Peri's Horny Jail

Peri is being punished for destroying the door to our bedroom. She's been tied to her bed for the night, and Cherry is not to free her.

Luckily Gwin showed up a little bit later on, and while she couldn't stay with us too long, she was able to fix it up and meet the kittens. Gwin gets on well with everyone, so it's no surprise that Cherry likes her, and Peri got to greet her from her prison of lust. Gwin's apparently been busy assisting her family with constructing a large number of new brothels, and it's left her so tired that she hasn't felt up to dropping by in the last few days.

By the sound of things, clearly, our recent acquaintance with the golden dick has been busy.

Hearing that leaves me with a sense of apprehension I could have done without. Now I'm worried for the Besthal Pet Shop and the Breeding Tribe- especially since Sir Pimpington promised he'd be back later on in the week. I just need to remind myself that there's nothing I can do about it. Right now, I'm focused on myself and my own before anything else.

I offered to give Gwin a massage to help with her built-up tension, but the second I placed my hands on her mighty Dwarven back, it became clear that there was absolutely no way my weak human hands were going to undo her iron-hard knots. Sam probably could've worked some of them out using her barbaric strength, but Gwin left to go rest back at the Shatterbrew clan's home before the Princess got home. I offered Gwin a stamina potion from our reserves, but she stubbornly insisted we needed it more.

Nikita dropped by, too, much to everyone's excitement. Everyone except for Zutiria, at least, who shut herself away in her alchemy lab the moment she and Sam returned home. She didn't even so much as greet me, which is shocking, but Sam told me not to worry about her and assured me that their date went well.

Like Gwin before her, the Grekkan also didn't stay very long, only doing the check-in she promised she'd do. Sam and Nikita made some plans for tomorrow while she was here. Nikita wants to spend the entire day training Sam tomorrow outside of town- no meditation involved. Needless to say, Sam is thrilled about the possibility, and for the rest of the night, she was practically bouncing off the walls about whatever Nikita has planned for her.

I can't help but notice Nikita is remaining distant from me. Can't say I'm surprised given how awkward our conversation was the other day, but I also can't say I'm too happy about it either. I enjoy her company and wish I could lend an ear towards what's bothering her... but at least it's not affecting the duties she promised to perform for us.

Meri will also have a one on one training day with Nikita, too, as soon as we get her Bond Level up. It turns out that taking her anal virginity ended up giving a decent boost to her Love Meter, more than just regular sex would have. I suppose it's good to know that. It presumably represents a step forward with her trust in me, I would assume.

Tomorrow I'll spend another day with Meri and take her to see the mayoral debate. I'm sure it'll make for some quality entertainment if nothing else, and if not, perhaps we can have a day out depending on if any local shops, taverns, or restaurants will even serve me, that is...

Later that night, Cherry and I cooked dinner together and talked about Peri while we did so. I had a lot of questions to ask, and the prickly kitty was willing to hear me out.

"Has anything like this ever happened to Peri in the prior trial periods?" I ask straight off the bat.

"No... I've never seen her this aggressive about anything, nyaa. She's found previous Myasters we trial ran cute and all, but... Peri was NEVER forward or anything." Cherry replied nervously while preparing a pot of warm water to poach some eggs.

"So it really is just me, then? Hm... How often do you Beastfolk become so unbearably aroused during your trial periods?"

Her magenta eyes narrow, and her cheeks flush, "Never! You think we don't see the importance of holding off for a week before any sexual activity, nyaa? As much as we might want to bond with our Myaster right away and make it official, plenty of things can happen during a trial period. People can change a lot under the right circumstances..."

Cherry frowns and holds her arm to the side, somberly. Her ears droop down as she sighs and refocuses her expression to remain sober. "You're probably wondering what the heck happened to us, huh?"

"Yes, of course, I am. That doesn't mean I'm going to ask you, though."

"...Really? Most men would be a lot more worried about this kinda thing, nyaa. I mean, it's obvious Peri, and I have had some problems with other potential Myasters in the past. Shouldn't you be grilling to spill the beans?"

"No. Why?"

"To find out if we're 'used goods' or not..." She looks away from me with an angry expression.

"For the record, I don't care if you're virgins or-"

"WE ARE!" Cherry slams her fists down on the table, almost dropping the eggs.

"I know. I told you I'm good at detecting lies." I tap the rim of my glasses several times to accentuate my point. "You didn't let me finish. I was going to say that I believe you, but I'm guessing others potential Masters didn't?"

"...Not a lot of Beastfolk come back unadopted as many times as we have, nyaa. No matter what you say to potential adopters, it just doesn't look good when you tell them how many temporary Myasters you've had..."

I turn to face Cherry and see small tears welling up in her ears. I feel bad about asking now. "I'm sorry."

"...It's not your fault." She sniffles and scratches her nose with her paw.

"Would it make you feel better if I pet you, Cherry?"

"...D-Don't." She swats away my outreaching hand. "We don't want to put another kitty into horny jail now, do we... Myaster?"

I stare at her and watch as she looks at me with a slightly lusty look and big, sparkly eyes. It's almost too much for a weak man such as myself.

"You two are making this week VERY hard, you know that?" I laugh uncomfortably and pull at my collar while moving back to the steaks that need my attention.

I was sure she'd say nothing in regards to my teasing comment, but instead, Cherry smirks and apprehensively draws my attention by leaning down over the counter in a catlike way. She's clearly not comfortable about it, but she's... actually trying to be seductive. She spreads her legs out a bit and points her butt out to me. I can see the bottom of her tight cheeks poking out of her miniskirt, her tail swishing behind her. "I-I think you'll find out it was worth the wait when it's time for the mating ceremony... Myaster."

I gaze at Cherry, completely dumbfounded, and can hardly believe this is the same kitty who was hissing at me two days ago and calling me a rapist.

Neither can she apparently because after her brief streak of sultry behavior, Cherry realizes that she was totally teasing me, and she jerks upright and pulls her skirt over her butt with an angry blush rising in her cheeks. "FUCKING PHEROMONES, NYAA! Y-You didn't see that!" She hisses and turns away, going straight back to her work on the poached eggs and then quickly moving off on something else to do.

Zutiria did not join us for dinner, and when I checked on how she was doing, I found that the door to her lab was locked.

'I am undertaking research that will change your life. Enjoy the company of Sam and Meri without me for the night, Sir, and hopefully, I will have something to show you tomorrow.' Zutiria told me from within the comfort of her lab.

Sam said they revisited the bazaar, so she must have come across something Zutiria wanted amongst all those sketch Mage stalls. Not sure what she could have picked up with only 500G, though...

Meri had a rough night. She had to eat dinner sitting upon several soft, fluffy pillows, which clued Sam in instantly to what had taken place earlier in the day. The Princess demanded a high five for 'letting Boss into brown town', which, needless to say, almost reduced the poor, nervous girl to tears. Her continual teasing and vulgar remakes altogether made dinner a rather unpleasant affair thanks to Sam's inability to not be a bratty, obnoxious piece of shit.

I decided it was time to give Sam a little payback for biting off more than she could chew. After dinner had some time to digest. I snuck up on her Majesty from behind while reading her big history book of former Lundreames kings and queens. Before she had any time to react, I picked her up by her waist and threw her over my shoulder.

Sam yelps happily and thrashes about, but it's all in good fun, clearly up for whatever I have in mind. I called out for Meri to join us and informed Cherry that the Master and his ladies would be retiring for the night.

Perhaps that was a tad unintentionally cruel. The Catfolk looks a little upset at my suggestive comment, and after what happened earlier in the kitchen, I assume she'd prefer to be joining us. It's only been two days so far... we all have to be patient because if the Guild becomes more successful, then the fact of the matter is we will need an even larger dedicated workforce, and Beastfolk are the best choice for that since they only ask for room and board.

I do feel slightly annoyed at the situation. Peri clearly wants to mate while Cherry is coyer about it even if the signs are apparent. The consent is there, but it's not about permission. It's about respecting their customs and following due process. Curse my unwavering dedication to bureaucracy...

The rest of the night is a fun little romp where I push Meri out of her comfort zone to help me one up the bratty Princess. True to her word, Zutiria does not show up for nightly playtime... whatever she's doing in her lab must be more important than I thought.

I have more than enough on my hands, though. I help teach the awkward girl to be more aggressive, and although Meri's clearly bad at having power over Sam, she enjoys being ordered around by me.

Together we pin Sam to the bed, and we take turns sucking on her large, creamy breasts and exploring her body with our hands. Meri, an eager student, is quick to learn all of Sam's sweet spots as I show her which way the Princess likes it when you finger her insides.

Sam encourages her punishment even more by being a bigger brat and throwing out statements meant only to rile us up. Her taunts succeed, and the three of us have deviant sexual fun for what must be hours. Naturally, I finish off Sam by giving her ass a good fucking as hard as I can so the Princess can't make fun of Meri's pillows any longer.

After washing my dick off from that and locking the door to keep Peri out if she escapes horny jail, the three of us finally tire out enough to go to bed without our little Mage. Sam cuddling my left side, Meri on my right.