unedited chapter 3

 Once we arrived at the elder's house the guard knocked on the door the Elder opened it having a bad day and is trying to hide it like something happened.

Elder;  Welcome to my home please follow me to my office so we can talk thank you. 

 both the catkin and the foxkin; okay

 Elder;so you guys were the people who saved our village just want to say thank you and don't want to be rude but where are you guys from because we don't get a lot of travelers to our parts reason why all we have is goblins that are really far away that sometimes attack us that's pretty much it.

Foxkin with a Mask; you're welcome and as for where we are from let's just say it's really far away and the reason why we are here we just like to travel

 catkin with the mask; yeah what she said we like to travel a lot and just see the world

foxkin;I don't want to be rude but my name is Alice and this is Ben sorry about not saying our names when we were at the door

Ben; nice to met you and seems like you're having a bad day do you think we can help you

 Elder; I was just going to get to the names part hahaha as for that my  daughter is heading to the academy so she  could be in a S rank adventurer or someone special that's why

 Alice;  that seems interesting where is the academy you want to go

Ben; didn't we just start school

 Alice; stop breaking the fourth wall and yes that was in our world and not this world now  you made me say that in front of The Elder and make him forget he ever saw ask talking about it 

 Ben; okay can you forget we you advertise talking about it okay Elder you never saw his talking about it and yes we are from a different planet but not this

Elder; '-'

 okay as for the Academy thing if you keep heading west towards the capital they're having nothing to enter the academy losing my mind

Alice; thank you but can you show us the map

elder ; shere here you go

 map acquired minimap activated

Fox system; cool you guys now have a mini-map up in the world so now you guys don't have to, so I asked for guidance to a place

Ben;  I thought the cat system was The Sassy one

 fox system; yeah I'm just say it was  exciting

Alice; ok

Ben; Thank you for the map your you go we don't need any more so as for the second part do you know where we can spend the night kinda getting  sleepy

Elder; hahaha ya you can stay here for the Night  and do you think can help me with something

Both of the kin; shere

Elder; Okay as for the thing I want you to do can you help me clean up the place you can probably  and tell I had a mental breakdown because my daughter going to the academy

Alice; Sure that's simple do you know any clean Magic

 Ecuador; yeah I do it's in this poker here

Alice; thank you

[A/N  I will not put in your the magic skills in the skill screen maybe I will if this speech to typing thing actually is better than my typing but if not then just try to remember the skills because they will probably use the better skills more often than these lower skills but hey got to remember those skills right]

Elder; you're welcome as for the magic that you asked it's on page one

Alice; so is this a magic book

 Elder; yes yes it is he has over 100 different  Magic spells all right but  all these  spells are four different people who have better in that aspect spell so like fire water air Earth ArcLight space you'll get it right

Alice; yep  hey Ben we can finally learn how to use magic now yay 

Ben; didn't you already learn like a magic spell  that lets you travel through Shadows

Alice; oh yeah I guess we get to learn more now oh yeah aren't we  able to just touch up book that has like stuff like this and learn it

Ben;  oh yeah should we I don't know he hasn't happened yet and we both touched  the book so I don't know

 ding magic spells of different calibers learned here are they

  ice bullet, Fireball, fire bullet, water ball, waterfall, dark ball, dark bullet,  minor heal , full heal, and many more in the future when you get used to using Mana

Alice;  sweet way is the system like that have another intelligence like the two others

 ding no it's just your imagination

Ben;  yeah Alice I thought you said to stop breaking the fourth wall

Alice; '-'

Ben; Anyways we have a tons of new magic powers now cool and real slowly unlock new ones as we  use  our Mana cool I guess we should use that  cleaning magic now

 Alice; yeah I guess we should with the snap I will clean this house snap  Elder we're done

 Elder; yes you guys do have magic huh so you guys are talking about weird stuff about cleaning Magic

ben; we took out an entire Army of goblins do you think we Don't have Mana

 Elder; FairPoint but some people don't have man and still do it you guys did up here like instantly by each other so I guess I was in the wrong.

 I guess I should introduce myself then I am the Headmaster of the academy that my daughter is going to. My name is mrs. Desdemona vivaldi you can just call me vivaldi

Alice;If you were there Headmaster of the academy and why were you having a bad day because your daughter is going to the academy

 vivaldi; Because I can't see my daughter as often  at the Academy

Ben;  let me guess  she doesn't like you are around her during school hours

Vivaldi; Yep and wait how do you know

Ben;  because Alice has a teacher at our old school of our own world as you heard at the beginning

Vivaldi; Yeah that makes sense

Alice; ya my dad Is trying to make a lot of jokes so you got pretty annoying at school when I haven't lost weight each year for math.

Vivaldi; So do you guys want to go to the academy

Both Alice and Ben; yes 

Vivaldi;  okay place your hand on the spot here your Mana will be displayed here in your skill levels will explain here don't worry it would just be me who will see it

Alice; ok 

Small third-person view

 so once Alice put her hand on the spot which is a crystal ball it  shine so bright and  cracked the crystal ball

 and then Vivaldi had To bring out another crystal ball which bin did the exact same thing and cracked the ball

 end of the small 3rd person view

Vivaldi;Who are you people

Alice;  didn't we say we came from A Different World

Vivaldi; oh yeah

Ben; can you keep the to yourself

Vivaldi; Yeah I did say it would just be us three who will see it and I can say  you guys are personally invited into the academy

The end of the setting up Arc