Snow Versus the Best Wingman

I had a small breakfast prepared for me by the kitties and praised them affectionately, I took out some gold from the Guild's vault, and we were on our way to the town square.

Since I didn't have time yesterday to tell Sam or Zutiria about the debate results, I explain the run-in Meri, and I shared it with the Duke of Dewhurst. Both were concerned, but they end up reacting more or less how we did. Eh. That sounds about right. It's an annoying feeling, sure, but we're used to it by now. We just have to fight back here and there when we actually can.

Once the shock from that revelation dies out, Meri and I both explain how Niall ended up pulling off the miracle of convincing me that I should vote for him. Getting them to agree to vote for him, predictably, doesn't take much effort. No one really cares.

Speaking of which... there isn't too much of a turnout for voters.

About ten polls are set up with shaggy-looking curtains raised between them, and Raepface, as well as a few other thugs, are standing by as security. Given how he seems to be running this election, I suppose he's serving as some sort of interim elected official. What's more surprising is that he seems to be doing an alright job of it.

I guess you really can't judge a man by his ink, no matter how questionable or misspelled it is.

We chat while all waiting in the same line, we flirt, we make fun of bizarre-looking Dewhurstians, and time passes quickly. After about twenty minutes of waiting, it's our turn. Raepface allows us all to submit our votes simultaneously since we're all voting for the same candidate, so we squeeze into the booth. There's just barely enough room for us all to put in our ballots, after a few dirty jokes and gropes from Sam, of course. Meri made a very cute yelp of distress as Sam squeezed her rear while bending over to submit her vote, too.

My group leaves the poll, and I make a quick scan of the remaining crowd to see if Niall was around. No luck. Everyone here aside from Raepface is a stranger. With that out of the way, Sam and Meri head back home to work on their respective training while Zutiria and I head towards the market.

Once we arrive, off in the distance, we see the Besthal Pet Shop and notice it has a lot more security than we remember. We agree to go and check it out, just to be on the safe side.

Many of the tougher, strong males we saw during the confrontation are out near the main tent entrance, instead of just Scrap and Flufferson. They are also scattered about protecting the entrances to the tents as well making sure not a single gap in their defenses is left.

"Was the Pet Shop so cautiously secured like this the other day when you two were on your date?" I ask Zutiria.

'Maybe? I was in a mood. I didn't see and was focused on my time with Sammy. Would you like to see what's going on, Sir?'

"Of course." I want to help this tribe any way I can to get in good with them, and it would be nice if we can see Snow again.

'I hope she's there, too.' Zutiria smiles, seemingly reading my mind. 'Poor Sir, tormented by the rare pussy he can't have.'

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, you." I roll my eyes and take her by the hand, walking through the crowded marketplace on our way to the Besthal Pet Shop.

We are hit with a strike of convenience right as we approach the entrance. Snowball walks out from behind the tent flap before we even have to talk to the bouncers. Her ears perk up upon seeing me, and she gives me a warm smile, but she corrects herself soon after and returns to her typical graceful demeanor.

"Myaster. Misstress Zutiria. What a pleasant surprise, to what does this lowly maid owe the honor?"

"Everyone at the Guild just went to vote on the election. Besides that, Zutiria and I were heading out to bolster her lab's paltry alchemical equipment. And we saw the state of the Pet Shop and-"

'Sir missed you and is desperate. Try as we might, none of us can deliver the thrill of a true sadist, and his unrelenting lust for femdom remains unsated.' Zutiria says immediately.

"Gods damn it, you little minx-" My cheeks turn bright red, and I reach out to bop the expressionless Mage but stop when I take notice of the Catgirl's expression.

Raised eyebrows, flushed cheeks, half-lidded eyes, parted lips raised upwards into a catty smile... "Poor Myaster. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that. In case you must be reminded, I'm not up for adoption... and besides, we're dealing with problems of our own right now, nyaa."

"I can see that. Did something happen?"

"No, but we're growing more cautious that something might. We haven't heard from that awful man ever since the day he first visited, yet his words linger..."

"At the Mayoral debate yesterday, he announced his plan was coming closer to fruition, so I think you're right to be a bit more cautious. He's definitely gearing up for something..." I think back to the things he said up on the podium. He's looking for more prostitutes to fill up the brothels he already began constructing, and he might be receiving help from the Crystal Sage somehow.

I'm reasonably confident I witnessed a drug deal between the two as they walked away from the podium, the elf handing him a back of flowers. I didn't recognize them, but I hope it was just something recreational and not anything nefarious...

"We'll likely be leaving in three days, right after your trial period is up. Typically we stay in town during all trial periods, but we didn't make any other adoptions this time around. Rare, but it happens, nyaa." Snow sighs and hangs her head, her poise dropping for the slightest of seconds.

'I bet we could provide extra security if you wanted, Snow. Isn't that right, Sir?' Zutiria nudges me with her staff, making sure I don't pass up the opportunity she just set up.

"Indeed. You could submit a quest, and I could send all three of my girls to help defend the tent if you think it would help. I would even be willing to offer generous terms on account of my desire to create a working relationship with the Breeding Tribe." I bow my head to her with as much respect as I can, showing my sincerity.

"Myaster truly enjoys eating the succulent fruit of the tree that is unpaid labor, it seems." Snow cheerfully giggles.

'It would be weird if your race actually cared about money and numbers.' Zutiria shrugs. 'But you don't, so here we are.'

Snow smiles gently and says, "Indeed. I appreciate the offer, Myaster, but I would hate to involve others in our affairs. Our situation with the unscrupulous Pimp is a problem for the tribe to face head-on, and it would destroy me to involve a beloved adopter of ours no matter how much he insisted, nyaa."

I sigh, frown, and rise from my bow. "I was afraid you'd say that. I respectfully DO insist, but I know that doesn't mean much. You've already made up your mind."

"Indeed." Snow smiles but makes a firm, unshakeable and determined expression.

"If something bad happens, though... something worse than you were prepared for then, please. Don't hesitate. Do you know where the Guild is? We can lead you there if you wish, just for reference."

"Myaster..." She looks to the side, blushing while deep in thought over my offer.

"Please." Perhaps I'm overstepping my bounds, but I take a step forward and take both of her soft, white paws into mine. Her fur is soft, fair, and fluffy. Utterly different from Peri or Cherry's in a lovely way.

Zutiria raises her eyebrow, amused as ever.

"I... I know where it is, don't worry. Thank you, Myaster. I'll keep your offer in mind even if I'm confident it won't come to that." The Catgirl smiles with genuine thankfulness, her eyes staring into mine as the romantic atmosphere grows thick between us. However, that may just be optimistic thinking.

She keeps staring at me, and I keep staring back.

'You gonna let go of her hands, Sir, or should I come back later?' Zutiria asks with a smug grin.

At once, the both of us realize we were lingering, and we pull our hands away from each other. Some of the surrounding Beastfolk security men openly whistle and catcall at Snow over this, pushing her to blush even harder and making her expression frazzled.

"My apologies," I say without actually being sorry.

"No, Myaster, it's not you, I..."

'Just fuck already.' Zutiria sighs long and hard, nudging me in the back with her expensive staff.

"Sam's not here to help you play matchmaker this time." I remind her, thinking back to Meri and I's first kiss.

She rolls her eyes. 'Rats.'

Snow smiles warmly at our back and forth before asking, "Before you go... How are Periwinkle and Cherry doing, by the way?"

"No problems at all, mostly. I think they're just about over whatever issues they were going through. The only problem is, ah... Peri is having a lot of trouble staving off her... rampant desires... until the last day of the trial period."

The fluffy white Catgirl looks at me with confusion, "You mean she's..."

"Absurdly horny to the point where she scratched a hole in the door to our bedroom while I was making love to Meri and was hissing when I wouldn't let her in."

"...That doesn't sound like her at ALL." Snow blinks incredulously, trying to picture the meek maid acting like a desperate whore. "You really mean it...?"

'Can confirm. It's pretty funny.' Zutiria laughs at Peri's estrus-induced suffering.

"...That poor girl. Is she doing alright besides that?

"Yes. Peri's extremely happy, loving, affectionate, and while she lacks confidence, she's been making steady improvements in her work every day.

"How about Cherry? Are you and she doing alright...?"

"Yes, I'd say we've bonded a fair amount, and I'm fairly sure she likes me..." Saying it out loud makes me blush a tad. "She's also eager for the next two days to pass, if not quite as eager as Peri."

"I'm so glad..." Snow lets out a concerned sigh of relief as tiny little tears start to well up in the corner of her eyes.


"I was just so worried we'd never find them the right home... I love those girls, you know. They're more than just kittens I helped train. I spent so much time with them trying to help their chances at adoption... when their first attempt failed, I was there for them. When their fifth failed, I was there for them, nyaa..." She smiles a pure, heart-felt smile and wipes the sensitive tears before the fall. "But you? Somehow, I just knew you were the right one for m-"

I stare, hanging on her words.

"Them." She coughs with incredible awkwardness and stiffness, hoping we'll let that one go.

"...Indeed. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter pair of kittens, and I truly feel my life is more enriched with them as part of it." I tell her, speaking from the bottom of my heart and meaning every word.

"You're so dramatic, Myaster." Snow laughs dismissively but is clearly amused.

'Yes, well. Slip of the tongues aside, Cherry and Peri are doing wonderful. If only we could get an early go-ahead to alleviate their woes... help the poor kitties with their unfortunate sexual misery.' Zutiria not so subtly hints at Snow in the vain hope of her ploy working.

"Nice try, but rules are rules. You're almost there anyway. Just two more days, Myaster, and you'll be allowed to conduct the mating ritual at nightfall." Snow sighs dreamily, a hint of obvious jealousy coloring her words.

'I tried,' The Mage shrugs. 'Are you ready to get a move on, Sir? I'm... eager to introduce you to our new friend at the magic market.' She giggles at her own pun, like a dork.

"I don't know. Snow, would you care to gaze longingly into my eyes and hold my hands for a bit longer?"

The head maid laughs and pushes me away with stern force. "Get going, Myaster. You have things to do. No matter what happens, I'll make sure I visit you at the Guild before we leave town if only to say goodbye to the girls."

"I can't say I'm looking forward to your departure... but it'll be good to see you one more time."

"...Gods, you really have it bad for me, huh, Myaster?" Snow looks at me with a little hesitation, blush, and excitement all at the same time. It feels like she's starting to understand how much I'd love to have her... in every sense of the word.

'Not as much as he has it bad for your riding crop.' Damn it, Zutiria. Stop judging me.

Snow raises her eyebrow and smirks while I sigh, taking the Mage by her hand. "Alright, alright... I guess that's my cue to get going."

"Yes, it is." Snow giggles and shakes her head, perhaps amused and flattered by my desire.

When I turn to leave, I hear the sound of a small tool whizzing through the air, followed by a meaty smack, and I feel a sharp pain in my ass. "AH-!"

Looking behind me, Snow stands there with a sadistic, confident grin. She licks her lips. "Don't come back, Myaster. I don't want to get your hopes up, nyaa." Snow purrs, fluffy tail swishing behind her.

I don't know what to say. My heart skips a beat, leaving Zutiria to drag me away from the many Beastfolk laughing at me.

'Come on, Sir.'

"R-Right..." I turn away from her and let the Mage lead the way. "What the hell were you doing back there?"

'I was your wingman.'

"I don't believe that's necessary by any means, Zutiria, I-"

'My Sir deserves to get any pussy that his heart desires. I will always do my best to ensure you seduce whatever new paramour into our dynamic that you want. I don't have much patience for the will they won't they tripe.'

"I've noticed..."

'Judging from the way you keep rubbing your ass, I'd say I was a pretty good wingman.'

I sigh, completely unable to refute that.