
History is written by the victors....

Before I joined the school, my entire childhood was something that one might say is comparable to hell.

Day after day, I had to do physical activities at such an early age, complete questions that people would have to, in high school.

Day after day...the same meaningless garbage.

I was placed in a room with many other kids, the worst part is that all of the others were completely innocent. On our first day there, the kids tried to help one another...that immediately resulted in a punishment.

Still, I tried my best to assist anyone I could. I had to do something to help them...

"Hey, the equation is actually supposed to go like this."

"Thanks so much, Yagami."

When a guard was about to punish me, my own father, the head of this hell hole was the one who stopped him.

"No, you fool. Let him do as he pleases."

My father was a terrible man, he wanted to create someone who would lead Japan in the future. I was considered a prodigy in the place we call "The White Room."

"Very good, you have surpassed my expectations once more. I'm proud to call you my son."

I'll never be your son.

"Still, I can't say I'm not disappointed in you caring so much about the others who aren't as talented as you. Know this Light, in this world, those people will only drag you down."

Then possibly the worst tests, the physical tests. We had to constantly run, the scientists would say 3 minutes left yet never told us to stop. I tried my best to encourage the ones who weren't as fast as me...but it was only a temporary solution.....I was the only one running in the end.

Then came the combat training, I immediately excelled at it, I beat my own trainer 3 weeks in, however, I was the only one to do so...

The luckiest the other kids got was having a draw with their respective trainers. I tried to help the other kids learn the moves correctly, but again that didn't help.....I never felt so hopeless....the number of times, I wished to have my actual father back.....

This is truly a punishment for me, Kira. Getting everyone I knew killed....L, Watari, Misa, Takada, Mikami.....the list goes on and on....was I truly right?

Then came one day....we were having chess competitions, I was able to beat my opponents fairly quickly and my last opponent had also fallen.

"That was really good, you had me on the ropes."

"Thank you, Yagami...."

However this test was different, at the end of it, my own father came to take me away as opposed to the guards.

"I'm sure you'll have some fun with this Light."

"Father, what is this? Where are you taking me?"

"A certain girl wants to meet you, she's the daughter of one of my apprentices. She's a natural-born prodigy, exactly like you, but of course not as talented as you and especially not as gifted."

I was brought to a room with a chessboard and two chairs. On one chair, a girl with a cane sat on it.

"I'm sure, you'll be able to appease your boredom, my son. Have fun you two."

My father closed the door behind him and left us there.

I sat in the chair and looked directly at the girl.

"It's nice to finally meet you, or at least, finally talk to you."

"Umm, I'm not sure who you name i-"

"Ayanokouji Light"

"How did you-?"

"As I've said before, it's finally nice to talk to you, I've been able to see what you've been doing in this facility because of my father."

I stayed silent to let the girl continue.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being rude, the names Sakayanagi Arisu. I'm sure we can be good friends. Now how about a game of chess?"


We started our game.

"Tell me what is it you want to do in life?"

I was a bit surprised at her question, she acted extremely natural.

"Well, I don't know yet...I want to help people."

"Hmm, to me that just seems a bit vague. Perhaps you can elaborate?"

"Well...I want to protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I want to get rid of those who hurt others and those who are corrupting our society."

"Fufufu, so is that why you help the other kids?"


"The way you speak about our makes me think that you've been able to see the outside world, yet as far as I know you haven't....."

Hmm, I might have said too much, well I guess theirs no going back now.

"That's just my take...I honestly don't know if our society is corrupt, what about you?"


"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"Hmm...maybe I'll be the principal of a school, exactly like my father or maybe I'll be in the government. So many decisions and plenty of time to decide, I'll decide on what I want to pursue later in life."

"Well, what do you think about this facility?"

"I think it's boring. I believe that those who are made to be geniuses aren't genuine and those who are born geniuses are superior."


"Yes, oh don't worry I don't think like that about you, your father told my father and me that you're a natural-born prodigy. You immediately excelled at all subjects. Besides we're friends right?"

"Well, I don't want to be rude or anything, but we just met today...."

"It does hurt me since this instance is probably a one-time thing...I wish I could talk to you again and maybe even show you the outside world....."

"Maybe one day right? We could explore every country together...."


"Well, to be honest, I feel some sort of connection with you. You seem like a confident girl who has everything in her future planned out."

"You're too nice, no wonder you're able to make the other kids happy, even in a place like this."

"When you're in my shoes, you have to be optimistic, even if you're scared, you have to be a leader towards the others."

"Truly astounding, of course, I didn't expect anything less of you."

Just as she finished her thought I won the game.

"Fufu, it seems like you have beaten me. That was the first time I've lost against anyone. That was a good game."

"That was really well played, I wasn't that confident that I would win."

The girl stood up from her chair and walked over to me with her cane.

She proceeded to grab my pinky finger with her own.

"Oh, umm..what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious, let's make a promise? One day we'll see the world together and do what we want."


She proceeded to look into my eyes.

"You have to pinky promise."

"Alright, I swear we'll see the world together and no rules will hold us back."

"You know, even in this short time I've known you...I believe that you're the first friend I've ever had."

Why did it have to be like what he said?

"Yeah, I get what you mean....maybe one day....I'll see you again friend."

"You too Light."

Of course, I never saw her again and the number of kids that were in the facility decreased at a rapid rate...I had to accept the fact that I was completely hopeless...I was stuck here until my father would let me leave, whenever that would father was in total control.....No theirs no way I'll ever let him win, one day I'll make sure to "delete" him from this world.....I'll beat him in the end....