Chapter - 7 (He was worried for me)

I was standing in front of the mirror thinking about our kiss.

We really kissed!

Duh! He stole my first kiss!

But i don't think that it was his first kiss, he might have kissed many beautiful girls and i was nothing compared to them.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind.

I took a quick shower and changed my clothes.

I wore a peach T-shirt , dark denim jeans, a black denim jacket to pair with it and my black ankle boots.

I grab my chocolate brown hair and put it into a messy ponytail.

I applied some mascara and lipbalm and i was ready to go.

I opened the bathroom gate nervously hoping that bryce would not be in the bedroom.

I opened the gate and was relieved to see the bedroom empty.

I walked down the stairs and headed towards the living room.

I found bryce typing on his laptop.

"Umm... going to college" I stutter.

He didn't even looked up and just hummed in response.

Egoistic Brat!

Fine if he wanted to ignore me then i would not be more pleased to ignore him.

I stomped my foot and walked towards the door.

I went into the garage and walked upto my car.

I got into my car and started it, but that damn car wasn't starting.

I was so irritated by bryce and now this car wasn't starting.

I looked around the garage and found many 3 more cars.

Should I take one of them?

No that egoistic would thought that i rely on him!

Can my day be more worse!?

I hailed a cab , after 15 minutes i reached WATSON UNIVERSITY.

After a long day i was finally going home.

I was walking towards the university's gate when someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around and i punched on his stomach.

Let me tell you i hate getting touched.

But you kissed bryce just this morning my thoughts said.


The boy who had grabbed my wrist was now laying on the ground.

He was an average height boy with blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes which held lust in it.

"Ouch Jennifer !" boy said.

"How did you know my name? " i questioned with a scowl plastered on my face.

"I'm your classmate" he said while getting up from the floor.

Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer!

"I am so sorry, but why did you stopped me? " I questioned irritated.

I could clearly see the lust in his eyes which send shivers down my whole body.

"I just want to tell you something " He said as his cheecks turned red.

Is he blushing!

"Go ahead " i said while calming myself down.

He suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders , i tried to get out of his hold but i wasn't able to do it as his hold was too tight.

Please someone help me!

"I love you Jennifer amd i want you to be my girlfriend" He said with lust in his eyes.

"I am sorry but i don't even know you" I retorted.

"It doesn't matter my love is enough for us" He said with so much force.

It is so cheesy!

"I am sorry but I can't reciprocate your feelings" I said Fear lacing in my voice.

Hearing that he tried to kiss me and i was just trying to push him.

Suddenly he was snatched away from me.

I looked upto the man who snatched him and i couldn't be more relieved.

There stood my knight in shining armor.


Bryce punched the boy in his face and on his stomach. He didn't gave the boy a single chance to speak as he was continuously throwing punches at him.

"Who the hell are you? " the boy spoked wiping blood from his lips.

"Listen you little boy, stay away from my girl or your family would find your body in little pieces" Bryce spat angrily.

Did he just said me his girl!

The boy got scared and runned for his life.

I figured that we were standing in the university.

Bryce came to me and engulfed me in a warm and safe hug.

I hugged him even tighter and i let my tears escaped.

"hey! don't cry love" He said while cupping my face.

"He.... He...tried to kis..s me" I said in between my hiccups that were caused by my crying.

"He has to pay for that" He tried to console me but i couldn't stop crying.

He grabbed me by my waist and i locked my legs around his trousers and my hands around his neck.

I kept my head in the crook of his neck, still sobbing.

He took me to his car and i sat on his lap.

He was continuously patting my back to calm me down.

I held tight on his shirt.

Its weird that i feel safe when i am around him.

After sometime we reached home.

We got out of the car and i was still on him like a little toddler.

We reached our room and we sat on the bed.

I tried to get up from his lap but his hands stopped me.

"Don't get up" He said calmly while caressing my cheeks.

I just hummed in response.

"Did he hurt you somewhere else?" He asked angrily.

I shook my head in a no.

"You came before he could do anything " I said with a smile.

And he smiled back.

Oh my god did he just smile!

"I want to take a bath" i said.

He nodded and i got up from his lap.

After taking a hot water bath i changed into my black pyjama shorts and black tank top.

After coming out of the bathroom i noticed bryce sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

He had changed into grey lower and black T-shirt.

I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"What happened " I asked worryingly.

He looked up and i could see guilt in his eyes.

He grabbed my wrist gently and i landed on his lap.

"I am sorry for not being their when you needed me" he said.

"Hey! Because of you i am safe" I tried to console him.

It was the truth because if he wasn't there on time I couldn't imagine what that boy would have done with me.

"Thank you bryce for saving me" i said giving a light kiss on his cheecks.

He was stunned by my action and so was I. but he quickly recovered and smiled.

He tapped the empty bed near him and i got up from his lap and laid near him.

He wrapped his arms around me and placed his leg on top of mine.

He then kissed me on my forehead and i smiled sheepishly.

"Goodnight love" he said.

"Goodnight bryce" i said.

But something came on my mind.

"hey! Why did you came to my university"

I asked curiously.

"After you left i had some work in the office so i went to pick my car from the garage and found yours in the garage too, so i was worried about you so i came to check on you" He said as a yawn escaped from his lips.

"oh" I said closing my eyes.

Mr. Egoistic was worried for me.

I giggled in my head as sleep took over me.