Discussing Future Plans and Maids

So it turns out I got my ass filled up for nothin'. The next day Boss, Zuzu and I all went out to do our daily quests and test to see if the butt pounding had any magical effects and wouldn't ya know it, not a thing. I guess Boss was too tired after shooting his thick load off in my ass to check if my butt did the magic glowy thing, but it is what it is.

At least I started to like it towards the end... but ugh, me and my stupid mouth. I just wanted to take charge! I've been a lot more submissive than usual lately thanks to Zuzu hanging around. She knows how to get in my head and make me into a good little girl... I'm more in control when it's just me and Boss.

I've been a lot happier since Zuzu got here, though. I mean sure, sometimes she wakes me and Boss up in the middle of the night when she's crying and tossing around, but it's hard to stay mad at her like that... She's been staying with us for about a week now and we've been working our asses off ever since.

Hell, we've been working so hard that Boss made us take a day off even though I was all like 'fuck that'. I put up a good fight and in the end he settled on me doing some of the less shady quests submitted by the townspeople. Finding lost kitties, serving as additional security for a local tavern for a few hours- shit like that. Nothing too big of a deal and I guess it did kinda help me to not have to run around the meadow killing slimes for a day.


Even though we're working and screwing nonstop I feel like Boss is getting more and more frustrated by the day... He doesn't act out on it or nothing, but I can see it in his eyes.

Am I not doing enough? Am I... failing him somehow? I couldn't live with myself if that were the case... It's hard for me to admit it to anyone else, but I'm terrified of letting down the few people that are important to me.

Not after everything I've been through.

So I decided I need to do something about Boss's mood. This morning after our lovely fill-up session and follow up bath, I resolved myself to ask him directly instead of beating around the bush.

"Boss, you've been looking a little stressed the last couple days. I mean yeah you usually got that broody thing going for ya but uh, it's less charming and more sad than usual."

He wipes the last remnants of breakfast from his lips with a small handkerchief and glances my way with a dumbfounded look. "I'm... not sure what you mean, Sam."

Zuzu sits to my side on the dining table and as she sips a warm cup of tea, she nods her head. 'Yes, I was going to ask about this as well. I have some guesses as to the reason for your mood, Sir, but don't play coy with us.'

I watch him as he sighs and then removes his glasses to face us sincerely. "Look, I didn't want to talk about this because it'd probably be upsetting for you to hear."

Shit. I already got a feeling that I know where this is going...

"Well... you can tell us anyway. We're a team, aren't we?" I smile and pump my fist up into the air, trying to get some positive vibes out.

"Yes, well..."

'Go on. Out with it.' Zuzu finishes sipping the last of her cup and daintily rests it on the wooden table. Gods she's so cute, even when she's being completely serious.

Boss leans into the table before he says, "I just keep worrying about how... this isn't sustainable. What we've got going on so far."

He waits for us to say something, but we just nod our heads. I do it a hell of a lot less calmly than Zuzu.

"We're pulling in a steady flow of work but it's just enough to float three people by, even when you take into account that you two eat about half as a normal person. I'm not upset about that, though, and I'm not sure I'd even say I'm upset in general. I'm unsatisfied. But not in the way you're probably thinking."

"You mean...?" I gulp out of stress, my breath getting a bit shaky. I can't let Boss down. I can't. I've already let Father down... and he's let the Kingdom down, even if they don't know it. I can't be like him... I...

Zuzu takes my trembling hand under the table, clenching it tightly and I snap out of it. 'Let him finish, Sammy.'

I nod my head and take a drink of the delicious, sweet coffee Boss made for me. He's always taking such good care of me and I... no, no. Zuzu is right. He's not done talking.

"You're both doing amazing- it's not about that. Please don't think I'm upset at your performance or anything. It's more along the lines of... we've got such a long way to go, hundreds upon hundreds of improvements we need to make until the Guild is back to a bare minimum state of efficiency. I'm just stressed because I'm focusing too much on the future instead of focusing on what we can accomplish right now."

The feeling of dread flies out of my gut as if it were never there at all and I sigh. "You're using your big head too much."

I watch a sexy smirk lift up the corner of his mouth. "I��m aware."

'So the only ways to fix this would be more adventurers who can take higher paying quests, or for Sammy and I to become strong enough to take them on ourselves.' Zuzu looks down at the table, sadly.

"This is why I didn't want to talk about it." Boss shrugs and reaches out across the table for our hands. We look at each other and each of us grabs onto the one offered to us. "Sam, you don't know how to fight. I can't teach you that, my books only taught me the very basics. And Zutiria, it's not like I can just ask you to stop being handicapped. You're already doing well past what I would normally expect either of you capable of."

"Do you think one of us should head to some neighboring villages and scout for other female adventurers, Boss?" I lean in, eager to help.

"That might not be a terrible idea. It would be less weird than if I were to approach them myself, certainly..." His gaze becomes thoughtful and distant from us, like he's drafting a hundred plans we couldn't even dream of. "But I don't expect it would help very much. We don't have that many adventurers who live locally to begin with. When this region has a problem we'll get a quest notification, sure, but it'll end up sending one to Perlshaw and the other closest guilds as well."

Boss sighs, deeply and heavily before continuing. "And even if we did get more adventurers we couldn't accommodate them. My bed is getting fuller by the week, and we have no housekeeping staff to clean out the additional rooms."

'So is that our next goal then? Getting enough funds to hire some housekeepers?'

I start thinking really hard. An idea comes to me and I smile, Daddy'll like this one for sure. "What about buying some Catgirl maids? Aren't those all the rage these days? Back home, my Father was practically collecting them."

Zuzu tilts her head. 'True. If you bought housekeepers instead of hiring them, then you wouldn't have to pay them. Not in coin at least...'

Boss looks less convinced. "You aren't seriously suggesting I just buy some Beastfolk, are you? Isn't that... kind of immoral? Just buying another sentient being to do work for me?"

I wave my hand dismissively. "Nah, it's what they were bred for after all. Nothing's stopping them from taking off if they get treated badly, y'know."

'From what I know, when their realm was discovered ages ago a chunk of the Beastfolk population chose to be domesticated. They saw our warm, comfy homes and looked at their wild, untamed jungles and the choice was obvious. Nowadays they breed themselves and sell the offspring to ensure they all get into good homes. And just in case, the Breeder tribes are very, very vengeful if they ever pick up a hint of abuse...'

His expression changes, he's thinking about it! "Alright, sure. Thanks for the history lesson. My question is why cat maids, though? Cats are generally lazy pieces of shit who lay around doing nothing all day. Breeding them to be maids seems... counterintuitive, at least to me."

'Sir, that's... I'd advise you to be more culturally sensitive around any Catgirls we end up buying. Honestly.' Zuzu adjusts her glasses and blushes.

"I'm kinda with Boss on this one... I've never seen any of Father's maids cleaning, come to think of it... Unless you count cleaning his- er. Y'know what? Moving on." Ugh. I just reminded myself of some things I'd rather forget.

Thankfully, Boss is able to let that one slide. "Well, I'll consider it... I won't deny it sounds like a decent proposal on paper. But that still leaves a number of problems for us to solve, like-"

"Hello?" A mysterious voice steals the attention of everyone in the entrance hall, and we all look towards the main door... or more specifically, at the gaping hole where I kicked the door down. I wanted to look cool and make an entrance, ok?