Unlimited Sexual Power

"So what exactly do you need me to do for this, Zutiria?" I look up at my lover with tense anticipation, taking in the sight of her beautiful body wrapped in exquisite, form-fitting lingerie. While she's an incredible sight to behold normally, her magic's pink luminosity brings out an even more sensual side of her.

Her beauty is beyond belief.

'Just relax, Sir. Let's get you out of these stuff pants, as well. Goddess knows you won't be needing them.' She gets off of my chest and slides down my legs to help glide off my clothing. 'Mmm, good. He's looking ready to go as ever.' Zutiria smiles as my stiff manhood springs forth from its cotton prison, eager for attention like it's never felt before.

"Well, it's not every day he gets to look forward to the delights of ancient sex magic."

'You're wrong, Sir. You DO get to look forward to the delights of ancient sex magic every day from now on.' With a teasing look in her eyes, she grips my rod and gives it a playful, light tug of affection. I moan and buck my hips slightly, eyes open from shock.

"W-What in the-" Holding back another more resounding groan, I bite my lower lip and writhe beneath her delicate touch.

'I haven't even used a spell yet.' She giggles softly under her breath, dragging the tip of her tinger across my flared, red cockhead. As she does so, I begin to sweat, unable to believe that such soft and slow touches could provoke such immense reactions from me. 'This is just me applying sexual mana to my skin.'

"It's... almost too much." My eyes clench right as the teasing Mage runs her soft fingertip up the length of my frenulum, playing with it like I were a puppet and my sensitive cock were my strings. "A-AH...! Won't... won't I cum a lot faster like this...?"

She cocks her head innocently to the side, pink eyes fluttering their long lashes at me. 'Not if I don't want you to. Besides, you have infinite stamina gifted to you from the divine, do you not, Sir?' Her smile takes on an almost threatening quality to it, and it strikes both fear and excitement into my heart.

"I'm beginning to wonder if that's a blessing or a curse."

'Let's find out.' Zutiria parts her lips from lust and leans down towards my cock, taking a deep breath. I feel the coolness of the air around me being sucked into her hot, wet mouth. I brace myself for her oncoming oral assault...

But instead, she simply exhales her breath against my twitching meat. The warm air from within her sensual mouth stirs around my cock, enveloping it in a comforting whirlwind of rampant ecstasy. It lingers far longer than a simple breath has any right to, twisting and churning itself against my sensitive skin. It's too much.

Without any warning, I begin ejaculating a thick and powerful load of burning semen with surprising ferocity.

"HAAAH?!" My hands clench the bedsheets between my fingers, and it takes all the self-control I have not to buck my hips straight up into Zutiria's face.

My gratuitous cum splatters all over my hips and midsection, and it doesn't stop anytime soon. It goes and goes, spraying like a bottle of champagne uncorked until I'm covered.

After fighting to regain my breath, I stare at the almost expressionless Mage. "What... what the fuck did you just do...?"

'Nothing. I just wanted to show you that I can make you cum whenever I want. See?' Zutiria leans down and inhales another breath of air, and blows onto me once again, but I feel almost nothing this time.

"And that's... that's not even a spell...?"

'Nope. Still just my mana.' Her pink gaze glows with mischief, and I feel trouble afoot coming from her direction. 'Let's give you another one... You deserve it, Sir.'

Zutiria reaches down with her pointer finger to touch the base of my cock, and trails it up the entire length methodically and confidently. Her finger feels soft, pleasant, and its warmth soothes me to my core with its unnatural, burning pink glow. This single motion drives me past the bring yet again. From a single touch, the budding Eromancer makes me erupt another batch of my bubbling ball juices, making me scream in delight.

"GGGRRAAAHHHG!" I strain and twist my body, cock pumping out milk like a hose while the playful Mage enjoys her work with satisfaction.

'Adorable.' Zutiria blushes wildly while watching me pant ragged for air. I try to speak, but she cuts me off. 'Another.'

Her tiny finger traces a devilish, zigzagged pattern up the length once more, this time teasingly swerving left and right to draw out the pleasure. Her magic, sexual mana-powered touch forces me much against my will to cum a third time in rapid succession.

By the time this third orgasm happens, my pelvis and abs are coated thicker and whiter than frosting on a cake. Gods, what a pitiful mess I must look...

Zutiria, however, seems to enjoy the mess I've become. She holds a finger to her lips and tilts her head, making a mock expression of innocence. 'Sir, whatever is the matter? Is my new talent too much for you? Why, I haven't even cast any spells yet.'

There's an almost sadistic glint in her mystical, pink-glowing eyes. I've never seen this side of her. That's mainly due to how she's been an utterly obedient sub in the bedroom until this point. Just seeing this glint excites me, as I would very much enjoy having my shit fucked up right about now.

"I'm still waiting for you to show me the true power of Eromancy, Zutiria. You've got the magic touch now, sure, but I want to see a spell."

'Bad boy.' She smiles, and her blush becomes stronger, 'Let's get you a bit more clean, first.'

The dutiful Mage leans across my legs and begins licking up my thighs, pelvis, and abs with intense precision. Her tiny, velvet tongue laps up large swathes of my cum with each stroke. She peppers her service with little pleasured moans and small kisses to remind me how tasty my mana-infused semen is to a Mage like her, and in due time she's cleaned me off for the most part. Whatever Zutiria didn't lick up will be absorbed by the magic bedsheets in a few minutes, anyway.

Thankfully, she decided not to infuse her tongue with her sexual mana while performing this cleanup service.

'There we go. You just keep laying there, alright, Sir? For today, we'll test out a single spell. I used it on myself, so I can at least confirm you'll like it very much. But this is still unexplored territory. I'll do my best to please you, Sir.' Zutiria smiles and lays atop my body, leaning down to give me a deep, long kiss that the both of us thoroughly enjoy.

"Just one?" I ask with a grin as soon as her plush lips lift off my own.

'Eromancy is powerful, even low-level spells. Getting used to their pleasures with tiny steps is vital to keeping one's sanity.'

"...Is there an inherent risk to one's sanity when using these spells?"

'Not if used responsibly.' She playfully winks.

"One spell it is." I sigh with a played-up tone of mock disappointment.

'Don't worry, Sir. You're going to love it.' Zutiria reaches out with her tiny, still glowing hands, and she grabs the sides of my neck in their delicate, firm embrace. The sexual mana coating feels phenomenal, and my cock is readily pressing up against Zutiria's butt through the skirt of her frilly nightgown.

Zutiria rubs down to my pecs and teasingly swirls them across my muscles, giving me a sensual massage ending in a delightful pinch of my nipples. Right as it causes me to arch my spine and utter a soft, pleasured groan, the little lady then opens her full, pouty lips and whispers, "Dexteripeat..."

My lover's hands pull away from my erect nipples, and she sits upon my pelvis once more. Yet... her hands are still up at my neck. At least, something is at my neck. Before I can even look and see, I suddenly witness two pink, floating copies of Zutiria's hands slide down my chest and perform the exact same motion that she did only moments ago, even up to the part where she pinches my nipples.

Zutiria grins as the hands disappear momentarily, only to appear at the base of my neck once more in no time at all. I become trapped in the rhythm of her infinitely looping magical hands going back and forth between my neck, my chest, and my nipples over and over.

"Oh, Gods..." I groan as soon as it hits me how many applications this spell might have.

'Do you like it?' She asks, full of hope.

"I do..."

Zutiria dreamily sighs, 'Oh, Sir. We're only getting started.'