Chapter 4

I wake up and realise that I am very late for school. I do my usual morning routine hurriedly and put on a blue floral sleeveless shirt, a pair of dark skinny jeans and my brown ballet flats. I pick my bag and head downstairs and grab an apple and head for school.

I arrive school thirty minutes late, I decide to go to the library since there is no point in going to class this late, i don't want my first detention now, not yet. I do some revision and write some notes . The bell for the next period goes and I head to my French class.

"Bonjour classe, ouvrez la cahier à pagé 45" Monsieur Isaàc states. I open my textbook and read through my book.




"What!!!" I whisper tell at Melisa who apparently takes this class with me. She has been trying to grab my attention for the last five minutes but i kept ignoring her. now she resulted into poking

"I don't have my textbook with me so can you please share yours" She asks.

I sigh and agree to share. Class goes on and on and Melisa keeps asking me irrelevant questions.

"So, did you have a boyfriend in your former school back in Seattle"

" Yes I did" I say through gritted teeth trying to keep my cool. i don't want to burst out crying like a baby, remembering all the hideous things he did.

"Hmmmm...interesting" She says as of deep in thought .

"Did you love him?"

I just nod, lying to her because I am afraid my words will fail me because of what he did and all the memories.

Melisa realises my change in mood and decided to change the topic which I am grateful for me instead asks a stupid question.

"So do you like Ryder?" She states with amusement in her tone.

"! I do not like him. " I state with honesty in my voice. Why would she probably think i like that egoistic cocky nincompoop jerk. I

"Ohhhh....kayyyyy..... As you say." She states like as if she doesn't believe me.

"I'm not gonna argue with you on this one." I say nonchalantly. Ryder and i are like USA and South Korea or whatever those allies are... We will never be at peace with each other.

" okay okay I believe you" she states still with doubt in her voice.

I sigh and continue listening to what Monsieur Isaàc is saying.

The bell rings signalling that it's time for lunch. I head out with Melisa and we continue talking as we head to the cafeteria.

"Hey guys" I greet everyone at the table.

"Hey" they all state in unison.

We start talking about our day and plans for the weekend and as we are still talking, the whole cafeteria goes silent just like yesterday.

What's up with people going silent, is it like a tradition or something?

I look behind and the four 'Greek gods of the school' are entering the cafeteria with their heads held high, not caring about anything in the world. They walks as if they are coming from a Calvin Klein photoshoot

But they are still hot!

My subconscious mocks me and I shake the thought out of my head.

i snort as I look back to my food and the rest of my friends are looking where they were entering, with wide eyes.

"They are coming this way and so is Cole, everyone look cool." Melisa squeals while tapping me.

I roll my eyes at her. Melisa has this huge crush on Cole, but refuses to admit it. We all know Cole and his team are big players.

"Hey you!," I hear a familiar deep masculine voice but decide to ignore since I'm not in the mood for any bullshit right now. i am well aware he is talking to me.

Someone pokes me from behind and my guess is Ryder, obviously.

Seriously what's with people and poking me today!

"What do you want?!!!" I snap with irritation clear in my voice.

He is again taken aback by my response. Seriously what is with him being taken aback by my responses. It's like no one has ever talked back at him.

So cliche....

"Hey ! Come down, I just want us to be friends"

I'm a bit shocked by what he said but decide to hide that emotion. Friends?? i know this is a prank or a trap. i have read books and watched enough movies to know that this is a silly prank.

"And why would I want that?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He smirks with a mischief look and I already know he is up to no good. He then storms off and heads to their table in the cafeteria.

I turn back to my friends and they are all shocked by I just ignore since I don't care at all.

The bell rings just before they start asking me questions which I am grateful for.

I rush out of the cafeteria and head to my locker. Amelia and Patricia walk towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Pat asks me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't i?"

"Because you just ran out of the cafeteria as if something was wrong." Amelia says

"No, I'm fine. It's not like any of you are Edward Cullen and you can read what's on my mind" I stated

They just laugh at me. I open my locker by putting in my locker combination ..then....




Chalk dust pours out and pops into my face and my clothes. my locker is just white, everything in the locker is white..

I turn on my side and I se Ryder and his team of assholes laughing while pointing at me.

I walked up to him and stood in front of him. I shoved him in the chest while hitting him which does no harm to him because his chest is very hard.

"What's wrong with you?!!" I basically scream at him. i am well aware of all the eyes in the hallway but i choose to ignore them.

He just shrugs , "That's what you get for pouring pudding on my head." He then walks away with his friends trailing behind him.

Oh it's on......asshole....
