Peri Chills the Fuck Out

Taking the Returner from within my inner coat pocket, I warp back to the Guild first. About ten seconds after I step off of the Return Gate's stone platform, the little lady follows and warps in behind me. Magic dances about the air from the structure's activation, and at once, I look across the hall to see who all's here. Just Sam, Cherry, and Peri seem to be present. Meri must have already left with Nikita to go and do her Arts training.

Sam is off in a corner reading one of her action novels, making use of one of the more recent tables cleaned by the maids. She seems more focused than usual and doesn't even notice us appear. Not until the maids see us, at least.

"Welcome home, Myaster!" Peri rushes at me from across the hall, dropping her mop in time for Cherry to catch it before it falls to the ground, and she places it back into the cleaning bucket with a loud plop.

"Myaster, hey!" Cherry says much more informally while starting to walk towards me as well. Even if she holds it back, she's just as happy upon my return as Peri.

"Sup." Sam says while flipping a page, not so much as looking up at our arrival.

"NYAA-" Peri, in a rush of excitement, jumps at me while attempting a running hug. She crashes into the wooden wall of the Guild right as I reflexively dodge to avoid close contact with the easily aroused Catgirl. Peri breaks right through the weak wall with her momentum. Once the dust settles, I see the clumsy kitten has assumed the legendary position spoken of in many an erotic tale.

"Myaster! Help me, I'm stuck in the wall, and my butt is exposed!" She whines without a shred of self-awareness.

Peri wiggles her pale rear back and forth in an attempt to free herself, her skinny gray and white tail swishing ineffectually behind her. It's to no avail, and the maid just sticks out of the wall, unable to do anything other than neglect to cover her panties.

"Dammit, Peri!" Cherry whines, grabbing Peri's legs to try and pull her out of the wall

'Excellent.' Zutiria adjusts her glasses to inspect the panties. At the same time, I do my best to look away and avoid further temptation.

"A little help, Sam?" I call out to the Princess, who pulls her nose from her book.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure thing, Boss. How are we on pinemen wood? Do I gotta go kill some today?" She asks upon seeing the new hole in the wall.

"No, Nikita's last pickup will last for a while. We're good. Please help the kitty."

"Yes, help the kitty. Nyaa." Peri says from the other side of the wall, much to Cherry's embarrassment.

"Roger. Gods, Gwin's gonna be so pissed." Sam snorts.

'If she's not too busy building brothels for our enemy.'

"That's not her fault." I frown, remembering how tight a grip Gwin's family has on her. We've hardly seen her at all this week. It's disappointing, and I miss her.

Sam is able to yank Peri from the wall without causing too much extra damage. As soon as she's freed, the maid falls onto the ground and hisses from shock. "Gonna go keep reading, on a training break." The Princess gives me a kiss on the cheek and casually walks back to her novel.

Maybe I should see about the maids cleaning the lounge up next. It would be nice to have a dedicated room for us all to relax in instead of sitting in the hall all day. I'm sure Sam would appreciate a place to read her novels, assuming this isn't just a hobby she loses interest in.

'I'm going to go look over the lab. Maids, a visitor will be bringing a large number of alchemical supplies to the Guild soon. When they arrive, escort them and help carry everything back, please.' Zutiria commands and then disappears into the east wing, eager to take inventory of her paltry supplies and begin early preparation for the potions.

"Y-Yes, Mistress Zuzu..." Peri whines, rubbing her sides while Cherry helps dust the numerous wooden splinters from her friend's uniform.

"Sure thing, nyaa." Cherry says.

After having a good stretch, I take a seat near the kitties, but not too near. "The entrance hall is coming along nicely, girls. It might actually be finished by the time your trial period is up. I'm proud of you."

They both smile and look at each other with fondness. "It's going pretty good since we're working together and all that, y'know?" Cherry smirks. "Though I really wish we had some more damn help around here, nyaa..."

"Like Snow," Peri says very bluntly. "How was she doing today, by the way?"

"Excuse me?"

"We can smell her on you, silly Myaster." Cherry sticks her tongue out at me in a playful manner.

"Ah, of course. We ran into Snow at the market. Things are tense for them at the moment. The tribe is more on guard because of what happened the other day when we first met. Snow seems worried that the Pimp is gearing up to make a move against your tribe, and frankly, I'm inclined to agree that it's very likely."

Peri gasps in panic, and Cherry's eyes open wide. She takes an aggressive stance, her tail sticking out as her fur begins to bristle with anger. "Isn't there anything you can do, Myaster?! You run a Guild, and Guilds help people, don't they? You could, um..."

"Cherry, I already offered our services, but Snow declined."

The pink-haired Catgirl frowns as her ears and tail droop in response. "Oh. Geez. And she calls ME stubborn, nyaa... Snow's always like this, ugh. Doesn't help that everyone in charge tends to just listen to her advice, either. Snow always knows best, even when she doesn't..."

"I hope nothing happens... can we go see Snow, Myaster? She means a lot to us..." Peri looks at me pleadingly, and I feel bad knowing that I have to play the bad guy.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Snow said she'd visit before the tribe leaves town, though. She misses both of you dearly. They're planning to be all packed up in three days."

"Oh..." Peri frowns even deeper.

"He's right, Peri. That creep's slut squad might try and kidnap us if we're out and about on our own, and everyone else has shit to do, nyaa. I'm worried about Snow and the others, too. But this... is... um..." Cherry's cheeks begin to flush as she looks briefly into my eyes for comfort. She tries to bury her concern beneath a layer of professionalism by saying, "This is our home now, nyaa. We can't be so obsessed about what's going on with the tribe..."

"Cherry..." I look back at her and watch her expression try to remain tough. "It's alright to be worried for them. They took care of you for your entire life. I promise you, even if Snow doesn't want us to interfere, I'll do it anyway if things look bad."

"Myaster..." Cherry smiles.

"Thank you, Myaster... You're so kind, I..." Peri tries to approach me in an attempt to hug me and perhaps more, but her pink-haired friend grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back.

"Keep it in your pants, Peri." Cherry sighs. "This isn't any easier on me, ya know."

Peri makes a number of grumbling sounds as she scrunches up her pink cat nose. "I've kept it in my pants for five days now, nyaa. They can no longer contain my passion if they ever could."

"Two more days, Peri. Just two more days. If you can only manage to control yourself until then, the three of us will perform the... the mating ceremony all night long if you wish." I stutter my words, remembering what I've read about the way Beastfolk pledge themselves to their mate.

Part of me wonders if it's really as wondrous as the erotica makes it out to be. Still, no matter what form it takes, I know I'm going to enjoy myself with Peri and Cherry when it's finally time to claim them as my mates.

"The Myaster's fuck stick is ready to breed me." The blue-haired kitten says in an amazed, low, whispered tone.

Her words make me notice the vigorous hard-on tenting my dress pants.

"D-Dammit, Myaster! Controlling her is hard enough without you waving that thing around in our faces, nyaa!" Cherry blushes a deep red, and she wraps her arms around the wiggling, writhing Peri.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I was just... thinking about how close we are to finishing the trial period, and it... admittedly made me very... excited."


"I'm getting REAL tired of this, Peri! You leave me no choice!"


"Yeah, well, you're doing a shitty job of keeping it! Myaster... don't watch... or... I-I dunno, if you really want to, then go ahead..." Cherry says with a wavering voice.

"N-NO! MY HEAT CANNOT BE COOLED!!" Peri struggles in Cherry's tight grasp, but the lithe, tanned maid is strong enough to prevent her desired escape.

"W-What are you doing?"

Cherry dips her paw under Peri's short, black miniskirt, and the kitten's luscious lips part right as her friend's finger presses against the noticeable dark stain on Peri's white panties. "Cooling her off a bit. Duh."

I look dumbfounded as I start watching Cherry skillfully finger Peri right before my eyes.

"...What?" She blinks, her magenta eyes glaring at me with confusion. "Did you somehow think we WEREN'T fucking, nyaa?"

"C-Cherry... nooooooo!" Peri gasps, wiggling her hips and grinding into Cherry's finger like mad.

"Uh. I mean, I sort of assumed, yes, but..." I nervously swallow. Typically I could easily handle this sort of sight, but the fact that it's these two and that I still can't join in makes it difficult to process.

"We both agreed not to play with each other for the week, nyaa... just in case it worked out with you, Myaster. But it seems SOMEONE couldn't handle it, and it's probably why her horniness is so much worse than mine. Don't worry, this'll just take a sec... I know what I'm doing by now." Cherry smirks, confidence coloring her face.

"I-I'm sorry, MYASTER! I'm such a naughty kitty... I wanted to hold back for you, I diiiiid!" The kitten whines, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"It's... alright, Peri." I watch in awe as Cherry slips her paw deep into Peri's panties and begins to frig the meek kitten her for all she's worth. Peri becomes a mumbling, incoherent mess as her face is dyed red, orgasm approaching at an astonishing speed.

"NYAAAAA-" Peri breathily moans, crying from the back of her shrill throat as she climaxes right there in front of me several feet away. The maid arches her back as her body trembles with heated electricity, squirming and mewling at the touch of her tanned lover.

She falls back into Cherry's embrace, who then helps her have a seat at the dining table further down the bench's length. "T-Thank you, nyaa..." She says without looking up, panting with sudden exhaustion.

That was... so fast. Either Peri is just that horny, or Cherry knows how to play her like an instrument. Probably both.

"You should get back to work now, Myaster." The pink-haired kitten grins while looking at me, her own eyes beginning to fill with lust. "Before something BAD happens..." Cherry purrs.

I cough and clear my throat loudly, my forehead beading with sweat, "Yes. Yes indeed. Sam? I believe I require you in my office. We need to have a very brief private meeting."

"Wha?" Sam rises from her trashy tome. "Did I miss somethin', Boss?"