Chapter 15: Something's Happening Inside St. Louie

"From 162 to 132. Nice." The tone of the deep voice from the speakers sounded teasing, but no one spoke. The graduates stayed silent as they slowly realize what they just did.

Ella looked traumatized and is still crying as Ally hugged her. They were still with Noah, Kingsley, Hailey, Jerome, and even Arkin who was still sitting on the back of Ella's partner whom he knocked to the floor.

"How's the experience, by the way? Did it finally sink in?" A deep chuckle rang out from the speaker. "My dear engineers are no virgins anymore. Nothing pure, nothing righteous."

The cries grew louder. Most of those most affected by what happened was the ladies. Ally, Hailey, and Vince's partner, Lia, are the only women who aren't crying inside Louie's Hall.

"That should've stopped you all from thinking so highly of yourselves." That was the last thing heard from the speakers before they turned off again.

"H-Hey is she alright?"

The others turned around as Ally looked up. She sighed when she saw their class representative approaching.

"She got raped," Ally said emphatically and bitterly.

"I-It was the task—" Ella's partner tried to reason out but Arkin immediately buried his face in the floor.

"You're a rapist, you asshole!" he said. "'Why the fuck aren't you dying yet?!"

"Arkin," Kingsley called in a warning tone.

"Y-Yes indeed!" Terrence shouted. "A lot of people are being killed suddenly, why isn't that guy included?!"

Ally frowned, not expecting such words to come from the mouth of her most responsible classmate. She also noticed his heavy breathing and clenched hands.

Kingsley sighed. "Let's not decide on who lives or who dies. Let's all get out of the campus and give this guy to the police."

"How do we even get out?" Hailey asked. "The doors are now locked. It's too obvious that whoever's behind this wants us to stay inside this hall."

"We wait," Noah said seriously. He turned to Ally. "We wait, right?"

The young lady nodded sparingly. "There's nothing else we can do."


"The restaurants are fine and there is no trace of anything suspicious," Cholo said with a smile as he exited the last restaurant, near St. Louie University, which they looked at. "Maybe they just won't open this week? Or maybe just at the opening of classes again next month?"

Felicity sighed. "I'm still not convinced."


"Something doesn't feel right," the policewoman said with a frown as she turned around at the end of the road towards the campus of St. Louie. "We have to check."

Cholo was slightly taken aback when he saw how serious his comrade's expression was. His eyes followed her as she walked back to the police car.

"Are you coming or not?" Felicity asked raising an eyebrow as she revved the car's engine to life and the young man remained standing outside.

"N-No, ma'am!" Cholo shouted then ran to the passenger's side. Before he could even put on his seatbelt, the car started moving. He couldn't even complain.

In less than two minutes, the two police officers saw the main gate of St. Louie University.

"Are we not allowed to park inside the campus?" Cholo asked in confusion. The double gates for cars and the single gate for people were wide open, but the policewoman stopped their car outside.

"There are no guards," Felicity said with a frown as she looked at the gate and the adjacent guard house.

"That means, no one will stop us or ask questions. We can go straight—sorry!" Cholo was quick to shut himself up when the policewoman's gaze hit him.

"There's always at least one guard who watches over every gate of St. Louie, whether there are students or it's vacation." Felicity honked the horn one after the other, expecting a guard to come out but she got tired and no one came.

"Break time, maybe?"

"Do you vacate your post just for break time?"

"N-No, ma'am!"

Felicity just shook her head and started the car again.

"W-Where are we going?"

"St. Louie has another gate."

In just a short time, they reached the other gate that Felicity was talking about. Unlike the one they went to first, it was smaller, but like the main gate, there was not even a security guard there.

"Nobody here too?" Even Cholo frowned as he looked out of the car. In just a second, he realized the sound of the door closing on the driver's side and was surprised to see his companion walking outside. He also came down quickly. "W-Wait a minute!"

"It's blood." Felicity's eyes widened as she stopped when she confirmed that the red liquid that she saw flowing from the gate was blood.

Cholo also stopped and gradually sat down to see the blood more closely. "I-Is this human blood?"

Felicity couldn't say a word. Cholo didn't have to repeat his question as well when he turned his gaze to the single gate to the left of the double gates. The single gate is obviously only for humans because of the two flights of stairs that need to be climbed to enter it. At the top of that ladder, the upper parts of the human bodies were scattered.

"M-Mo…monsters!" he screamed. He almost crawled away and only stopped when the policewoman caught his eye again. "T-There are monsters—"

"They are not monsters!" Felicity clenched her fists in annoyance. She also looked at the corpses which were all upper body parts only. She continued to climb the first step of the stairs to get a better look at them. Her eyebrows met even more when she saw the other parts of the dead bodies on the other side of the gate.

The young policeman seemed to be hit by a gruesome reality and quickly ran back to the car. She quickly picked up the radio and pressed it. "W-We...We have a... s-seventy-nine here..."

Felicity looked at the radio she was holding when all she heard back was static. It seemed that she was not getting any signal.

"Dead bodies discovered! Send back up!" Cholo said loudly, then hit the radio, hoping it would work. He then looked at the policewoman, confused. "Our radio can't connect?"

Felicity only looked back at the gate. "There's really something happening inside St. Louie."
