A Lovely Lap to Lay Upon

Alright, in retrospect maybe that was a bit aggressive.

I certainly didn't think Meri would fall back and pass out on the spot. Sam looks back at me concerned but laughing all the same.

"So you knew she was there the whole time?" She asks.

"Are you mad?"

Sam shakes her head and smirks. "Nah, it just woulda been hotter if you told me."

"You would have played it up too much if you actually knew someone was watching, though."

"Fuck, you're probably right... So... she WANTED this right?" Sam gives me a slightly apprehensive look as she lifts Meri's pants and moist panties up back in place.

"Yes. We sort of... flirted last night, and I've got a pretty good handle on her feelings towards me and lewd things in general now. If she didn't want it I wouldn't have- ... Sam, stop playing with her tits." I sigh and shake my head at the Princess who's groping the unconscious Shield Maiden.

"Fiiiiine." Sam disappointedly sighs and stops feeling Meri up. "Want me to put her away in her room?"


After that fun little episode, Sam seems to be in much higher spirits.

It's late afternoon now and the Princess decides to go on a round of quests seeing as how her training didn't leave her exhausted, rather she's raring to let loose some energy. We used to not be able to leave on quests so late into the day since at night stronger leveled monsters start cropping up, but Zutiria's invention changed things.

Thanks to the power of the Return Gate, my weak Guild girls can head off midday and not have to worry about when it gets dark out.

We're both in the entrance hall, and Zutiria has been napping for quite some time now. The Little Sir has procured a napkin from somewhere and is now taking care of his mistress's growing puddle of drool. Such a diligent rat.

Sam is itching for something else to kill, and it just so happens there are a variety of other monsters in the local Dewhurst wilderness that require slaying. I do think she's improved since I first met her, so I don't mind sending her on something else on her own. Not something as dangerous as the Pinemen, but... hmm.

I look through the quests on offer from the Association of Adventurers and pick out a decent one. "Here. Happy Gerblin hunting."

Sam gets excited as I hand her the paper for the quest to show her the reward, 40G a kill. Not a good rate, but it's to be expected for such a low level threat. "Alright! Finally, I get to go kill me some goblins! Feels like I'm becoming a real adventurer now!"

"Gerblins. Not Goblins." I correct her and shake my head. "Gerblins are the infantile form of male Goblins, and they evolve into them after aging and growing stronger. After that point they may further evolve into one of hundreds of different subspecies. Hobgoblins, Biggoblins, Greater Blingobs, Aquablins, Goboboblins, Gerboblin-blins, Lobloglins, Rapelins... really, the bloody fuckers have a variant for just about every imaginable purpose."

"Hold up Boss. Did you just tell me to go and kill baby Goblins?" The naive Princess looks at me with apprehension.

"I'm sorry Sam, did you somehow manage to miss where I pointed out that they could one day evolve into a species that we literally named Rapelins? That wasn't a joke. I'll get you the damn book if I have to."

Sam sighs and scratches behind her head. "I'll go kill the baby Goblins, then..."

"Good. No special advice is necessary- they're weak to anything that typical humanoid infants would be. Kicking them in the face, cutting them in half with giant blades, parental neglect. You get the picture."

Sam finally takes off for her Gerblin slaying, and I feel the need to check up on Zutiria. When I softly shake her, the Mage stirs and asks me to take her to bed. Naturally, I do so and even tuck her in.

We probably need to have Zutiria alternate her training days until she's more physically fit. Since her training is just basic strength training it's not like Nikita actually has to be here for it, and we need her working on quests as well.

Just as I make my way downstairs once more, I see Opalina opening the front door. Never a dull moment it seems.

"The new door looks lovely, Dear! Had some spare time and I wanted to check in and see if everything was going alright." She smiles when she sees me, but she's still clearly worried about the situation.

"Let's go to the office, I'd like to relax on the sofa for a while..."

"Of course. You look like you need it."

When I'm alone with my beloved Doctor, I sigh and let everything out. She lets me lay my head on her lap while I vent while she strokes my scalp with her skilled fingers lovingly.

I tell her about how it went with the Dwarves yesterday, about Gwin. Naturally about the handjob, too. I have no reservations telling Opalina anything anymore and I'm sure she'll come to know about Gwin sooner or later anyway so there's no use treating my new Dwarf romantic interest as a secret.

Opalina was very jealous and made me promise to lend Gwin to her for a back massage at some point. I pointed out that she could just magic her shoulder pain away but she insists that it wouldn't be as fun. Having experienced Gwin's magic hands myself, I'm inclined to agree...

The beautiful woman consoles me about how things might become more difficult from here on out, what with my apparent enemy badgering the village into not sending in new quests.

We're essentially back to square one regarding that matter... The only quests I can send my girls on are standard kill quests and standard fetch quests issued by the Association of Adventurers.

That's not too big of a blow, but I'm worried that the item shop will follow Shatterbrew's lead and not do business with me anymore.

Opalina notices my mind is working on overdrive.

"There, there, my love..." She strokes me diligently as I sigh. "It'll all get better. You're a smart man, you'll think of something." Opalina leans down and kisses me on the lips tenderly. "You always do."

"I may have some ideas..." I admit and nod my head upwards at her.

"Of course you do. Go ahead and tell me."

"If the locals won't turn in quests anymore, then I need to speak with Abner and see if I can't pressure some information out of him." I doubt there's any significant info that can be gained from the village chief, but there's little else I can do. At least not within Dewhurst itself. "If that fails then I might need to take this issue higher up the chain of command and make an appeal to the Lord of the Province up in Dawnstead."

Opalina grows concerned, looking as if she has to say something but doesn't want to upset me.

"Dear, I don't mean to burst your bubble but I don't think he's likely to get involved. I told you the man has been ignoring Dewhurst for years and years now..."

I sigh once again.

"Yes, I know... which is the other problem. I think I could convince him if I made a better name for the Guild, but it's hard to do that without better quests. We would need something else, like..."

"A Dungeon?"


Opalina sighs. "You know as well as I do that there aren't any Dungeons around Dewhurst, and there haven't been for some time. Are you planning to just wait for one to pop up?"

Her words don't have the greatest impact on my motivation and I grumble at the thought.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to manage your expectations..." Opalina frowns, not meaning to have upset me.

It's true, though. The only Dungeons in the area have long, long been picked clean and there's no telling when the Goddesses will bless us with a new one. Maybe I should just ask her, but then again she's been rather quiet lately...

'Shut up! I've been busy!' A voice calls out to me from within my heart. 'You think I don't have better things to do then watch over you every hour of the day?'

My eyes open widely and Opalina tilts her head in response. "Dear?"

I don't answer her, my inner conversation is more important right now.

Can you create a Dungeon for us? Up till now you've just done whatever, but if you're actually trying to help me, then...

In her typical annoyed tone, I get the feeling that the so-called 'Goddess' rolls her eyes at me. 'Listen, there's a limit to what I can do to help your sorry ass but I'll look into it I GUESS. Since things look desperate for you and all that...'

That's not very helpful, you know.


I sigh, seems my brief moment of mental conversation with my mysterious benefactor is over.

This piecemeal conversation is getting old. I'd really like to have a long, drawn out talk with whoever this being is but seeing as how I'm just a mortal there's nothing I can do about it besides roll with the cosmic punches.

I'm halfway tempted to join Sam in meditation next time to see if it'd help me reach back...

"Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?" Opalina giggles from above and she snaps me out of my brief trance.

"Sorry. Someone was feeling more talkative than usual and it was important."

The older woman shakes her head back and forth. "I just can't understand it. I know you're telling the truth Dear, but why would the Goddess have such a vested interest in you personally...?"

It hurts to think about, but I have a pretty good idea.

My supposed destiny...

Defeating the Demon Lord.

Even with Opalina I'm not ready to broach that topic so I just groan and shrug from within her lap. "Who knows?"

Opal is a very smart woman, and she can obviously see right through me. But she's also kind enough not to pressure me on the subject when I'm clearly not comfortable with it. I'm very thankful for her at times like this.

The two of us then begin discussing the Grekkan whirlwind Opalina set loose in my home, and she begins to blush a bit from embarrassment of her friend's actions. "I even made her promise not to do anything too crazy, too... Nikita said she'd keep things mild."

"It scares me to think about that... You're telling me that breaking into the Guild and beating up all the girls was her idea of mild?" The thought is so absurd that we can't help but laugh.

"I do hope the girls didn't hold it against her." Opalina's face becomes worried, and I get the feeling that she cares about Nikita an awful lot.

I shake my head. "She knew what she was doing. Sam, Zutiria and Meri are all motivated to hell and back after her actions."

"That's so good!" The good doctor laughs huskily, figuring this might have been the case. "Nikita's going to be helping you out from now on, then?��

"Yes. She killed one of the rogues who were apparently spying on us and needless to say I'm a lot more confident knowing she's in my corner. She left before I could give her some, but I really should have given her some of Zutiria's Returners..."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. She could get here quicker than Hermes if she wanted to."

"Any chance she'd be interested in becoming an adventurer, you think? She'd easily make Gold rank from the get go." I laugh sarcastically, but I'm surprised when Opalina returns with a soft and distant expression.

"Dear, I know you're joking and all but please don't go asking Nikita to do any sort of fighting. She's in a rough place, even if she can't bring herself to show it."

Huh. Odd, I didn't get the feeling that she was hiding some sort of deep inner pain or anything... it's not like my eyes can read every person like a book but typically I can pick up on signs like that. But if Opalina insists on it then it must be true.

"I'm sorry." I meekly offer her in response.

"You're fine, Dear. I'm just worried about her. I've been treating that mercenary almost as long as I've been treating you, you know." She giggles proudly while clearly reminiscing.

I figured Nikita was around my age, but asking didn't really come up in any conversations with her.

Eager to change the topic, Opal perks up and looks down at me.

"And how is Meri today? I would like to get to know her soon if possible!" She clasps her hands together in delight like an eager mother who wants to spoil and dote on her new adorable daughter.

"She's... um... indisposed."

Opalina gives me a look indicating I better clarify what I mean by that, and when I explain last night's flirting, her interest in my lewd books, and her blatant voyeurism coupled with her clear interest in trying my magic cum... Well, even Opal can't hold back laughing when I tell her about what I had Sam do.

"Don't traumatize the poor girl. If she needs someone to talk to about her developing sexual curiosity then by all means send her to the clinic, alright?"

"Of course." I didn't mean to upset Meri, and I don't think it did. But I guess we'll find out the truth whenever she sees fit to wake up.

"You know, Dear... speaking of the clinic..." I look up into Opalina's face and see that her smile has turned all but sadistic. "I don't have to be back for another hour." She whispers with her low, husky voice while licking her lips.

If there's anything I truly have to be thankful towards my mysterious Goddess for, it's granting me the stamina and bottomless balls to keep up with all these lovely women in my life. Despite having just gone a round with Sam scarcely over a half hour ago, Opalina's teasing gets me right in the mood to get right back to it.

I spend the rest of Opalina's free hour for the most part being at her every whim. I think this is going to be a trend every time I sleep with her... she thoroughly dominates me and makes me almost regret my decision, but at the very end right before I reach the pinnacle of pleasure and coat the mature woman's insides with my burning desire... I catch a crimson eye and a yellow bow peeking in from a newly formed crack in my office door.

Seems like Meri's going to be just fine after all...