Stealing 20 Crates of Lingerie and 300 Pounds of Sextoys

Snow wasn't happy, especially since I'm basically using Zutiria's disability as an excuse to fulfill my own selfish desires. At first, I was able to convince the older cat that my plan would lift up the team's spirits and get them all raring. Not to mention Zutiria will enjoy an expanded nap, making her more useful in battle. But, Snow still ultimately insisted on a condition before she would allow it.

"Stealing a couple of gems off the door was one thing, but this is something else entirely. We only have the villain's word that he won't touch my girls, and I trust him about as much as I can throw him. Can you PLEASE just ask your Goddess for confirmation that they're alright, nyaa...?" She crosses her arms and scowls, lecturing me in a stern, motherly tone of voice.

"Of course, but I have no guarantee she'll ans-"

Luxy's holy avatar appears in between Snow and I's faces.

The fact that I'm communicating so often and casually with a being that most Priests of Light have to spend years trying to contact never stops being surreal to me.

-Jeez, For such a pretty kitty, you're a HUGE nag. The girls will be fine as long as the dungeon is up. He's totally not even a rape-y pimp, either. Got it? Now for real this time, I can't answer anything else, or...- The Goddess on the other end of the Holy Avatar goes silent as what sounds like a series of alarm bells begins to ring.

-...Oh, shit. They're actually on their way now... Yeeeeahhhhh I'm about to be in a lot of trouble so, uh... I'm gonna hit you up in a few days. Good luck, and, uh... don't feel guilty a stealing shit. You got time.-

The ball of light disappears, and Snow stares at me with a startled expression. "...Is she going to be ok?"

I shrug.

Peri and Cherry look at each other, perplexed. I'm not calling them 'simple' by any means, but I think dealing with the Divine is a bit above their station.


"Yes, yes, Myaster. You have my permission..." Snow sighs, turning away and heading back into the office. Much to my surprise, however, before she disappears inside Snow looks over the shoulder and her fluffy, white tail begins wagging seductively behind her. She lids her eyes prettily and parts her full, pink lips, whispering, "You filthy, little, pervert." Under her breath.

I lose my breath watching the Catfolk linger, staring into my eyes before entering the office.

Peri puts her paw on my dick, "There, there, Myaster. Everything will be better soon, nyaa."

"You're the worst, aren't we enough for you?" Cherry laughs before swatting Peri's hand away from my junk. "You keep away from him, too, you slut."

Peri gives her best friend her typical angry hiss and Cherry rolls her eyes.

"Thank you, Cherry." I let out a sigh, exasperated. "You kitties are going to be the death of me, I swear... I need the two of you to stay out here and prepare to move more... equipment into storage, understood?"

"Yes, Myaster!" Peri and Cherry both bow before me.

"Cherry, a moment," I call the pink-haired kitten to the side for a moment. Peri is confused but doesn't try and eavedrop.

Tilting her head to the side, Cherry follows after. "Sup?"

I lean in close to the shorter girl's big, fluffy brown cat ear and whisper, "Make sure Peri doesn't go anywhere near the boxes of Succu-bye. I don't trust her not to 'accidentally' drop all of the contraceptives."

"...Yeah, that's uh, probably a good idea, Myaster." Cherry squints her eyes and looks over at the suspicious, breeding-obsessed kitten looming innocently in the distance.

"Nyaa?" Peri's tail wags back and forth, unaware of the way what we're saying behind her back.

Cherry gives me another clumsy curtsy, and I head in after Snow to tell the girls in the Dungeon we've been given the all-clear.

Seems that they got started before we got permission. Sam and Meri are loading up large wooden crates with absolutely everything and anything they find interesting off of the warehouse shelves. The intent is to send them back to the Guild via Returners.

Only one Returner has been used earlier in the dungeon to send back some of the minion's weapons, leaving twenty-nine left. I want each member of the party to have at least three at all times, one for themselves and two for their unconscious teammates in the worst-case scenario. That leaves us plenty to send back a large amount of sexual cargo as long as we stack a number of boxes into one pile before sending them home.

Over one hundred Beastgirls were abducted, according to Snow. We won't be rescuing them with returners, so there's no use conserving them. We'll figure out how to get them out of the Pimpfort safely when it's time.

Since we're all going to be having a much-needed break in this room, Sam and Meri strip themselves of their armor for the time being so they can cool off while filling up their boxes.

Meri is in charge of gathering up lingerie and sexy costumes from all the different shelves, and given the revealing nature of the outfits, she's able to fit a lot of clothing in a single box. Very early on, Zutiria said, 'Don't worry about the size and just grab whatever you see. If anyone likes a piece of clothing but it doesn't fit them, I can fix that. Transfiguration isn't hard.'

Thus, Meri begins stuffing box after box with so many panties, bras, nightgowns, costumes, and everything in between that I lose track after we reach several hundred articles of clothing. This goes on and on until Meri has reached her quota, twenty entire boxes of lingerie. To put it into perspective, I could grow my harem to fifty girls and still never see the end of today's haul.

Meanwhile, Sam is having a blast shoving endless amounts of sex toys into her boxes. Every single thing I've ever dreamed of using, whether it be arcane tech rotor vibrators, enchanted Ikkuni onaholes, or whatever else have you, it's here. Sam just keeps piling it all up until she fills another ten boxes, while also dragging about five different vats of assorted lube to the area we've designated as our sex hoard.

"That must all be worth quite a lot of gold, nyaa. Any idea where you'll be selling this stuff?" Snow asks me, causing me to tilt my head.


Snow blinks. "Are you telling me you're... stockpiling these outfits and sex toys solely for your own personal use, Myaster? No, surely not even you could be such a... a perverse, lewd man."

"Would you care to find out?" I smirk and draw close to Snow's lips... as close as she'll let me, of course. She smiles warmly and scratches me across the face with her claws in response.

"...You can't blame a man for trying."

"I suppose I can't, Myaster. One might even say you were almost cute... Almost, nyaa."

"Perhaps I'll get there next time?"

"I meant cute in a... 'how pitiful' sort of way." Snow hides her mouth behind her paw, holding back a sadistic grin

"I can work with that, Snowball. In a way, you might "

She giggles, and I feel a bit of romance in the air. Snow has to feel it too, but it's cut short by the audio coming from the Taskmaster screen. "BOSS! You ready? I got like... two... three hundred pounds of sex toys to send back!"

I don't think I've ever heard a less romantic sentence, and it just killed whatever tension was lingering between Snow and myself faster than anything short of a wet fart.

"Yes, Sam, send the first load back. Good work. By the way, how are you feeling?"

"Ah, um... better, mostly. You were right, this cheered me up a lot..." Sam giggles as her cheeks turn red. "I still want Zuzu to do her brain magic thing, though. I don't wanna risk me fucking things up."

"That's very mature of you, Sam."

"Hah, well, you know. Maturity is basically my middle name." The Princess gives me a playful smirk, scratching the back of her head. "You sure you want to waste some Returners on lube? Can't Zuzu just brew some super alchemy batch of the stuff for us sometime?"

"Regardless of what Snow thinks of me, I do believe twenty crates of lingerie and a couple hundred pounds of sex toys will be more than enough to satisfy my needs. I'd rather we take a few of the vats rather than more stuff we won't use."

Upon hearing my comment, Snow sighs teasingly and shakes her head back and forth. "Ha, ha." The sarcasm in her voice stings me to my core.

"Kay! I'll get Meri and we'll start sending it back as soon as you give the signal."

And give the signal I do. One by one, Sam and Meri start sending crate after crate of explicit goods back home. In the main hall, the sound of the Return Gate powering up is repeatedly heard, followed by the sound of Catfolk maids dragging the heavy boxes into the east wing.

Music to my ears.

If there's one thing I have to thank Sir Pimpington for, it's his exquisite taste in the finer things of life. Like arcane tech vibrators, and imported Ikkuni schoolgirl costumes...

After twenty minutes of hard work, the kitties have finished moving every last arrival. It might've made them work up a sweat, but even weaker Beastfolk like Peri are still stronger than average humans.

"We're all done, Myaster!" Cherry pokes her head into the office and sighs.

"I have discovered a new world, nyaa." Peri approaches her from behind and grabs Cherry by the hips, grinding into her.

"NYAA?!" Cherry freaks out in response, scurrying to the other side of the room on all fours. This reveals that Peri has taken off her maid's skirt and replaced it with a pair of strap-on panties. A comically large, red, dragon-shaped phallus was just poking Cherry in her butt.

"Peri, take that thing off." I sigh, holding back laughter.

Her face becomes incredibly happy at my command, making me realize that this was a trap. "Wait... Go put your normal panties back on first."

"Fucking damn it..." Peri frowns and stomps out of the room.

"So juuuuuust for the record... not your thing, right, Myaster?" Cherry leans over my desk, smiling wide in a bratty, cheeky way.

"I too would like to know, nyaa." Snow looks away but raises an eyebrow out of interest.

"Strap ons are hot to me, yes, but not in the way that you seem to be implying."

Cherry breaths a sigh of relief, apparently happy that she won't have to peg me, whereas Snow looks... almost disappointed.

I'm not touching that.

All in all, this little diversion took nineteen Returners total thanks to creatively stacking the crates whenever we could. That means counting the one we used earlier, we have one extra Returner left. I turn my attention back to the Taskmaster screen.

"Before you wake up Zutiria, I want you both to do one more sweep of the shelves. Make sure you didn't miss anything you might want for, alright girls?"

"Pretty damn sure we got most of the good stuff... there's a lot of shit we can't send back, too. There's big arcane tech machines that are, uh, kinda fuckin' terrifying if I'm being honest..." Sam nervously sweats at the thought while glancing at a gigantic mechanized contraption towering off in the distance.

"And there's big bondage chairs, wooden horses, stocks, and r-really elaborate setups for that sort of play that wouldn't fit in a box..." Meri adds, sounding upset that we won't be able to build a dedicated bondage room in the Guild any time soon.

"It doesn't hurt to look," I tell them before sending them off once more.

This turns out to be a good move on my part. While inspecting an oddly shaped dildo... Meri ends up discovering another secret room.