The Rune of Safe Passage

Arcane technology is a very fascinating thing. It's not very widely spread due to the lack of mages learned enough to produce it, but I've seen some interesting things. Some of the Guild has arcane tech, such as the bath and shower system, or the lamp by the bedside, but I've heard of all kinds of devices out there in the richer parts of the kingdom. In particular, right now I'm reminded of something I believe was called a 'blowtorch'. A tool that's used to weld metal and spews flames as hot as dragonfire. Fascinating, really.

I'm much too scared to open my eyes right now because I'm terrified of seeing what's actually being done to me- but a blowtorch slowly circling around my dick is the closest guess I can come to. It makes a perfect ring around what used to be my cock, and then at the top side I feel a little pattern being drawn. That's the most painful part, and I'm not sure how I keep myself from passing out but as soon as that my dick feels like nothing ever happened.

There. Zutiria's text reappears and I open my eyes. The tip of her finger is glowing blue until she blows on it, a small burst of steam escaping as she does so.

Terrified, I look down at my little brother to be greeted with the sight of my brand new tattoo, apparently. There's a cute little magic looking black heart in the center, and a black band circling the circumference. Before I can ask any questions, I look to Zutiria and see 'Rune of Safe Passage. Take a guess at what it does.'

"Besides make me scream so loud that I damage my vocal cords as badly as yours?" I quip with ragged breath and an itchy throat.

Zutiria giggles, the first time I've heard her do so. She sounds so adorable that I almost forget the searing pain I just went through on her account. It would be rude of me to say, but I think it hurt a lot fucking more than anything she'd feel from our size difference. But if it does what all the context clues are pointing at then the little mage is right. I probably will thank her for this.

Sam lets go of me after judging that I was alright-ish. "So does it like... make him fit, or what?"

'Yes. He'll fit in anything now and it will remain tight no matter how long the hole is used. The girl will feel it reach the back of her natural depth, and then through arcane spatial dimension warping and perception alteration, he'll- ok I should probably stop. The pain probably killed the mood enough without my lecturing.' Zutiria blushes and looks away.

"So basically when I fuck girls who can't handle my full length, when I hit the natural back my dick enters the pussy realm and I'll be able to keep pushing." I laugh absurdly loud, remembering what life was like just barely over a week ago. "Fucking fantastic."

'In cruder terms, yes. I can give you one that does the same thing for blowjobs if you'd like, Sir, I just have to-'


Zutiria playfully smiles. 'I thought as much.'

Damn. She can be a huge tease sometimes, herself. Sam has some competition.

"What was your last condition? Surprisingly, I'm still raring to fuck you."

Sam reaches down to my dick and starts jerking it playfully. "Can confirm. Hard as fuck down here even with the bitchin' new ink."

'Well... the fourth one can wait for now. It's not important...' I see her become shy and reserved for all but a moment, until she swallows her meekness and looks back towards me. 'Please don't hold back. I want to take this opportunity to try and work on my voice. If at all possible, make love to me hard and... and get me to scream.''

Zutiria pumps her fists up determinately and Sam is very fucking into the idea. "Oh FUCK yeah, I'll help too!"

"If that's what you want, then. You promise you'll be mine?" I lean forward, locking the comically insane pain I just went through away into my vault of repressed memories. A sudden magic tattoo isn't going to keep me from my destiny any longer- and by destiny I mean Zutiria's pussy.

���Yes. I don't see any problem with that.' Zutiria takes off her glasses and sets them to the side, smiling up at me. My first real look into her cold blue eyes sends a slight chill down my spine and into my heart. In a way they're just as piercing as my own, and in them laid an undeniable darkness hidden somewhere deep below the surface of their ice cold depths.

Before I could make any further observations, Sam scoots behind the mage and pulls her head into her lap. Zutiria looks but can barely see past the heaving pillows of Sam's chest. Regardless, the tomboy smiles and reaches out to spread her best friend's legs out for me.

"She's all yours, Daddy. Claim her like you did me."

Fuck, this was hot.

Zutiria closes her eyes, steeling herself, and I can't help but study the perfectly smooth and shaven pussy presented before me. The little lady's is much smaller than Sam's but equally as wanting. She's drooling and the wetness of her pink lips urges me forward. This is no time for hesitation.