The Next Steps

Dinner went well, I think.

Sam, Zutiria and Meri each eye the food the kitties prepared and after eating it we agreed that while it wasn't bad by any means it'd need work to get up to my level. I don't even consider myself that good of a cook, but the girls have always argued with me otherwise.

I can see where they're coming from, but we all agree that Cherry's lamb is the exception to dinner that night. There wasn't a single complaint about it and everyone loved it, myself included.

"So? I-I happen to like cooking... what of it, nyaa?" She tried to downplay it by blushing and crossing her arms, but the praise just kept coming until she was forced to accept it reluctantly.

I briefly go over what we're planning to do tomorrow. For the three lovely adventuresses, they'll go out and do some quests after we all have a talk about my eyes and the Bond Levels. While Nikita didn't say if she'll be coming over for training tomorrow, I tell them they won't be doing any.

We just spent 200,000G of the Guild's savings and we need to start making some more back. The money from the Murderpillars, Murdermoth, and Sam's Gerblins should be sent in soon from the Association and that'll roughly make us around a bit over a quarter of that big purchase back.

We're going to need more money to bolster our defenses against the Duke. Even now I'm annoyed that my plan to chop up and sell the different parts of the Pinemen isn't possible unless I somehow convince Gwin's family to help me out... and I doubt they'd be very keen if they found out she was already doing a lot of shit to help me and the girls out behind their back.

I hope Opalina is successful regarding her negotiations with Lord Gloomcrest, if we had some sort of official backing then the local shops might not refuse us just because the Duke put pressure on them...

As for the rest of the agenda tomorrow, Cherry and Peri will start their official housekeeping duties. I'll be home all day to supervise if either of them need me to. I'm hoping that I end up not needing to, but we'll see how that goes.

They'll begin by sweeping, mopping and polishing every last inch of the entrance hall, or at least as much as we can. It needs no introduction, it's where we spend most of our time together. It's a large room with four lengthy horizontal tables on each half of the room and on the left side is the stone structure Zutiria made, the Return Gate.

There's a shitty rug that leads from Gwin's custom made door all the way to the ruins of what used to be the front desk. The one that our dear Sam savaged her first day here. Really need to see if Gwin's up for making a new one eventually.

On the back wall is the staircase leading the second floor where my bedroom and a number of guest rooms lay, originally meant to be used for the staff's living quarters. Behind the desk is the door to my office, and on the right is the door to the kitchen. There are also two large entrances to the two other wings of the Guild that I've scarcely mentioned.

To sum it up, the east wing is the storage rooms, including the one we turned into a makeshift alchemy lab for Zutiria, and the west wing is primarily dorm rooms for adventurers who used to stay with us as well as a large lounge and some vacant rooms that could be repurposes down the line. There's also a wine cellar in the kitchen, as well as a large basement.

This Guild is a lot bigger than I may have let on, but I've never bothered describing most of it because I don't leave the main wing all too much.

It's a little naive to think that two little kittens will be able to maintain this place by themselves, but I think they can at least polish up the main hall to get it into a state where we can repair it. We'll start at the Guild's central hub and work outwards from there.

"We'll do our best, Myaster...!" Peri pumps her arms up determinately when I tell her the plan.

"I guess it can't be helped, nyaa..." Cherry sighs and looks away, but keeps glancing at me curiously on and off. For her sake, I pretend not to notice.

When I get asked where Nikita is, I mentioned that she was feeling off and that she might not be up to living with us even though she dramatically made a big deal of it during our big team meeting. Unsure of what to say, I just play it off and assure everyone that if anything bad were to happen she's still nearby and keeping an eye on the Guild.

"That's kinda weird. 'Specially since she had that big ol' Hero moment last night... then again, Niki DID fuck off to go drinking before it was all over, which was kinda shitty but whatever." Sam raises an eyebrow and thinks aloud.

Meri's concern grows and she frowns. "I hope she's ok... Nikita has done so much for us..."

'Don't you find it odd that she'd immediately change her mind, Sir?' Zutiria asks.

"No. She's got her problems just the same as anyone else, and this ties into them. It would be rude to insist." I sigh.

The Mage nods her head, perhaps thinking about her own problems and knowing how she wouldn't like it if I tried to make her do things against her will, either.

Situations like this are always difficult to navigate but at the end of the day I can't be expected to fix the heart of every broken girl who walks into my Guild now, can I?

Speaking of end of day, I lead the kitties into their temporary room for the week. Yes, that single room I cleaned up for Meri is getting a lot of usage even though the Shield Maiden has officially moved into the designated 'Harem' bedroom. There's also one for Nikita whenever she needs it but thankfully we don't have to split up the maids into different rooms.

Whatever problems they're facing together aren't severe enough that they can't share a bed and they insist that they'll probably wander around the house at night and find somewhere else to sleep anyway.

Better lock the bedroom door just in case...

Me and my girls all retire early tonight after dropping off the Catfolk, and so begins a continuation of this morning. It seems Zutiria and Meri are eager to take care of me too, knowing that Sam had her way with me earlier only spurs them on.

"I-I just became a part of your life, Master, so I have a lot of catching up to do...!" Meri insists.

'And I still haven't paid you back for taking care of me, Sir. I hope you're ready for a long night of... appreciation.'

"He definitely deserves it." Sam parts her red lips and licks around them in a sexy, appealing fashion for my pleasure.

"I should have depressive episodes more often if it means the three of you will spoil me this much every time." I laugh and look at them with mock seriousness.

To my surprise, Meri ends up jumping and hugging me. "N-No! This is fun and all, Master, but I don't... actually want you to be sad..." She frowns and nuzzles into my chest.

"Meri... I'm sorry, I was only joking." I stroke her short, brunette hair and frown.

"I've never been in a... a... relationship before s-so this is all new to me but... one thing I know for sure is that I wanna make sure you're happy. ALWAYS." Meri pulls away from me and looks straight at me with her flushed face and her big, watery puppy-dog eyes.

"Gods, Meri. Are you trying to make a habit of giving me heart attacks?" I mockingly clutch my chest.


'He's calling you cute, you adorable, neurotic, hot mess.' Zutiria pets Meri's head reassuringly.

"Oh... hahaha..."

"You're so wholesome and nice it just ain't even fair to the rest of us!" Sam snorts and shakes her head mockingly. "I feel like she should be punished for being such a slutty, unwitting seductress."

'Agreed. Sir always loves playing with his newest toy right after getting one, anyways.'

"You're making me sound creepy, again..."

"If the shoe fits!" Sam smirks playfully before she Zutiria both sneak up behind Meri and grab one of her legs each. They spread them wide apart and show me the slightly chubby girl's wet panties, letting the sweet scent of her body's desire linger in the air.

"W-Wait, not like this...!" Meri says with a smile on her face that betrays her true feelings. "Unless that's how you want it... Master..."

"What do you think, Daddy?"

'Tell us, Sir.'

"What do I think? I think we're going to have a very fun night together, girls."

And we did.