Chapter 22: Volunteered Out

Everyone watched as the one and only Vince Pascual approached the big screen above the stage where the brain teaser they have been thinking about for quite some time is still displayed. They looked at him as if he was a teacher ready to discuss today's lesson.

"The succeeding set of numbers just simply describe the previous set," Vince began then pointed to the first two numbers in the second set. "One and three literally says that there's one number three on the first set."

Everyone except Ally frowned. Although her face showed no reaction, she clenched her hands. She also couldn't accept that she was not able to answer such a simple riddle.

"The number three in the first set was followed by two number ones..." Vince continued then again moved his index finger to the second set. "...and that explains the two and one."

Louie's Hall was filled with some soft "ahh..." along with the gentle nods of the graduates who finally understood the question.

"So, the one one one three one two at the beginning of the third set means that at the beginning of the second set there is a number one, a number three, and a number two..." Lia's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at the screen.

A proud smile appeared on Vince's lips then he nodded.

"We just need to describe the third set to come up with the answer?" Paul asked, waiting for confirmation. "Then, it would be one one one one one one one three one one one two three one one two one one one three one one two two two one one nine three one one three one one two two two one one two three one one three one one two two two one one zero."

Everyone held their breath until Paul finished the answer. Their eyes also scanned the screen with each number he mentioned to be sure. They fell silent again and all breathed a sigh of relief when the screen turned green. The door opened.

"Thank you, thank you." As if a politician campaigning for votes, Harold even waved at everyone. He smiled widely, and cunningly. "I'm grateful, but I'm not hoping that you to get out too."

Hailey's eyebrows immediately furrowed and she was about to take a step but someone pulled her hand. She was about to complain thinking that Kingsley was the one who stopped her but she stilled when she saw that it was Noah.

"You all are too kind. You have brains but you don't use them." Harold laughed in a teasing manner. "'Don't worry, my first shot out there will be for you—"

"I'll go."

Everyone turned their attention to the young man who was looking directly at Vince who was still on top of the stage.

Harold also immediately complained. "Hey, wait wait—"

"I know it was you who figured it out and Paul was the one who answered the question, but please let me out," Noah said seriously.

"N-Noah..." Hailey called the young man. "Why?"

"Arkin won't just wait for us outside this hall. He might be roaming around the campus and I need to find him," Noah explained directly, his tone still serious.

Vince smirked and then looked down at the young man. "You do realize that this move makes you more suspicious, right? If we go out and discover that Arkin's dead, you're one of the suspects. If he's still alive, well, it's possible that he's your accomplice."

"What the fuck? Your cousin had the courage to call me names when you could be the ones behind this?" Harold alleged, but Noah didn't even pay attention to him.

"Think what you want to think, Vince. But let me go out."

The grin never left Vince's lips as he slightly tilted his head. "But I wasn't the one who decided that Harold comes out next, it was Allysa."

The young lady in question frowned. She looked at the former vice-president of the Student Council as he also looked in her direction.

While everyone's attention was focused on Ally and Noah, Harold casually walked towards the door. When he had made enough distance, he turned around to run but someone tugged at the hem of his shirt.

Paul tried his best to pull Harold's big body down. The young man's clothes were almost torn as he struggled. The others just looked in shock when Jerome suddenly ran closer and ambushed Harold. Although his body is smaller, the muscles of the famous Basketball MVP are evident and helped him to pin Harold down.

"You asshole!" Harold shouted when he felt the cold floor through his cheeks. The others moved their gazes away from him and returned to the young woman and the young man who were not breaking eye contact with each other.

"Allysa," Noah called emphatically.

The young lady looked at the open door, at Noah, at Vince, at Harold, then turned her attention back to Noah. She nodded sparingly.

"Son of a bitch!" Harold yelled and kicked the wall in annoyance.

Noah also nodded seriously. He didn't say anything more and quickly ran towards the door.

A few seconds after hearing the sound of the door closing, no one spoke. Another question was also displayed on the screen but no one seemed to notice it.

"I know we all have questions in our minds right now, but the only way to get answers is to exit this hall," Kingsley said with a sigh. He deliberately raised his voice so that everyone could hear him. "Let's get out of here."

Even though no one spoke, everyone's approval was palpable, except for Harold who was still lying flat on the floor and was being seated on by Jerome and Paul. Only then did they read the next question.

2+3 = 8

3+4 = 18

4+5 = 32

5+6 = 50

6+7 = 72

7+8 = ?

"98," Vince, who had just come off the stage, said while yawning. He turned to Ally when he realized that he was the only one who said the answer. He saw her frown. "You don't know this one?"

"It seems too easy," the young woman said softly.

Vince grinned again, not knowing whether to frown or be impressed by what he heard.

The screen turned green. The door opened. Jerome and Paul were almost thrown away when Harold suddenly got up as if he mustered all his strength while lying on his knees. He didn't even look back and just ran out of the hall laughing. The others just shook their heads.

"That asshole," Lia whispered shaking her head then rubbed Ella's back who hugged herself again after hearing the laughter of the man who took advantage of her.

If attempted, punishable.

If committed, not.

"Suicide," Ally and Vince said at the same time.

"Yeah," Hailey said nodding which made everyone look at her. "What? I finally know the answer to a question and I want to verify that you are correct."

"Can we send Jerome out?" Kingsley asked. "We need to carefully plan the order of who's going to exit the hall. Right now, we need to send someone who could at least control the guys outside."

Ally just nodded while Vince shrugged his shoulders. The former president signaled Jerome to come out.

"That guy won't be any help in answering the questions anyway," Vince said when the door closed again. Everyone heard what he said but no one reacted. "Who's going out next?"

"Paul," Ally said seriously then turned to the young man she was referring to.

Paul glanced around the others for a moment to make sure no one was objecting, before nodding. "If that's okay with everyone."

No one spoke up to protest. They looked at the screen again to read the new question.


"Space invaders," Ally and Vince said weakly and both frowned. They looked at each other and even though neither spoke, they both knew that the ease of the question was the reason for the grin on their faces.

Vince was still shaking his head when his eyes widened. He moved closer to Ally, their arms almost touching as he kept his gaze on the screen. "Remember every answer."

Ally just nodded seriously causing the young man to face her directly.

"You're already taking notes?" Vince asked in amusement.

"I just thought that the questions might give us clues. The first answer was eleven, then only eleven of us were left. I don't believe in coincidence."

"Damn, Allysa Santino. Why didn't I know about you when we were students?" Vince asked, still amazed. The young woman just shrugged her shoulders.


Both Vince and Ally turned when they heard Paul's voice. The young woman smiled.

"Wait for us outside," she said.

Paul also smiled and then nodded, before turning his back. Everyone watched as he left Louie's Hall.

The double doors closed again and only six graduates remained inside.
