Chapter 8 dragon ?

[AN] ok i'm feeling ready to get back to typing yay and i'm all set on my school work i think

So here I go 

Matilda: have you found anything yet 

Ben: yes how about this it seems cool I I always wanted a pet

Matilda: you want to do a dragon taming you know that's haired to do riyet

Ben; ya that's what I want to do and i can maybe get it hopefully if i dot shuts it eyes out

Matilda: do you even know whut taming magic is

Ben; yes i do in fck.. Nevermind let's go

Matilda: you forgot to submit it 

Ben; I know but if you were working will you allow 2 or 4. 14 to 16 year old go after a dragon

Matilda: faere pont but do you know where it is

Ben; yes we flu over it  it just in the mountain rage over yonder  i saw it when you slap me

Matilda: you deved it 

Ben: i know let's go 

Matilda: na i'm gonna go find the uterus bye

Ben; bye

5minit fly later

Ben: why im i doing this again i never really wanted a pet dragon it just sordid cool

Pov of ????

So I've been falling this dod how is probably after me and somehow he is being attacked by iny of the monsters here which is weared in ways i should stop him before he wakes up my dad

Pov of ben

Ok so here i was just thinking and know there's a small dragon in front of me

Dragon: can you not go iny fuerthiner plz my dad is asleep and he gets made when you wak him up and we dont wont a cranky eldr dragon on the loss 

Ben yep

Dragon; cool

Ben: ok bye

Dragon: i thot you came here for dragon as a contraked best 

Ben; i did what were you the one following me to be onist i thot it was sum one else 

Dragon; yes i was following you and why the tern arowd you scard

Ben: no i'm just bored and i have school in 3 days and just wanted to do something

Dragon: what did you say school like the academy in the sety if so can you take me with you 

Ben: ok what's your name 

Arana: its Arana

Ben: will your parents allow you to go

Arana; ill go see brb

Ben: ok

1 day later

Ben: why did i what here a day 

Arana; he said it will be ok 1 sec poffsh

Ben; i guess human form XD

Arana; yep and you actually wanted a day

Ben; ya I have like unf supplies to last me a yere of constant eating so i'm good and can what for a log time

Arana: are we going know 

Ben yes get on my bake i can fly faster

Arana; ok 

5 mits later

Here we are

Arana; so cool

Ben it's maere cool inside

At the gat

Ben i guess we have to what 

Arena; what is that coming towards us

Ben; it looks like a carig mixed with a car 

Ok it here know

??; give me her

Ben; no

??; gards

Gared saree ser ill get him his punishment know

Ben" ok

???: aaaaaaaaa


Ben: idk

Gat Gard; id

Here and 1 gold foer here 

Gat gard: thank you 

Ben you're welcome have a great day

Arena: you to ok where are we going know 

Ben; to find mi companions

Arena: ok

30 minutes of searching later

Ben; Matilda over here 

Matilda: did you actually do it 

Ben sorta but we may have a new student 

Arena; so who is thes

Ben owya Matilda this is Arena Arena this is Matilda 

Arena: it's nice to meet you

 Matilda; it's nice to meet you to

Ben: so where is everyone else

 Matilda; at haley's mansion I still can't believe she just went up and about it 

Ben: oof can you show us the what 

 Matilda shere avatar i get sum stuff

Ben ok 

At the mansion

Alice where has ben ben at he has been gone all day I had to hid this thang by the ben in syed A ben

5 minits

Ben who so this is a mansion

 Matilda your room is upstairs and to the left iges or iny free rome to be honest

Ben ok ow hay  Matilda can you help Arena out and ketchup here up on the studying

 Matilda shere

AN. if you like this chapter plz tell me what I should change tell me in the comments

thank you have a great day