The Power of the Royal Bloodline

Boss sets Zuzu down on the grassy ground delicately, like a precious doll or something, before running hastily to my side. Wish he didn't have to see me like this, it's not exactly my finest showing. I look like... I dunno... something that looks shitty. But not just shitty, like... SUPER shitty. I look bad, and I kinda hope he still thinks I'm pretty.

A-Anyway, I think the spell wiped Zuzu the fuck out, she hasn't said a word. She was already on the verge of passing out when our first round was over so thank all the gods in all the realms for her managing to cast another spell... especially a vocal one at that.

We all might've died without her just now.

"Can you get up?" He hunches over me, extending a hand for me to grab. "You need to get in there and strike the killing blow. There's no way I'm strong enough to do it."

He must have some serious confidence in his masculinity to admit that so readily to the girl he's sharing his bed with, heh.

But he's right. Even I could barely do any damage without straining my entire body for all it's got. I grab his pain... I mean his hand... and stand up painfully painful pain pain pain "OW, FUCK!"

As he pulls me up I stumble, my muscles giving out and sending me back to the ground below if it weren't for Boss catching me mid fall.

"Sam..." He looks at me with intense concern, UGH I HATE feeling so useless, normally I'd trade my left tit to be held like this in his arms, but right now it's just so... nnnggggghhhh...

"I pulled like... All of the muscles."

"... Is that so?"

"Yes... Please tell me there's a fucking healer in this shitty, blight-infested, asswipe of a town..." I sigh and push away from him, doing my best to steady my feet and stand on my own. Every muscle in my body, including some I never knew even existed, protest the action with everything they've got, but I need to finish this. I succeed by the skin of my teeth and somehow manage to avoid falling on my ass.

"Yes, don't worry Sam, I'll take care of it..." He frowns and places an arm on my shoulder. I swat if off, gotta stay focused. "Normally the Guild isn't supposed to cover the expenses of wounded adventurers without a proper healer's plan, but it's a terrible, predatory system and I don't want to force it on you. Especially when you don't accept payment from the Quests you take. I'll pay all the costs so please rest assu-"


Boss does a double take as I interrupt him. He's apprehensive, he doesn't think I can do it. He'll see. "Sam..."

"THE FUCKING THING NEEDS TO DIE, RIGHT?! SO GIVE ME THE DAMN SWORD!" I shout, hoping for him to get it together and do what I say.

He doesn't like it but after I yell at him and put him in his place, he does what I command. Boss clumsily drags my sword across the ground to me, leaving a ragged trail of cut earth in his wake.

It's way too heavy for him, which would be cute if I weren't so fucking mad, impatient and ready to kill this piece of shit wolf.

"Fuck yeah." I grin. "Time to finish the quest in style." Step by painful step I make my way to the vainly struggling wolf encased by ice. It's squirming, ain't that fucking pitiful? Ain't it just the best?!


It deserves my fucking sword down its throat. Or maybe I should gut it? It tried to eat me. Tried to eat MY man as well. No one else fucking touches him. NO ONE.

Gods, really though how should I kill it!? Slowly? Painfully? Hell yes. Hm, Gutting it would be awful ironic for a beast that hungers with no end. Oh, maybe I should torture it and watch the light fade out of its devilish, creepy fucking eyes bit by bit...? Wait no, I already popped those fuckers with it's own damn fangs!

"Heh... hehehe... HA HA HA HA HA!!" I fucking burst out into a fit of laughter, holy HELL I'm gonna enjoy this...! Using the last of my strength, I get ready to raise my blade-

Only to be stopped by Boss suddenly reaching out and grabbing my hand firmly with his, pulling me away from my sword..

What the fuck? Did he just... no. No, no no. He couldn't have... but he did...



How DARE he touch one of Royal blood such as myself without my express permission? I don't care if he's my man or not, I will NOT be manhandled as such. What a weak piece of SHIT- he's not even strong enough to lift my sword and he thinks he can stop me?! What. A. Joke!

I should fucking teach him a lesson he won't soon forget, I- Wha... what? What... the fuck... is wrong with me...?!

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Sam? This... isn't you."

He's right... Why am I thinking these thoughts?


He sighs and takes his glasses off, revealing the sternest expression he's ever given me. I instantly feel bad. I can already tell that I... I failed him. I'm so sorry, Boss, I-

"This is just like that time in the village chief's house. That look in your eyes, Sam. You're crazed... blood thirsty. You need to stop before you fall even deeper."

"But... it was going to eat you..."

"Yes, and it deserves to die!" He shouts at me, making me wince. "But not from you fucking impersonating a certain psychopathic butcher!"

Fuck, that fucking stings... but he's completely right...

Boss looks me right in the eye point blank, making damn sure with all his might that he stares straight past them into my heart and soul. "Kill it. But don't you dare fucking enjoy it, Sam. At least... not in the way you were about to."

"Slap me."

Boss is dumbfounded, and the serious expression leaves almost instantly. "... What?"

"C'mon, Boss! Slap it outta my system or I won't be able to finish it off the right way!"

He nervously looks away. "I... I can't just hit a woman, Sam, not outside of a sexual context at the very least. I mean honestly, I-"

"SLAP ME BEFORE I STAB THE DAMN THING 49 TIMES AND SHOVE MY SWORD UP ITS ASSHOLE!!" GODS the thought is so fucking awesome- I wanna kill it... and kill EVERYTHING that so much as even LOOKS at me the wrong way, I-


My cheek stings as Boss's huge-ass man hand slaps me a right fucking good one, and my eyes start to water as soon as he does it. I stumble a bit but I firmly grasp my sword, grit my teeth and bare it. I don't fall, falling is the enemy and I do NOT fall..

"Ngh. Fuck yeah that's better, Boss." I grin and flash my fang to him tiredly. I'm back, for now at least.

"You good now?" He asks with great concern. I feel sorry already for what I just put him through...

I don't answer, I just jump onto the struggling wolf's spiky back and after making sure I got stable footing I take a deeeeeeep breath.

Using what little power I have left from... whatever the hell that just was, I stab my great blade straight down into the Brood Wolf's neck and after wrestling with its thick, wiry fur, I drive it past the rough hide and cleanly sever its spine. My blade pokes through the bottom of it's throat, and just as easily I slide the sword out

It howls a massive death howl, blood spurting from the wound like a macabre fountain. I jump off the dying wolf and barely land on my feet... My body still hurts, and I mean really, REALLY hurts.

Gods, I just realized I'm gonna be smelling like wolf blood for fucking WEEKS now... I don't miss much about home, but I'd kill to just soak for like... a day in the royal hotsprings... fuck...

Boss runs to my side yet again. My breathing is ragged, I'm kinda scared, and I don't know what the fuck's going on with me mentally, emotionally or whatever the fuck else.

Naturally, this leaves me with one burning question in my mind.

"You're gonna squeeze a FUCK of a lot more than 17k from that potion junky after this, right?"

He laughs and nods his head. "When I'm done with him, he'll be lucky if he keeps the house."

"That's what I fucking wanted to hear, Boss." I laugh really damn loud for a really long time before kinda just passing out then and there in his arms.