Chapter 10: Smokescreen

"I don't think help is coming."

While everyone was taken aback, Vince smirked at what he heard. He raised his forefinger and pointed it at Ally. "This girl is really the only one thinking here, huh? What's your name?"

Everyone stilled even more because of what their valedictorian said. With his intimidating aura and immense wits, many admire the one and only Vince Pascual. Everyone wanted to be friends with him but his elusiveness among people is also a widespread fact.

When they were still students, nothing else mattered to Vince but his studies. Friendship or even simple conversation with classmates has no place in his life. Everyone's college life ended while still dreaming that he knows they existed.

As someone known by everyone to not care about others, it is an achievement to be recognized by the Vince Pascual. Everyone was stunned because it was only then that they heard the famous young man ask the name of another person, not to mention an ordinary girl.

"Allysa Santino," the young lady answered without hesitation.

Vince nodded, still smiling. He turned to Kingsley. "Allysa's right. No help is coming."

"And why is that?" the former president of the Student Council asked in a serious tone. Vince only turned to Ally, telling her to explain.

"Everything looks carefully planned," the young woman said. "From why we're all gathered here today, up to the deactivated internet and cellular network connection."

"Alright…and?" Hailey asked with an eyebrow raised.

"It would be a bum and everything would be a waste if whoever's behind this would carelessly call the attention of the authorities with that explosion," Ally answered.

"Maybe whoever's behind this didn't think of that," Jerome chimed in.

"I doubt that." Vince shook his head, his smile never leaving his face. "Whoever's behind this is clever."

"Then how do you think no one in the nearby city would notice such a loud explosion?" Kingsley asked again.

"I bet my life, something exploded outside the university at the very exact time CVMBS blew up," Vince asked casually but with obvious confidence in his voice.

"I'm also thinking it happened at the entrance of the only road that leads to St. Louie," Ally added.

Vince raised his eyebrows as he turned to the young lady. His smile widened and he nodded. "So, let's not hope for prince charmings, okay? This is not a fairytale."

"Then what do you say this is?" Noah asked seriously, but obviously annoyed.

The smile on Vince's lips still didn't waver. "This is a game and we're the only ones who can play."


Just like Vince and Ally's theory, two oil trucks that collided have not yet been approached by the authorities. They did explode and sure enough, there were no survivors, but the oil continued to leak and the fire continued to grow. Firefighters are busy putting it out while the police are in charge of crowd control. Despite the danger, many are still curious about what happened.

"The drivers are about to turn to ashes." Chief Leo let out a disgusted sigh. He leaned against the side of the patrol car while watching the unquenchable flames. "Should I be thankful that they both have no assistants?"

"The question, chief, is why are they here," Cholo, a young police officer, said in a whisper.

"Why are they here?" the old policeman frowned when he repeated. "Why are you here? Help the others control the crowd!"

"Chief, when did we ever investigate without people watching on the side?" Cholo said rubbing his neck. "I'm tired."

"Why, hey!" Chief Leo hit the young policeman. "Just because you're the mayor's son, doesn't mean you will have special treatment at work. No, not until I'm your chief."

"Chief, I'm not asking for special treatment! And I'm currently working, I'm thinking!"

"What the hell are you thinking about when I told you to work?!"

"'That's it, chief. My thoughts are related to this." Cholo looked around as if he was being careful not to let anyone around hear what he was going to say next. "Chief, I feel this was done on purpose."


"Chief! There's a reason why I'm just whispering. Don't shout!"

"You little — I'm your senior!"

"Yes, yes. Senior, sir," Cholo said, dismissively and annoyed. "But, chief, seriously, I feel like it's really planned."

Chief Leo turned back to the two trucks that were still engulfed in flames. "And why?"

"Because, chief, why are those two oil trucks here? The nearest gas station is fifty kilometers away from here. Also, St. Louie University is the only establishment at the end of the road."

The old policeman frowned, but he thought about it too. "Oh, then what do you think the reason is?"

"Maybe it's just a diversion, chief. There might be a crime going on right now—ouch!"

Chief Leo almost ran out of breath due to the force he used when he hit the young policeman. "What diversion are you talking about? Who the hell would waste two trucks of oil? And do you think those two drivers are stupid enough to crash here on purpose?"

"It's still a maybe, chief," Cholo said with a frown as he tried to reach his back where he thinks Chief Leo's hand made a mark. "There are suicide bombers, right? What's the difference? We never know."

Chief Leo raised his hand again but the young policeman immediately stepped away. He just shook his head. "If you only became a police officer because of the actions and thrills you see in movies, you should switch jobs. I've been here for more than two decades, nothing like what you're watching has ever happened."

"You have never encountered a serial killer?" Cholo asked, full of curiosity. The fear of his chief hitting him again disappeared suddenly.


"Chief, what if a serial killer did this?"

"What if I just shoot you because you're asking so many questions?"


Chief Leo was surprised by the young policeman's sudden loud voice.

"What if I'm right? Even if it's not a serial killer, what if there is a criminal? What if someone gets hurt?"

From shock, Chief Leo's expression gradually returned to annoyance. He hit Cholo again. "Then go, all right. Investigate, you slob, and see for yourself that what you see in those movies doesn't happen in real life!"

"R-Really, chief?"

"Chief!" Cholo was so happy that he hugged the old policeman.

"What the—Cholo!"

"Oh, sorry." The young policeman smiled awkwardly and then saluted. "This is my first investigation, chief. I will not fail you."

"Take Soriano with you."

The smile on Cholo's face quickly disappeared because of what he heard. He was suddenly nervous. "Y-Yes?"

Chief Leo grinned. "Hey, kid. Almost everyone assigned to my station liked Soriano, but she didn't date anyone. Don't get your hopes up."

"H-Hey, chief!" Cholo's cheeks flushed and he stammered. He swallowed when Chief Leo laughed. "I-I'm just not gonna say a word!"

Chief Leo laughed even more. He was trying to make it louder so that Cholo could still hear him while walking away. He watched him approach and seemed to fold when he spoke to the only female police officer with them. He just shook his head.
