Chapter 19: Corrupt Files |Hux|

"The good news is it Looks like all your old buddies all mauled, so your you're lucky," Bill states blandly to me.

"The bad news is we don't know where what mauled them is," Nick sighs.

"I could try to preform a thermal area scan-,"

"Command Acknowledged, Scanning..."

"Don't have to lift a finger huh?" Nick asked.

"I Guess not," I shrug.

A large beep echoes through the empty room, signalling the scan was done.

"It says there's nothing there at all," I said, and everyone groaned over the coms.


"Is there a lower temperature anywhere?" Rascal asked.


After a minute the system beeps again.

"Oh wow, uh-," I began.

"What is it?!" Bill cuts me off.

"Your right on top of a cold spot, I think it's an opening or even a vent system,"

"You think?" Bill asks annoyed.

"Portal Gate found, Downloading Data..."

The four of us remained radio silence, which was only broken by The machines alerting us again.

"Universe 21 Found, Entity File Found,"

It beeps again.

"Universe 10 Found, 3 Entity Files Found,"

"Error File.exe.0 not Found, please insert data manually,"

"Judging by that two people are not where they should be," Rascal says.


Entity File 0002 #21

Eobard Thawne




Speed: MAX.EXE



"Something tells me we need to take a step back, If this data is correct, something is coming your way," I say.

"According to the plan that was made-," I was cut off my nick yelling into the mic.

"No! We are not leaving Sarah behind, that's not only the death of us all but she's with two psychopaths right now and I'm not giving up on her,"

"Nick, we need to wait until there's a-,"

The coms were cut off, I assume he shut me out, Bill's went silent as well.

"Oh of fucking course he's gonna be like that," I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I'm still here, unlike them I'm sensible enough to understand what your saying, but unfortunately Nick's gotten a little attached," Rascal says.

"Anyways, what's the plan?" He asks.

"Rascal, there's a transmitter in my office, listen to it for anything regarding a 'package', because that's how we will find her," I tell him and sent coordinates.


Tick, Tock, if only they knew what my lord is going to do,

Tick, Tock, passing it does, soon enough will go by,

Tick, Tock, Her only wish is to be free, just like me.