Chapter - 4 (Mr.Egoistic and his ego)

Yesterday was so hectic , firstly i got surprised to see Kingston's at my parents house and then when i get back to my apartment i got a message from Mrs. blakely that tomorrow was the due date of my English assignment.

I stayed up all night to complete it and currently its 6:35am.

I am dressed up in my red striped v neck tank top, black skinny jeans and white snickers.

I got down from the kitchen counter and grabbed my backpack from the sofa and headed out of the apartment , I locked the apartment and got into the elevator.

After good 20 seconds i reached the parking area and slide into my car and headed to The lakeview university.


I am in my last class of the day by the way which is business.


My class ended which took a decade and i am walking towards my car.

Suddenly i felt a hand wrapped around my elbow.

I turned around and banged into someone.



It really hurts!!

I lift my gaze upwards and again i am freezed on my place.

There stood Mr. Egoistic.

" Why do I always bump in you " I said more like i asked.

" You should ask yourself " He said while checking me out.

" Excuse me Mr. Egoistic my eyes are up here " I said with a smirk.

" Just checking out on how bad your fashion sense is " He said with a smirk as my smirk replaced with a frown.

" Oh the one who always have ego on the top of his nose says that " I retorted.

" I am not here for listening to your sarcastic replies " He said as now i was checking him out.

Jesus Christ he looks even hotter when he wores suit.

Shut up flirty hormones.....

But damn he is looking too hot in his 3 piece black suit.

Black looks sexy....

" Love are you done checking me out " He said with a smirk.

I blushed deeply , i know my cheeks would have turned hot pink.

I move my head to face the ground.

Don't let him see me blush......

" You are blushing , you look so cute " he said and i could sense that he regretted saying that.

I moved my head to face him.

Our eyes got connected for a second or two but he moved his gaze.

" Did I heard correctly , Mr.Egoistic called me cute " i chuckled.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a black car.

When i get closer to the car i was astonished by its beauty.

It was Lamborghini merciélago.

It was more beautiful than my Lamborghini Vernon.

" Get in , i don't have all day to waste with you " he said as he opened the passenger door for me.

Oooooh Mr.Egoistic is a gentleman too.

I want to retort but i was stupefied by the cars beauty.

I got into the car without saying a word. After buckling my seat belt he got into the car.

"Where are we going? " I questioned.

"To your apartment " He answered while the car roared to life.

"Hey i didn't invite you " I said with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter love " He said as he looked at me for a second before looking back at the busy road.

"Fine then i am not going to instruct you the direction to my apartment " I said with a grin.

"I don't need that" He said blankly.

"huh how do you know where i live" I questioned with a frown.

He didn't answer.

" tell me " i questioned again.

Does he have a hearing problem or does he love to ignore me.


He didn't answer again.

I started poking his face.

He stopped the car on the sideway and looked at me.

And then i was caged between his arms and the seat.

He was so close to me that i could feel his breath fanning over my face.

I felt my heart skipped a beat.

What is happening to me.

He looks even more gorgeous in closeup

Shut uppppppppp brain....

"I have my own ways love" He said with a smirk as he saw me blushing.

Of course I am blushing , i have never got this close to a boy except my dad.

He got back to his seat and started driving again.

I was so embarrassed that i didn't utter a single word till we reached the apartment.


I unlocked my apartment and we both got inside.

We sat on the couch , i was on the extreme right side of the couch and he was on the extreme left.

The silence was dreading so i decided to speak but as i opened my mouth he spoke up.

"So here are some rules which you have to follow after marriage, first you are not going to date anyone starting from today, second we have to be loyal with each other, third we have to respect each others privacy and fourth day after tomorrow you are shifting to my house. " He said.

"Okay.....first of all i have never dated anyone so there's no need to remind me, second you are the one famous for relationships and third why the heck i would shift in your house before marriage " I exclaimed.

"Love, language and you have to shift in my house because its our parents wish and we don't have a say in that " He said calmly.

"Ugh fine.... Can i ask you something? " I questioned while playing with my fingers.

"Go ahead love " he said while scooting closer to me and putting his hand on mine to reassure me.

"Ugh..... Do you love someone else " I asked nervously.

Instead of being angry he laughed.

What the hell i am serious.

"love i have never liked a single girl so love is out of my thought and all you have heard about my relationships are only rumours. Actually i have never even kissed a girl so relax" He giggled.

Have i mentioned that his Giggle is damn cute.

But what the heck! He had never kissed a girl.

"Its not that i care i am just curious " I lied

"Oh you sure don't care " he said sarcastically.

It has been three hours since we came home. We were talking about random stuff but moreover we were surrounded by silence.

Its currently 5:20pm.

Bryce stood up and walked towards the front door and i followed him.

"Won't you stay for dinner " I asked.

"Are you inviting me? " He said with a smirk.

"Bye Mr. Egoistic Bryce Kingston, see you soon " i said with a wide smile.

He chuckled and we made eye contact for a minute.

His eyes were so deep and mesmerizing.

"Bye love, good night " He said as he kissed my forehead.

It feels good.

I felt comfortable around him it seems like he will protect me.

"Good night" I said as he walked out of the apartment and i closed the door behind.


I ate my dinner and headed to my bed room.

Since Bryce left i couldn't help but I was surrounded by the drastic memories of my past.

I took a quick shower and wore my red pajama shorts and t-shirt.

I jumped on my bed and rolled myself in the covers.

What if she returns back, what if she find out about my marriage, what if she would try to kill me again.

Who will save me this time?

I was drifted in the bad memories from my past i was scared of her.

She was a bad dream........

I was thinking about her and i didn't knew when i fell asleep.