There May Have Been a Misunderstanding


Ok... ok Meri, calm down... you're just upset after another hard day of training... stand firm... stand firm.


I thought for sure that a-after what Master had done, he was going to be more aggressive... so I've been trying to give him more opportunities to r-really lose control and take me for himself...

You know, maybe if I locked my door h-he'd want to break it down... or... if I turn around to run away m-maybe Master would want to grab me by the shoulder a-and ask where I thought I was going...? And then he could drag me away t-that huge bed of his and...


I-I've really lost complete control of myself ever since Sam kissed me with his... cum...

After it happened I've been too shy to ask Master for any new books so I-I've been sneaking them out of his bedroom and reading them like crazy... I don't think he's noticed since I'm going after the ones that he's hidden in his closet... I've... um... noticed that that's where he keeps a lot of the dirtiest ones...


I-I didn't know a single kiss could turn me into this much of a pervert... didn't he warn me that his c-cum was addictive, too?! That's it! It has to be his fault! It's not because of me that I've become so l-lewd all of a sudden... yeah... right...


Ha ha ha...


Thankfully, I'll have something to keep my mind occupied from all these pervy thoughts soon. We've had three days of training this week and Master has decided that tomorrow it's time for my first kill quest! He'll even be coming along to see how I do and give me advice, too!

I've never heard of a Guild Master accompanying adventurers on a quest before... he keeps surprising me more and more every day... just thinking about it kinda makes me blush, honestly. I-I hope I don't mess up and look uncool in front of him!

Sure, I'm a little bit more comfortable now that I've actually had a couple days of training from a pro under my belt, but... the training has just been me tanking blows and dodging for the most part... I haven't actually worked on the fighting part of things yet.

I'll do my best, regardless! I do hope the monsters I'll be going up against aren't too scary at least, t-though...

The rest of today goes by like normal.

I hang out with Zutiria and S-Sam, who's been very handsy with me ever since we kissed... Gosh her lips were so soft... um... I've gotten to know both of them a bit better during the six days since I first arrived.

Zutiria is a lot older than she looks, a-and she's always really nice to me. Sometimes when Sam gets too clingy she bonks her on the head with her staff and Sam backs off... for a while. She has a pet rat that's dressed up like the Guild Master, too! He's so cute!!

T-the... the rat I mean... oh...

As far as S-Sam goes... What the heck am I supposed to say?! She's a Princess and I'm just some hick girl from a farming village filled with old country bumpkins!! B-But she keeps calling me cute and she kissed me and s-sometimes I catch her drooling while looking at my boobies a-and...

Honestly she can be just as scary as Master... b-but... I like her a lot... I wish I could be as outgoing and casual as her.

I never really had friends near my own age and- w-well ok Zutiria doesn't really count there but she's close enough. My point is that even aside from the... m-male attention... I feel like I fit in really well here. Both of my Guildmates have seen to that.

After a day of hanging out we all have dinner late in the evening and I wait for the nightly routine to begin... the Master retires with Sam and Zutiria to his bedroom and I... spy on them...

H-he did it before, so if I keep doing it he'll snap again and drag me inside, won't he?! Master?!


Another night passes and he didn't go after me... so once he's done with Sam and Zutiria and the lights are off except for his bathroom light, I sadly go back to my dorm room and... sigh... read more naughty books while p-playing with myself...


It doesn't matter how rough the books are or how dirty they get, it's never enough to make me... y-you know... Hwaa... I still haven't found a way to make myself c-cum, even if I play with my c-clit! Am I just not good at it?

Defeated, I turn in after trying for a couple of hours on end... I'm sweaty, stinky, and desperate... I just want him to break in and rough me up, already! It's not faaaaair!!!

The time for my first Dewhurst kill quest finally arrives the next day.

It's a little past ten, we've all just eaten and Master even gave me a bit extra so I'd have more stamina for the task ahead!

H-he's always complaining about not being able to feed us anything special but... I think he's a really good cook. Chalk it up to my simple country girl tastes, but... I'll eat just about a-anything.

Once we're all well fed, we all huddle around Master as he sorts through the big stack of quests that arrived from the Association in the mail today.

Some payments for past quests came today too, so he has Sam take a couple of sacks of gold into his office for him...

T-This town is scary as heck, so I'm a little surprised no one stole any of the bags of gold. Why does our currency have to be so big, bulky and inconvenient, anyway? It takes a wheelbarrow just to make big purchases! S-Sometimes two!! Forgive my language, but Gold is d-dumb... I mean sure, there are magical ways to carry large amounts of gold around but those are expensive and-

"Meri? Helllllooooo? If you don't say anything I'm gonna kiss you again~"


I jump back. S-Sam shoved her face close to mine while I was lost in thought... h-her lips are puckered and if I just leaned in a little bit more we would've been touching... again.

Master reaches over and pulls Sam away from me by one of her pretty twintails. "BOSS STOP THAT SHIT HURTS AH-"

I awkwardly twiddle my thumbs. "S-sorry, I was... um..."

'You're fine, silly girl.' Zutiria smiles at me in a really calm and nice way... she has the Little Sir in her hand and... oh my Goddesses, is she teaching him how to drink from a little tea cup?! How cute! 'I'm sure you're just gearing yourself up for the battle ahead.'

"Huh?! Oh. Y-Yes. Yes indeed."

Master looks at me after releasing Sam's twintail and I can tell he is a bit concerned. About me, n-not Sam, I mean... "We can put this off for another day or so, Meri. I don't want to rush into questing if you're not ready."

I shake my head determinately. "No, I'm ready! I-I think. Readier than I was when I first came here, at least!"

'You'll do just fine. I'm sure we won't have you facing anything too hard.' Zutiria says as she pats my head. I-I love it when she does that...

Sam sneaks away from Master's grabbing range and surprises me with a h-hug from behind. "I'll be watching your back VERY closely, so don't be afraid..." She grins and whispers into my ear b-but she backs off before she gets chastised.

Master sighs and sets down all of the quest papers on the table. "At first I thought I'd have you do Slimes, or Living Fungi like I've had these two start off on, but I figured it might be good to pick on something simpler. A Slime might slip away from you in your bulky armor, after all and you might have problems avoiding the sleep spores of the mushroom men."

I nod my head as I follow along with Master's thoughts, but Sam tilts her head. "Why not have her hunt some Gerblins with me?"

"Do you really think poor, innocent little Meri could stomach those nasty things on her first kill quest...?" Master looks back at the princess gravely with a bit of sarcasm and Sam's expression changes.

"Ok, that's a fair point..."

"I-I'm not that innocent!!" I blush, unsure of why I felt the need to say such a thing.


E-everyone laughs at me when I say that... e-even the Little Sir is squeaking in a way that kind of sounds like a laugh.

"Trust me, Meri. Gerblins are fuckin' gross." Sam clasps me on the back and sighs.

"Alright... what did you have in mind for the quest then, Master?"

'Please, tell us. I'm eager to get going for the day.'

Master picks up one of the papers and slaps it down on top of all the other ones. The illustration on it depicts a creepy looking caterpillar thingy... I don't like it... I know it's kinda cliche to be afraid of bugs and I'm normally not, b-but this monster is just... yikes! Maybe it's not that scary though? Master did choose it himself after all...

"You'll be hunting Murderpillars."



He didn't say what I think he did, did he? Murder plus pillars... murder meaning to kill and pillar being part of caterpillar... so... M-M-M-MURDEROUS CATERPILLARS?!

I can't stop myself from shaking. Stand firm... stand firm...

Sam laughs at me, Zutiria pats me on the head again and Master continues talking. "Oh, don't worry. The adventurer who discovered these monsters was a famous prankster who thought it'd be funny to name a low level threat something really scary. They're mostly harmless.


"Entirely harmless to you specifically. They don't have a thing in their arsenal that could possibly break through your armor. They'll shoot sticky white webbing at you, sure, but that's about it."

"Sticky white w-webbing...?" I gasp deeply.

No way... could this be...? Is this some sort of c-code?!


I know what's going on here...!!

So THAT'S why Master is tagging along...!! He wants to see me covered in these monster's webs b-because he's such a scary pervert!! Master... you play such... such devious games... but if that's what it'll take to get you to jump me Master, then I'll do it!

"Yes, I understand completely!" I stand up and pump my fists up to my chest and make a determined face.

"You're so enthusiastic! You must be really raring to go after all that training this week, huh?" Master smiles as he stands up from the table and adjusts his glasses.

"U-um, yes! Yes that!"

Sam smirks as she and Zutiria both stand up after him, the Little Sir scurrying back under his mistress's cute little beret. "Well let's get on the road, then! I'm hoping to see if all that meditation and shit actually has any effect on my swordplay."

'Imperalis wasn't built in a day, Sammy. You're not going to see results just by reading a couple of books.'

"I know, Zuzu! Don't be such a buzzkill. You're just grumpy cause your muscles are sore!"

'Only slightly.' Zutiria yawns cutely, yet very quietly... I've heard her say a few spells before a-and I've heard her moan, but I bet if she could talk fully she'd have such a lovely voice.

Master leans over on the table and looks me in the eyes directly. It makes me blush b-but he's being so serious so I can't look away this time... a-and then he... he takes my hand...! Is this finally it?! Is Master going to pull me into his bedroom and rough me up to wish me good luck?!

Is... oh my Goddess is this really what my life has become?!

I blush bright red, even more embarrassed than usual. H-How did I become so desperate in just a single week...? I bite my lip, but Master surprises me and gives me a tender smile.

"I know you're nervous and I might have pushed the boundaries with that... special kiss, and I wanted to apologize and just let you know I'm very proud of the progress you've made in your training this week. I picked this quest because I know you could handle it, so don't let me down alright?"


W-wait. Was he worried I didn't want h-his cum? Oh Gods, is that why he hasn't been chasing after me despite all the chances I gave him?! He was too worried that he scared me off!

I feel like there's been some sort of horrible misunderstanding here!

Master, how could you possibly get that silly idea in your head...?

"O-Of course! I'd never let you down on purpose!" I start sweating nervously.

He... smiles back warmly at me, and his glasses slide down off his nose a little bit. He's looking at me with those pretty, piercing pupil-less eyes of his and... I-I feel a shiver coming.

Unbeknownst to me, Sam and Zutiria pull aside and whisper to each other. W-Well, Sam whispers. Zutiria just sends her secret messages only she can read.


"Yeah, Zuzu?"

'This has gone on long enough. He's too worried about Meri's feelings, and Meri is falling into some sort of addled depravity due to her own inexperience. She's trying to send him the right signals but she couldn't be doing a worse job of it if she tried. The time is nigh.'

"I've been waiting for you to say that...!" Sam smiles and offers her Mage friend a fist to bump. Zutiria responds in turn with a limp, weak fist bump that somehow damages her weakened muscle.

While me and Master are staring awkwardly into each other's eyes. Sam approaches the end of the table and reaches out to grab both of our heads in her gloved hands.

"Now kiss~" She smiles evilly a-and... and...

Pushes the two of our faces together using her extreme strength, our lips instantly meeting with a small peck... which... um... after the initial shock and surprise, uh... it...

Q-q-quickly escalates into f-full on making out... oh... my... goddess... tongue... in my mouth... in... HIS mouth... tastes... nnngh...!! My heart... is beating... so... fast!! He's so forceful!! I-I can't lose to him!! I... I!!

And then Sam pulls us away from each other. I stand there awkwardly staring at the man who took me in almost a week ago, watching as the strand of drool connecting our lips falls onto the table.

"Heh." Sam smiles at a job well done.