Make it Official, Maybe

I feel an awkward tension creep into the room as I sit there with Zutiria, unable to gauge what her intentions might be. It's almost unnerving how few tells her body language has, especially since I'm very much used to being able to size people up whenever I look at them.

"Is this about last night?"

'Yes and no. I really did want some time alone with you without Sammy. Since we presumably have a lot of things to do today, I figured now was the best time.' The corners of her mouth raise ever so slightly into a faint grin. That's very reassuring. I was afraid she was upset at us...

"Did you sleep alright, Zutiria?" I reach up to stroke her hair just as I did the night before, and like a cat she nuzzles up into my touch.

'I slept better than I can ever remember. Thank you for asking.'

"Happy to help." I lean in and kiss her cheek just as she did for me only moments ago, and watch as her face loses a sliver of its icy demeanor.

'You... really don't hate me then, Sir?'

"Zutiria. I said I was going to make you my woman, didn't I? Do you think I'd half heartedly change my mind that easily?"

She frowns. 'You know that talking like this isn't normal, Sir. People don't feel magically pulled to one another and become bound for life just from fucking once or twice.'

I can only nod my head at this. I don't think I've ever been in love before I met Sam or my lap-mage. Crushes, sure, every child had those at one time or another. But I was never close enough to another girl to develop a sense of romantic yearning for her.

I'm aware that I'm kind of rushing things...

"Yeah. I know. If you don't mind my saying, this is all kinds of bullshit from my perspective, too. It's more than just my egotistical desire. There's some kind of magic or destiny involved here..."

'I'm aware. I could sense a magical attraction pulling my attention when I first laid eyes on you, Sir. It's hard to resist, but if I wanted to I certainly could. Don't ever forget what that means- I chose my words carefully.' She blushes, the atmosphere changing into one of palpable romance.

Unlike casual and rowdy Sam, Zutiria has a way of making my heart go crazy.

Both girls are amazing and I love them to the heavens and back, but I'm much less used to dealing with Zutiria's charms than I am the Princess's.

I decide to respond to this the only way I know how.

My hands move up to Zutiria's waist and I push her off of my lap down onto the sheets below, already stained from the night before. She looks up at me expectantly. I don't want to disappoint her, so I pin her to the ground and eclipse her from above.

"You had a fourth condition to being my woman. What was it?" I lean down and whisper my deep voice into her tiny ear as breathily as I can.

'Forget it. After what you've already done for me, I'm all but yours at this point. N-nothing else is necessary...' The lavender haired mage cuts off eye contact with me apprehensively. Curiously, she blushes even harder than I expected her to regarding this line of questioning.

It makes me want to push further.

"Tell me."

'Nnn... Sir. It's embarrassing. Don't make me...'

I lift Zutiria's chin, forcing her to meet my piercing stare. Her lips are trembling and I can only smile in response.

I've changed a lot, thanks to Sam. I'm starting to like being a 'bad boy'... Or something like that.

"Tell. Me."

She whimpers, surprisingly loudly. 'I just... thought that maybe... you should... if you really wanted me, I mean... then you could... maybe just... nnn-'

"Maybe just what?" I don't let up and I press my morning wood downwards, taking her by surprise and causing her to whimper slightly and blush once more.

'If you wanted me to be your w-woman then shouldn't you be responsible and m-m-make it official or something, Sir?!' She bites her lip and continues trembling beneath me.

"Wait." Did she just...?

'You see, Sir, it was just a dumb idea. A-and it's not something that would have been fair to Sam to bring up. She found you first and... well...'

I lay down beside her and place my hand on her hip. "Polygamy is legal in Karnalle, you know. Most civilized realms don't give a shit who you marry or who you fuck as long as it's not hurting anyone. If you're implying what I think you are then it's not like Sam would have to be left out..." I would think she'd know this, but I remind myself that although Zutiria is older than me she's still very sheltered and after last night, I'm sure she's a bit stunted in certain areas as well.

'Sam can't just marry a random stranger. You know why...' Her lips become pouty and she presses her small hand to my cheek.

"Shit. Yeah, it would... probably not be a good idea to just randomly elope with a Princess." I casually let it slip, and Zutiria just nods. It's not a big deal. It was fairly obvious that she knew that I knew so it's good to get it out in the open.

'Then again... I don't think Theo would really care if you actually asked him.' Zutiria raises a finger to her lips and looks away deep in thought.

Wait a fucking second.


As in Theostus Lundreame, the King of Karnalle...?

There was so much in that simple statement that I can't be asked to unpack it right now.

'I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't want to make this morning so weird... I just... really did want alone time with you... and... was hoping to become even more acquainted with your body.' She blushes and rolls over on top of my torso, looking down at me with a seemingly blank expression betrayed only by the redness of her cheeks and the quivering of her lips.

'Please tell me I didn't make things so weird that you don't feel up to a morning romp...?'

I'll admit. Things were indeed made quite fucking bizarre thanks to the little lavender lady. She just casually dropped that she wants to marry me, implied I should ask the King of Karnalle himself for the Princess's hand in marriage, and I have no idea what in the hell that would imply.

Wait a second. If I did that, and Zutiria was right and the King really wouldn't care, then... wouldn't that give the Guild a gigantic advantage? He'd have a reason to invest in Dewhurst's Adventurer's Guild again... but... no. Using Sam like that? I can't even entertain the thought of using her as a stepping stone just to further my career. She's a Princess, she's probably already used to being treated like a political tool on a chessboard for all I know. She doesn't deserve to get that from me, too.

But hypothetically, if I could marry them both...

"Of course not." I grin. I must look really stupid right now, smiling up at Zutiria while daydreaming about how amazing it would be to have her and the young blonde as my willing wives... "I'm still more than ready."

My erection grows further and hits her on the back of her tiny butt, making her anticipate our coupling all the more.

'Good.' She smiles, and leans back to pull my boxers off.