang in the air, and I watch as Sam gulps out of nervousness. I push a little further to make my point, saying, "How in all the realms did you even get certified as an adventurer when you're clearly so inexperienced?"

In an effort to convince me, Sam puffs her chest out. "I asked nicely."

"Try again." I say while giving her a comical bop on her noggin with my fist.

"Gah- alright, I asked nicely... by giving the Guild Master in Perlshaw a big bag of gold I stole from my father." Sam says, looking away and rubbing her head where I hit it.

I fill my nostrils with air, breathing in deep and holding it for a good five seconds before exhaling long and hard. Ok. This is worse than I thought, but I'm already in too deep. Sam... this young woman is my last shot at having a functioning Adventurer's Guild.

She's rough and unpolished. Sure. I can work with that. If I can just manage to toughen her up to the point where she can start making the Guild a stable stream of income again, it'll all be worth it.

No time to start working on this goal like the present. "Come on," I tell Sam while grabbing her wrist. "We're leaving, Sam."

The young Princess wasn't prepared for this, and she blushes at my sudden contact, although she does not protest in any way. Instead, she follows after me while I continue to drag her away possessively. "Boss, where the fuck are we going?!" She asks in confusion.

I look over my shoulder and tell her very bluntly, "To work."