The Silver Blades

The kid eventually stopped at the front of a place that had a bit of a clearing in front of it. The base was extremely well hidden in the Slums, without the kid Nadia knew she would have never found this place even if she used Akiko to track a person. "This is their main base here. I really don't think you should do this, my saviour. You don't look like a person that would come here. You look really high class. It's just asking for trouble."

"It's fine no need to worry about it." Nadia stated once more, she did get what the kid was saying her clothing was made of higher material and it was very likely that she was walking in a different more poised manner out of habit. But that didn't matter all the much to her, she came here for a reason the building in front of her was kinda loud and sounded joyful from the outside. With no real hesitation, Nadia walked to the entrance of the building and went inside, the moment she walked into the building went quiet. The displeasure for her being here was abundantly clear, but Nadia was calm and more than used to such an atmosphere with it just being a little more dangerous from the previous time she experience with such a thing in the past.

"What are you doing here? We already told another of your ilk that we know nothing about magic using people here." A man huffed as he walked over to Nadia in a threatening posture. This kind of action would have defiantly scared the average person due to his size along but Nadia was far from your average person. The moment the man got closer to her Nadia could tell these people here were different from that outside fairly quickly the moment the man got close to her.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, however, I didn't make the trip here to ask anything about magic rather… something else. I wish to speak to your leader."

"Oh, you wish to speak to the Captain now do you. You could just stop here we are more than willing to talk.

Akiko began to let out a low growl in which Nadia hit him in the chest for. "Stop you'll start a fight at this rate." Nadia muttered looking at him with a glare through her mask. "I'm not here for a confrontation with you or your group. Please could you just go and request for your leader to give me a moment of their time. I'm in no particular rush, but I also don't plan on leaving till he at least meets with me." Nadia stated in a calm clear yet also firm voice.

"If you don't plan to leave I can just throw you out." The man growled as he made his way even closer to her. He stood large and threatening as he started cracking his knuckles walking over clearly initially trying to scare her off.

"What are you knuckleheads think you are doing?!" An older man's voice bellowed as he walked out into Nadia's clear view. He was an older man likely around the age of Nadia's actually if not a bit younger. He had dark short hair with some silver grey in it and his beard with a scar over his right eye. When he looked directly at Nadia she felt like she was completely exposed and was unable to hide anything from him. It was a look that felt different than most other looks that dressed her down. It was a game she had actually been feeling for some time now since she had entered the building, however this didn't deter Nadia in the slightest despite that feeling and looked him directed in his eye.

'Master there is something with that man's eye. It's not normal.'

'You feel it too then. Could you think of a reason why?'

'I'm not sure but I feel like I can't hide my actually form from him. I feel as if I can't hide anything from him. Which is saying something for a magi beast all about trickery.'

"Old man why are stopping me for dealing with this punk! This punk had no right to see the Captain!" the man exclaimed before the older man hit him on the head with his walking stick.

"I may have stepped down as the Captain leading you punks but that gives you no right to call me that or go against me." The man huffed before walking over to Nadia. He grabbed her hand and then kissed the back of it. "I'll take you to see my son. We have much to talk about I see."

"Right. Ah could my… escort come as well?"

"The tall being behind you? Sure."

The old man held out his arm and Nadia realized he planned to escort her. She took his arm and begun to follow him as he leads her further into the base. Eventually, he leads her to a door, they didn't speak as they walked to this room but Nadia could tell he wished to say something but was holding off. At the door, he knocked his walking stick against the door twice before speaking. "Son I'm coming in with some guest. We have things to talk about."

"… come in."

With that the man opened the door and held it open for her. "After you." Nadia gave him a slight nod before she walked into the room with the older man closing the door behind them.

"What is this about father? You left me with a fair amount of work to do with The Silver Blades with your sudden retirement."

"You'll be fine son, with these new guys that have been raised here they don't want to listen to me much since I follow the old ways as I've heard them call it. However, they have no problem listening and following you."

"But what of the other thing. Finding that person whose our only hope for what's currently going on. We've yet to be successful of getting back into contact after you 'sent' her off."

"No need to worry about that. But let's talk without guest that had so graciously came her all by herself."

It was obvious to Nadia at that point that the boss clearly didn't hear the old man tell him that he was coming in with guest by the look on his face when they listen his head. The old man looked at Nadia. "You can undo that transformation your safe here. No one outside this room can hear what we say nor will they be able to enter without permission as the room has been enchanted."

Nadia looked at the man warily since he some hoe know this was not her actual physical form in this world. Nadia let out a sigh as she lifted her head up and removed the hood of her cloak before she removed her mask but noticed there was resistance and understood why. "Akiko it's alright he already know no point hiding it any longer. Though I'd also prefer not to… It's all on me as I messed up. I overestimated my ability and underestimated our opponents skills." Nadia sighed and felt the magic on the mask weaken allowing her to remove the mask. With the mask off she let out a slight sigh before undoing her transformation and turned back into Eva for the first time in a week.

Akiko also removed his hood and allowed his ears and tails to show. He was warning them that he was protecting her and was her's. So that if they crossed her they had to deal with him. Nadia patted Akiko's arm kindly in which his tails twitched slightly in response.

Nadia finally looked up at the boss of The Silver Blade. She took a deep breath and clenched her shaking hands. 'It's just like a business meeting with new patenters. I can do this.' She told herself as she straightened her back looking forward with determined eyes.