
The 'vacation' had finally come. I was currently walking on a cruise which was extremely huge. The cruise had everything, shops, activities, and a great restaurant, in which we could get free food whenever we wanted. Not to mention, the scenery itself was completely beautiful, we were situated right in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. One could certainly call this "Sea Paradise".

As I thought, the school is going all out. Daikoku Private Academy could never even be compared to this school, however, the twist is that this school has a goal of giving us such luxuries. Perhaps an exam onboard the ship or perhaps an exam of exploration on that island over there.

As I was on the top deck of the cruise, I saw the boat ever so slightly, circle an island. I remember what Hoshinomiya said to me about certain locations that would grant us class points. However, I wasn't sure of how many locations, perhaps 5 or 10. Then I also have to consider the fact that one location could give me a greater sum of points than another.

I tried to memorize a few locations which would have a high probability of being one of the locations that give us points. However, I also have to think about who the leaders for the other classes would be. For now, I have a plan for this exam.

I heard some footsteps behind me, who I could only assume to be Horikita's. I was correct and our eyes met as I turned to face her.

Light: "Are you feeling better now?"

Horikita: "Yes, the doctor gave me some medicine and told me to just take it easy for now."

Horikita was sick as soon as we got on the boat. I easily deduced that she was feeling horrible because of the way she was acting. Horikita kept on grasping her arm and seemed to face the ground the entire time I was with her.

I recommended her to go see the doctor and I was just met with a glare from Horikita at first. She was too prideful to go see the doctor, but I was ultimately able to convince her by telling her about how we couldn't possibly afford her to be sick. Of course, we both suspected that the school had ulterior motives for bringing us on this cruise.

Light: "You see, it would've been bad if you missed this amazing cruise and the activities available."

Horikita: "I don't care about this boat, I would've just stayed in my room and read the entire time."

Light: "Huh, well you wanna read with me later?"

Horikita: "You actually read? Depending on what we read, I might accept, some books are better read alone."

Light: "Well I'll see you later."

Horikita: "Wait.."

I turned around to see Horikita as she was facing the floor.

Light: "Yeah, something wrong?"

Horikita: "I just wanted to say....thank you, if it wasn't for you I might've not gone to see the doctor."

Light: "You're welcome, I'll see you later Horikita."

Horikita: "Yeah..."

I decided to just walk on the top deck and see if anything would come up. Many students were swimming on the pool that was available on the upper deck, this cruise really does have everything. If the average person wanted to get on a ship like this, I would say it would cost them 100,000 yen, if not more. However, besides that, I saw how only the freshmen were the ones on board.

After a few minutes of walking, I spotted Sudo and Yamauchi hiding behind some stairs.

Light: "Hey, what are you guys doing?"

Both boys jumped as I crept up behind them.

Sudo: "Jeez man..I didn't even hear you come up behind us.."

Yamauchi: "Are you some sort of ninja or something..?"

Light: "No, I just wanted to see what you guys were up to....speaking of which, where's Ike?"

Yamauchi: "Look over there."

Yamauchi pointed to where Ike was located and not only was Ike there but Kikyou as well.

I went a bit further ahead to hear what was happening.

Ike: "W-well Kushida-chan, I-I wanted to talk to you about something..."

Kikyou: "Really, what about?"

Is this seriously a love confession? If this is an actual love confession then, no offense, but Ike will get rejected.

Ike: "Y-you see, we met a few months ago, right?"

Kikyou: "Yes, if I remember correctly, 4 months ago, right?"

Ike: "Y-yea, that's why.....can I call you by your first name?"

There was a bit of a pause, for Ike it must've felt like an eternity.

Kikyou: "Sure! Oh, can I call you Kanji too?"

Ike fell to the ground.

Ike: "Ahh! Kikyou-chan!!!"

That was it? Just calling each other by our first name was really that important?

I turned to look at Yamauchi and Sudo. They both seemed to have tears in their eyes.

Sudo: "He did it.."

Yamauchi: "That crazy bastard did it..."

I didn't want to get involved with this situation anymore so I decided to just head to my room and maybe sleep for a bit. Perhaps Horikita was right, perhaps the bedroom was really the best place to be in.

As I was walking on the deck, I spotted Chabashira and decided to talk to her before going with my original plan.

Light: "Hello Sensei."

Chabashira: "Ah, Yagami, are you enjoying your 'vacation'?"

Light: "Well I'm quite bored right now, but besides that, I really like everything that you're able to do on this cruise."

Chabashira: "Well I can assure you, that you won't be bored for much longer."

I looked over the railing and saw the island once more.

Chabashira: "Just so you know, I have high expectations of you, so don't let me down."

Light: "I'll try to do my best Sensei, as I always do."

Suddenly I heard the intercom start saying something.

Intercome: "Attention everyone, we will begin to disembark in 30 minutes. Please proceed to go to the bathroom if needed and put on your gym uniform in the time allotted. Thank you."

Chabashira: "Seems like that's your queue. Better get ready."

I nodded and made my way to my room.

When I entered my room, I put on my gym clothes and started making my way back to the deck.

On my way there, I saw Airi with her gym uniform as well.

Light: "Hey Airi, how are you doing?"

Airi: "Oh, Light-kun...I'm doing alright right now, but I'm just nervous as to why we're disembarking.."

Light: "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all be fine."

Airi: "Ah-h yea, I hope it is..."

We made our way to the deck as a teacher gave us further instructions.

Teacher: "Cell phones are prohibited on the island, give them to your teacher on the way to the island."

I gave up my cell phone, as did everyone else. We all started making groups depending on our class. As everyone finished grouping up, a teacher who I recognized as Masahima stepped forward. Masahima was the main teacher for Class A.

Masahima: "Thank you all for being here in record timing, sadly one of you won't be able to participate due to an illness. That student is Sakayanagi Arisu from Class A."

I always did wonder if Sakayanagi had an illness, she did carry a cane around but that alone didn't tell me anything. Not to mention, Class A has a disadvantage with her gone. I heard about how the class was split into two parts, with the majority siding with Sakayanagi and the others with another person I can't recall. Perhaps the other person could be their leader.

Masahima: "Now, let's begin the special exam for this year's freshmen."

Ike: "Huh, special exam?"

Ike and many other people started asking questions and appeared to be confused with what the teacher just said.

Hirata: "Hey guys, let's just calm down and hear what the teacher has to say."

Hirata, as the great leader he is, tried to calm down our class which seemed to have worked as everyone quieted down.

Masahima: "The duration for this exam will be one week, students will live on this deserted island in that time period as classes, to test your ability to work and live as a group. Leaving the island and going back to the ship cannot be done without a justifiable reason. Classes will be given 300 S points which you could use to buy more materials that are located on this manual."

The teacher showed us a manual that seemed to be filled with many different products. Some students still seemed to be concerned, which was understandable.

Masahima: "Additionally there are ways classes can earn more points during this exam. Each class will have a leader and only the leader for each class can claim spots located on this island. Each spot grants one point for that class and the timer for a singular spot will reset in 8 hours. At the end of this exam if you are correctly able to guess the leader for another class you will earn 50 S points. This is your chance to earn many points for your class, and even if you don't, this exam will not affect your current S points. Try your hardest during this exam, thank you that will be all."

Well, now I know what Hoshinomiya was referring to. 50 points to correctly guess another class leader? I know that we can't guess the leader for Class B since we have an alliance with them so that's one less problem to worry about. You can only drop out with a justifiable reason huh? I can just say that the stress is too much for me to handle.

Chabashira: "I will now hand out wristwatches to everyone, the wristwatches tell us your location in case of an emergency. They also give you additional information such as your temperature and pulse. You are not permitted to take the wristwatches off, if you do so you will be punished."

Chabashira: "You should also know that if you guess the leader for another class incorrectly you will lose 50 S points and any additional bonus points from claiming territory around the island."

While Chabashira was talking about other information I walked over to Kikyou.

Light: "Hey Kikyou, I need your help with something."

Kikyou: "Yes Light?"

Light: "In a moment I will try to volunteer to be the leader for our class, I want you to back me up. Can you do that?"

Kikyou: "I'd be happy to, but are you sure about this?"

Light: "Trust me, I have a plan to combat this exam. I need you Kikyou"

Kikyou appeared to be a little flustered about my last statement.

Kikyou: "Hmph, you can't just go around saying stuff like that...I'll do it."

Light: "Thank you."

As I was walking back to the original spot, which bear in mind, was right next to Chabashira. I heard a certain woman call out.

Hoshinomiya: "Yahoo~"

I felt an object hit me from behind. Which turned out to be Hoshinomiya clinging on to me.

Light: "Hey Sensei, how are you?"

Hoshinomiya: "Hey~I just wanted to see what you were doing."

Hoshinomiya leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

Hoshinomiya: "Were the things I told you helpful?"

Light: "Yes, thank you Sensei. However right now the people currently watching our ordeal might get the wrong idea. I don't personally mind it but you as a teacher might get into more trouble."

Just as I said that Chabashira grabbed Hoshinomiya by the ear.

Hoshinomiya: "Oww! Oww! Stop Sae-chan that hurts!"

Chabashira: "Get out of here before I have to report you to the school."

Hoshinomiya: "Ok ok, I'll see you later Yagami-kun!"

Light: "Bye Sensei."

I walked over to our classmates as they were discussing what to do with the points. I looked over to Kikyou and nodded my head.

Light: "Hey guys, I was thinking about what the teachers were saying about the leader for each class. I wanted to volunteer to be the leader for our class, of course, I have to get everyone's approval first."

Hirata: "That sounds like a great idea Yagami-kun, I'll personally be fine with it, but I'm not sure if the others would be fine with it."

Yukimura: "I don't agree with it, the other classes could easily identify you as the leader for our class. In case you don't know, you've already made quite a name for yourself."

The class seemed conflicted with the decision to elect me as the leader however the majority of the class seemed to want me as the leader.

Kikyou: "I think that Light-kun is the best candidate to assume the role of leader. He's smart enough to no get caught and it might make sense to make him the leader because the other classes might think it's too obvious."

With Kikyou voicing her opinion. I was ultimately voted as the leader.


I was walking with Horikita through the forest. Two groups separated from the rest. One group consisted of the three idiots and the other one was of me and Horikita. We were looking for a location to sit up least that's what the others thought.

My goal is to look for the locations that have a high probability of being a location in which we could farm points.

I saw what appeared to be a device that didn't belong in this forest. I walked over to it and confirmed that it one of those spots to farm points.

Light: "Hey Horikita, look."

Horikita walked over to me and saw what I was looking at.

Horikita: "I see, perhaps we should-"

Horikita couldn't even finish her sentence before I took out the keycard and claimed the spot for our class.

Horikita: "What are you doing?!"

Light: "It's alright, trust me."

Horikita: "Anyone could be in this forest. Don't do something reckless like that again. I'm starting to think that not saying anything against you being a leader was a mistake."

I wanted the other classes to know I'm the leader.

Light: "Sorry, you're right I shouldn't have been so reckless."

Horikita: "It's alright, c'mon there doesn't really appear to be a good location to set up camp over here."

Horikita led us back the way we came and I marked the location on the map that I drew of the island.


I was currently walking again with Airi and Koenji to find anything we could on this island. The three idiots already found an area to set up our camp.

This was perfect, the location where we were set up already had another one of those devices. That means I have two places to farm points, all I need is a third and then I can focus on the leaders for Classes A and C.

I noticed that Airi wasn't as fast as me and certainly not Koenji. Koenji seemed to be having the time of his life.

Koenji: "This is so beautiful! I am perfection!"

I stopped so Airi could catch up to me.

Light: "Haha, man Koenji sure is athletic isn't he?"

Airi: "Yea, he sure is....but I believe your quite athletic as well Light-kun. I mean remember when you guys were swimming, I saw how fast you were."

Light: "Thank you Airi, a compliment is always nice. Man, now that I think about it, this forest would be a perfect place to take a magnificent picture."

Airi: "Yeah, it sure would be. I wish I had my camera, I would've been able to take a beautiful picture of you and this environment."

I smiled at Airi, and I also noticed how Koenji had seemingly disappeared. My guess is that he isn't coming back and will quit, there is no reason for him to be here, at least that's what he'll probably think. It's alright, a 30 point penalty is nothing compared to what my goal actually is.


We kept on walking until eventually reaching a cave because I was the first one there I heard a bit of movement and talking.

Sakura walked right next to me as I instinctively grabbed her and pulled her into the bushes.

???: "Man we sure are lucky to have found this cave, right Katsuragi-san? I mean we have enough room in there for everyone!"

Katsuragi: "Lucky? I already knew about this spot before we even came to this island."

I looked over at both of them and I saw the man named Katsuragi holding a keycard. Is he the leader?

Katsuragi: "The boat was circling this island before we landed, that was a hint to look for possible locations here. Yahiko, make no mistake, I have a responsibility as the leader."

You made a mistake, Katsuragi. A responsible leader would never show the keycard in this forest which could easily conceal anyone and I agree that you are one. However, that statement can only mean that the other student, Yahiko is the leader.

Katsuragi: "Let's go Yahiko, I saw other locations on the boat."

Yahiko: "Yeah, and you know that Sakayanagi will have to be quiet if we annihilate this exam."

Huh, so he's the other person in charge of Class A?

I failed to realize just how long I've been holding on to Sakura. She was completely red. Perhaps I may or may not regret this move but I'll try and see what happens.

To calm Sakura down I patted her head slowly which seemed to have actually worked. Who would've thought?

Light: "Sorry Airi, I didn't realize just how long I was holding on to you."

Airi: "I-it's a-alright. I didn't mind it at all..."

Light: "But still, I apologize. Anyway, I believe that those two students are from Class A. Perhaps one of them is the leader, don't you think?"

Airi: "Yea, you're always right Light-kun! We should go tell the others right?"

Light: "I'll do it later, but for now, can you assist me with looking for a location to get some points?"

Airi: "I'd be happy to Light-kun, thank you for letting me come with you...I know that I'm not the best."

Airi lowered her gaze and I did the same thing I did earlier and patted her head.

Light: "No, don't think like that. I feel really comfortable when I'm with you. I should be thanking you."

Airi seemed to cheer up with this and looked at me with a smile.


Light: "There we go."

I had just claimed another spot for our class.

Airi: "Yay! Now we have two spots. I didn't even see this one. You really are amazing Light-kun."

Light: "Thank you, now let us get back to the group we don't want to be late."

I marked this location down on our map as both Airi and I made our way back to camp.


The group was discussing what we should spend our points on. I was the one to suggest a strategy in which we only spend 90 points. It would've been 70 had the girls not wanted a proper toilet.

Yukimura was the main person to be arguing against the toilet while the girls and Hirata wanted the toilet. I decided to voice my opinion.

Light: "Listen, I understand both ideas, and while I would personally be able to use the toilet we've already been given. We should get a proper toilet. Think about it like this, if we get the proper toilet, the girls will be at ease and therefore they will be able to work more efficiently since they have that reassurance."

We ended up getting the toilet in the end and then we had to move on to another problem.

Ike: "What? The water is perfectly fine!"

Ike was suggesting that we should drink water from the river to which some girls automatically disagreed with him.

Shinohara: "That's gross! We can't possibly drink that water."

Light: "Look, think about it from this perspective, we don't have to waste points on getting bottled water. At the end of this exam, those same points we didn't spend will become our private points."

Kikyou: "I agree with Light-kun, I think it's better if we spend as little points as we can."

Yukimura: "I have to agree as well."

Thus another problem solved and peace finally came to this least until the rest found out Koenji just cost us 30 S points


I was currently sitting down looking at the time. The spots reset every 8 hours, I have to wait for a few more until I can claim those again.

Hirata: "Hey Yagami-kun, I know that you've already done a lot for us today, but I wanted to ask for a favor."

Light: "It's alright, anything to better the class."

Hirata: "Great! I was wondering if you could collect some branches since it'll get dark out soon."

Light: "I'd be happy to, besides I wanted to stretch my legs a bit more."

Hirata: "It would be better if you take someone. Thanks again Yagami-kun."

Well, I guess I can just choose Airi. She is one of the better candidates after all. I walked over to her and asked for her assistance.

Airi: "I'd be happy to Light-kun."

As soon as we were about to leave, an unexpected person showed up.

Yamauchi: "Hey hey, where are you guys going?"

Light: "We're going to collect branches."

Yamauchi: "Well can I go along? You could use the extra hands."

Light: "Sure"


As we were collecting branches, Yamauchi put his arm behind my back.

Yamauchi: "Hey man, I think I'm going for Airi."

Light: "What?"

Yamauchi: "Let's face it, Kushida-chan is way out of my league and the other person I've been thinking about is Sakura who is easily the best candidate."

Light: "What does this have to do with me?"

Yamauchi: "Well...I mean you already have a bunch of other girls swooning over you so you don't need Sakura right? I was looking for some advice since you seem to be really close to her."

Light: "Who's to say she isn't already my girlfriend?"

Yamauchi: "C'mon man don't tell me that's true! Please man, you already have others like Horikita and even Kushida-chan is on a first-name basis with you! Even before Kanji!"

Light: "I'm building up a harem."

Yamauchi: "What?!"

Light: "I was joking....maybe."

I just walked on ahead of Yamauchi and checked on how Airi was doing.

Light: "How are you holding up Airi?"

Airi: "Oh...I'm alright just a bit tired."

I noticed that Yamauchi was listening in on our conversation so I decided to mess with him even further.

Light: "Hey if you want I can give you a piggyback if you start getting tired. Just tell me and I'll do it."

Airi: "Wha-what...I mean I wouldn't mind one from you..."

Yamauchi seemed to be pissed but I just didn't really care.

We walked a bit further in search of more branches. However, we didn't expect to find a lonely girl sitting under a tree and who appeared to have a swollen bruise on her cheek.

Yamauchi was the first to speak up.

Yamauchi: "Hey, are you alright? should I call a teacher?"

???: "Leave me alone. It was just a class dispute, just go already."

Yamauchi: "We can't just leave you here, right guys?"

Yamauchi looked over at Airi and me.

Light: "Yeah, he's right. We can't just leave you here please come back to our class with us."

I stretched out my hand towards her as she reluctantly accepted it.

Yamauchi: "You should know our names first. My names Yamauchi and those are Yagami and Sakura. We're from Class D. Pleased to meet you."

???: "My names...Ibuki, I'm from Class C."

Light: Oh sorry guys, I just realized I have something to do. You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up later."

Airi: "Are you sure? I could come with you if you'd like..."

Light: "No, it's alright. I'll see you all later."

I walked away from the group who seemed to be a bit confused. However, I now know exactly what to do.

It's pretty simple what I'll do next. I'll make it so Ibuki obviously knows that I'm the leader. What fools they all are, really Class C, you could've tried better. You're just as pathetic as I thought.


When I got back to our camp, everyone seemed to be aware of Ibuki's presence. Some appeared to be skeptical of her while others like Kikyou tried to make her feel at home.

The class started to eat the food the girls brought. The boys and girls were sitting separately from each other.

I was currently next to Airi, since we didn't sit with the groups, we just talked about some random things. The entire time, I swear I could feel Yamauchi's gaze on me.

The entire group fell silent as Hirata said the thing I was afraid of hearing.

Hirata: "Hey come to think of it, where's Kouenji-kun?"

Light: "I wish you didn't say that."

Everyone looked curiously at me until Chabashira spoke up.

Chabashira: "Oh, Koenji complained about being sick, he returned back to the boat which cost you 30 points."

I don't think I've seen so many people get pissed in such a short amount of time.

Sudo: "Koenji, you jerk!!!!!"

Ike: "He cost us 30 points!!"

Well, at least that's over with.

After everyone finished eating and fell asleep, I went back to claim the two spots. The third was right next to us so I didn't need to go far.

(The following day)

I woke up quite earlier than everyone else as I saw that they were still asleep. I still had some time left before I had to go back and claim the other spots.

I left the tent and took a shower rather quickly since no one was awake.

I took the chance to go through Ibuki's bag and there I saw a digital camera. This was just perfect.

I sat by the lake as I was approached by Hirata who was the first person, other than myself, to wake up.

Hirata: "Good morning, Yagami-kun."

Light: "Morning Hirata. I was just admiring the beautiful scenery. Too bad we didn't get the chance to just explore this island and not have to worry about how we're going to eat, right?"

Hirata: "I would've liked that, especially when I was younger like in middle sch-"

Hirata stopped himself and his expression changed to a sad one. I tried to ease the situation by starting the conversation again.

Light: "Hey, you think this is great? I've been to other locations where nature is just beautiful. Perhaps when we graduate I can show you one day."

I was lying, in this world, I never got experience anything on the outside.


Nothing special was happening today so I decided to try to make things interesting. Plus I still had a plan I needed to proceed with.

Light: "Hey Horikita, want to check out what the other classes are doing?"

Horikita: "I myself have been wondering what their strategies are, so I'll have to accept."

Light: "Great, let check out what Class C is doing first."

Horikita: "Why them?"

Light: "Because I want to be finished with them quickly. I still remember what happened with Sudo, I suspect that someone had already planned out the events that transpired that day."

Horikita: "Yet again we have come to another agreement, someone was definitely pulling the strings behind Class C."

Light: "Well, let's not waste any more time. I believe I remember their location."

Horikita: "How so?"

Light: "By the loud music and the sound of partying."


Horikita: "What the hell are they doing?"

We looked onwards as every student of Class C appeared to be partying. I decided to go around and look for Hiyori.

Horikita: "What are you doing?"

Light: "Looking for a friend."

As I said that a student approached Horikita and they both made their way over to someone who was sitting down in a chair.

I walked over to where some students were playing volleyball and opened a tent in which I spotted who I was looking for.

Light: "Hey, how are you doing this fine evening?"

Hiyori looked up at me in a surprised manner.

Hiyori: "Light-kun, what are you doing here?"

Light: "Not the best greeting if I'm honest."

Hiyori: "Sorry, I'm just surprised is all."

Light: "Seems like you guys have it easy."

Hiyori: "Well maybe the other people, but not me. I just stay in here for most of the day and sadly I don't even have a book to read..."

Light: "I'm sorry to hear that Hiyori, after this exam, I promise to read with you when I can. I'll even bring Airi along, sound like a deal?"

Hiyori: "Yes, that sounds wonderful. Thank you Light-kun, I'll see you after the exam is finished."

I started walking back the same way I and Horikita came from when she herself appeared.

Light: "So, what happened?"

Horikita: "Someone who appears to rule Class C like a tyrant asked what was my business with him. He boldly claimed that he didn't care about this exam and has already used up all of the class points. I believe his name is Ryuuen. He seems like someone we'll have to worry about in the long run."

Light: "I'll keep that in mind."

Horikita: "Let's get out of here, the thought of staying here a second longer irritates me."


We arrived at the camp for Class B. The class seemed to have things organized and the spot they chose was beautiful, that's just the great leader Ichinose is.

I saw that Ichinose herself was making her way towards us.

Ichinose: "Hello Yagami-kun and Horikita-san, how have you guys been?"

Horikita: "The same as always."

Light: "Great Ichinose, but to be honest I'm getting a bit jealous just staring at the magnificent camp you guys were able to set up."

Ichinose: "Aww, thank you Yagami-kun your kind words are always welcome."

A student approached Ichinose and seemed to have asked for the location of someone from Class B.

Light: "Ichinose, who was that? He doesn't appear to be apart of Class B. He sounded too formal when he spoke to you."

Ichinose: "Well he's a Class C student who seemed to have had some sort of dispute with the rest of his class."

Horikita: "Funny, we have also inducted someone from Class C into our camp as well."

Horikita told Ichinose all the details we knew about Ibuki and how she had a bruise on her cheek as well.

Light: "Hey Horikita, can you go scope out Class A?"

Horikita: "By myself?"

Light: "Sorry to ask this of you, but theirs some stuff I need to do. I'll see you back at the camp."

Horikita just sighed.

Horikita: "Alright, I'll see you at the camp."

Ichinose: "What was that about Yagami-kun? What are you going to do?"

Light: "Hey Ichinose can I talk to you in private?"

Ichinose: "Alright"

As soon as we went to a spot where we were sure no-one could hear and see us, I started speaking again.

Light: "Hey Ichinose do you trust me?"

Ichinose: " I do, Light, after everything you did for me..."

Ichinose appeared to be blushing quite a bit, possibly because she was recalling what happened back at the school. She also called me by my first name...

Light: "What I'm going to ask you is extremely important, however, I understand if you don't tell me."

Ichinose: "What is it?

Light: "I want to know who the leader for your class is."

Ichinose: "Well I'll only tell you because of everything you did. I really trust you because of what you did for me that see..the leader for Class B is Shiranami Chihiro."