
"Dear. Even if you can get the village chief to sign off and submit a dungeon registration form, you know there's no way in all the realms I'm letting you send those girls in without a healer, right?" Opalina stands over me as imposingly as she can, staring straight into my eyes as I lay down compliantly on one of the patient beds in her clinic.

Meri, Sam and Zutiria all have their own beds nearby. It was a pretty rough day for everyone, all things considered.

Sam had it the easiest and is just chilling out but Zutiria needed a small treatment for her throat and her exhaustion. Meanwhile Meri tore a ton of her muscles thanks to her massive final Reflect, and I'm just generally still feeling abysmal thanks to my pseudo heart attack.

Opalina is in a very stern mood, but she still patches everyone up like it's nothing at all.

"Honestly, you all should have warped back home as soon as you saw that thing. I don't care that you won, I care that you're somehow alive. I don't like the idea of you all taking giant risks like that when you don't have to." She sighs and puts her wand back into her coat pocket before leaning against the nearest wall. "Especially you."

"Who, me?" I ask sarcastically much to Opalina's annoyance.

"You shouldn't have gone along at all, Dear." She says in a progressively threatening tone.

"M-Miss Hart, um... Master was just looking out for us all and... m-mostly me..." Meri meekly manages to add, at risk of catching Opalina's ire next.

Opal raises an eyebrow, "The new girl calls you Master now, does she?"

Meri blushes and stammers while trying to explain herself, Sam laughs and Zutiria just sighs. 'It wasn't his fault things ended up this way. Something weird happened with the monsters again, according to him.'

"What does she mean by that, Dear?"

I explain how it wasn't the right season for Greater Murdermoths to shed their skin, and compared it to the behaviour the adult Brood Wolf exhibited a few weeks ago. She seems interested.

"I suppose you might be onto something, but that doesn't give you an excuse to keep putting yourself on the frontline. You're not some Hero leading the charge, and you won't ever be." Opalina sighs and puts that as nicely as she can.

"I'm not trying to be a Hero, I'm trying to guide them and relay information as the battle unfolds. I've no interest in doing the combat myself."

"Yeah, I just can't see it." Sam shakes her head. "Boss? Swinging around a sword...?"

'Perish the thought.' Zutiria mockingly gasps.

"T-That wouldn't make much sense to me, either..." Meri admits and hangs her head.


Opalina laughs at me playfully and rubs my head.

"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence everyone." I say as I roll my eyes.

The good doctor regains her seriousness and asks, "If you really want to watch over them from afar there are Mages who specialize in that kind of thing, you know. Though they don't work cheap and I'm assuming you're looking for a more stable solution than a crystal ball."

"Yes, but it's no matter. We have more pressing things to handle right now anyway."

Opalina sighs and shakes her head. "There's no way Abner will submit a form to the Association to register this new dungeon, you know? Not with the Duke putting pressure on him."

Sam is naive to all this so it's no surprise to me when she asks, "Why does it matter if the dungeon is registered or not? Can't we just storm in-" She stops mid sentence as soon as Opalina gives the Princess a threatening glare. "A-After we have ourselves a healer, of course...?"

'I'm rather interested as well, I must admit. Give me the details of yet more of the Guild's unnecessary bureaucracy, Sir.' Zutiria looks at me and it's gotten to the point where I legitimately can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not.

"Dungeons are the property of the nearest town they spawn in. They need to be properly submitted and classified by the Association before groups of adventurers are allowed to go dungeon crawling in them." I sigh, having to recite yet more policy. At least this example is less egregious than some of the other things I've had to drone on about. Ascertaining the danger level of a dungeon instead of just allowing anyone with a sword and a deathwish inside is just common sense really.

"T-That sounds fair enough." Meri nods her head.

"Normally I wouldn't be so upset about this... but I know we don't have much chance of getting the dungeon registered. Not with how things are."

The atmosphere in the room turns dark and foul, as if we didn't just have a big victory a few mere hours ago. I don't mean to drag things down by any means, but the thought alone is more than enough to sour my mood.

Inside that dungeon lies danger, yes, but also has Goddess knows what sort of treasure.

Dungeons are often the result of Gods or Goddesses becoming bored and having nothing better to do than watching would-be heroes struggle against the odds like it were some sort of sport. They create challenging, dangerous monster-stuffed layouts and fill them with magical artifacts and treasure. Any adventurers who delve even just a bit deep will be rewarded heavily for their courage, both with physical treasure and a certain measure of fame as well.

If we had access to a dungeon then there's no telling what sort of power ups Sam, Zutiria and Meri could get. Needless to say the treasure would help tremendously with our monetary issues, too.

But I'm at war with the Duke of Dewhurst, and there's no way he'll allow me to simply beef up my soldiers with magical artifacts. Not if he can help it- and thanks to fucking bureaucracy he can. I was already planning on visiting Abner, but now I suppose I'll have to make time for it.


"You don't think the local lord m-might be able to submit one, do you?" Meri suggests. "Um... if he's in the Duke's pocket too then nevermind then... just trying to be helpful."

"That could work, right?" Sam excitedly sits on the edge of her bed.

'I get the feeling that it's not going to be that easy.' Zutiria sighs quietly out loud.

"You're right. I've already told Dear not to expect any help from Lord Gloomcrest." Opalina sighs and shakes her head yet again. Geez, would it kill anyone to make the situation a little less grim for a while?

"And why are you so sure?" I ask. "You were all but certain the other day when I asked you about going to him. But you didn't explain why."

"Because I've met him in the past, multiple times. He's a good man but very distant, solemn and introspective... He used to be much more involved in his Province and twenty years ago I imagine he'd never have let Dewhurst fall into the state that it's become... But these days he's... well, I can hardly blame him after everything that's happened. Poor man never even leaves the sanctuary of his castle." She sighs.

"I had no idea you were friends with the Lord of the Province." I tilt my head.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Dear." The mature woman simply winks and blows a kiss my way, much to my embarrassment.

"Why the fuck did he change so much?" Sam groans. "It'd be real fuckin' nice if we had SOME sort of ally with some political sway around here."

I can agree with that...

"What, you mean like the King?" I sarcastically tease her and narrowly avoid the pillow the Princess throws at me.

'Whatever the case, people change. It's not our business to pry.'

I nod my head, "Sounds reaaaal relatable. Like I could grab a beer with him... Guess talking to Abner really is the only option here."

"I mean, we could also like... NOT report the dungeon..." Sam whistles innocently.

A cute thought, and I won't lie. Under normal circumstances I might've agreed with her, but...

"Just because Nikita threatened the rogues following me around doesn't mean they aren't still watching. If I did something so brazen, there's no chance they wouldn't use it against me and report me to the association."

"Shit..." Sam groans and falls backwards against the bed.

Zutiria stretches, dusts herself off and gets up off of her mattress before grabbing her staff and her kill trophy bag. 'I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready to head home... The day has been long and full of creepy crawlies, and I am ready to be done with it.'

"Head... home..." Meri looks at me and bites her lip expectantly.

That's right. Amidst all the excitement of the day I had almost forgotten that Meri and I were going to talk about that kiss and where we're going from here, but a part of me thinks that isn't even necessary at this point. I have a rough idea of what she wants, and... I have some ideas on how to give it to her.

As Meri becomes lost in her daydreams, Opalina gives me a coy look and smiles. She leans over and whispers into my ear as soon as I get up off the bed, "Is it happening?"

I blush a bit and nod my head excitedly. "I believe so."

The older woman smiles a devilish smile, "Well you kids have fun tonight, alright? Don't get up to anything I wouldn't." Opalina escorts us out of the clinic with that cryptic line.

"Bye Mom!" Sam jokingly waves as we leave.

When we make it back to the Guild for the day it's half past five. Our excursion was a long and tiring one even after we got healed by the good doctor and I speak for all of us that it's very good to be home. Unfortunately I won't be able to relax just yet, someone has to feed these girls and that same someone has to file an arbitrary amount of paperwork. Joy.

Better to take care of dinner first.

"Sam, Zutiria, I could use some help in the kitchen." I lie.

Both girls notice that this is a strange request for me to make, but I urge them again and thankfully they listen.

And then I tell them my plans for Meri this evening.

"Holy SHIT, Boss. You sure she's gonna be into that?" Sam is concerned, but it hardly shows behind her visible lust. She couldn't be any hornier for Meri if she tried.

'Sounds about right to me, considering all the books she's been reading. Just ease her into it and when it's time we'll be there to help, Sir.' The little Mage is more chill about it but I can feel some enthusiasm coming from her words as well.

Seems everyone's just as excited as I am for a new bedmate to share our massive mattress with.

Dinner comes and goes, and it's time for me to get to the paperwork. Of course I issue a small warning, first. "Meri. Do the dishes, please... and meet me in my office in one hour. No excuses." I say this as coldly and plainly as I can right after finishing the last bite of my steak and standing up from the table.

At my words Sam and Zutiria each blush a tiny bit and sneak off upstairs to prepare the room as per my instructions.

"Eh? W-what do you... ah... ok...?" Meri tilts her head and blushes with confusion. Since she thought this might be her special night, I'm sure being ordered around like this will send her some mixed signals. Especially since I've never asked her to do anything housework related before.

All part of the plan.

I want to keep her on her toes so that what happens next really throws her for a loop.

When I retire to my office to fill out the necessary paperwork for today's quests, I find myself staring at the shining bottle of ambrosia that Nikita gifted to me. The Goddess herself referenced it when unveiling the dungeon to me, so I guess that really does verify one thing at the very least.

The mysterious voice guiding me along really is a Goddess, and not some bored Mage playing a prank on me. Otherwise there'd be no dungeon and they certainly wouldn't be excitedly expecting a gift of ambrosia from me.

If I only had more time I'd make the offering right now, but I have no idea how long that might take and I'd prefer to have my Shield Maiden tonight rather than a new round of Goddess induced stress headaches.

I'll make the offering tomorrow when the girls are out doing quests. I've decided.

I scribble and I scrawl my way through countless stacks of paperwork as per usual. Gods what I wouldn't give for a secretary to do all the basic yet time consuming nonsense... It's like an endless uphill battle with these things, but thankfully I'm able to finish just a bit before the fated hour is up. There's a knock at my door.

"M-Master...? I'm here..." Meri meekly calls out from the other side.

"Come in."

Meri approaches, she seems to have changed into her sleepwear after she finished with the dishes. The young Shield Maiden is wearing some very tight pajama pants that hug her curves and a pretty, white camisole.

Her face is already entirely red from the moment she steps in. She knows what this is about, even if she doesn't know what exactly I'm about to do to her.

"Um... about this morning... I... I've... never felt this w-way about someone before a-a-a-and I... y-y-you... m-m-me..."

Poor Meri. Don't worry. I'll make this much simpler for you.

"Come here." I order with a firm voice.

"Y-Yes." The short haired brunette hangs her head and approaches slowly, dragging out the sense of anticipation even further. When she reaches my desk, I pull something out from my drawer and stand up to greet her.

"Meri." I lean over the desk and slowly remove my glasses, taking in the beauty of her young, round body full of delicious curves with my naked eyes.

"M-M-Ma... Master... I..."

I put my finger over her lips and go, "Shhhh."

Meri nods her head weakly in compliance, though she averts her gaze, blushing madly.

I circle around the desk to stand face to face with her and taking her hand into mine, I place the smooth, black satin blindfold Nikita gave me the other day into her hands.

Meri instantly becomes even redder as soon as she realizes what I just gave her and she looks to me in an unsure panic.

"Put it on before I make you put it on."

This is a crucial step, as if she showed any signs of being uncomfortable here I would stop entirely and treat her to an entirely normal and loving first time.

But Meri isn't normal.

She doesn't want a loving first time.

She's a pervert, and upon her face is the smile of a deviant eager to please her Master.

"Y-Yes, Master...!" She says in a dreamy tone and hastily slips on the blindfold, cutting off her sight from the rest of the world.

"Stand in the middle of the room now. Go on."

She almost starts drooling as she gingerly makes her way over there, and she stands at the ready. Good.


There's a silence as the perverted smile becomes a touch concerned, albeit no less perverted.




Meri bites her lips and ever so slowly reaches at the bottom of her camisole, pulling it up slightly and giving me a glimpse of her adorably chubby tummy. She's slow, shy and nervous, but she's entirely beholden to my whims.

I'm about to see my lovely Meri fully naked for the first time, and I can scarcely control myself...