touch her

pari pov

i see in back and smile fade from my face because that person is not adan but playboy. i ignore him and try go in hall. i don't Want to stay with him here alone.

"where are you going love" when i try to leave but he caught my hand.

"leave me and don't call me love" i said with angry.

"oky" he leave my hand now i want to go away from him. i feel not good vibes from him. i try again but he not let me , he come in fornt of me.

"not go anywhere beautiful stay with me. we do fun together" he said to me and i feel disgusting from him. i just want to stay away from him. plz god save me from him i pray, send someone to save me.

"we do there fun no one know about it, you like my idea right" he is drunk i can recognize from his voice and smell which coming from his mouth. i want to close his mouth.

"no thanks" i reply him and try to go but he not let me again caught my hand again and try to kiss me. i slap him that make him more angry.

"i want to gental with you but i think you want us rough" he said and i got scared. i start to pray that someone come and save me from him.

" leave me" i said .

" no before we dobe what i want then you go where you want" he said in his lust showing and my hate towards him increase.

"plz leave me i don't want anything with you" i said him with plead but he not listen.

"No i want you love don't sacred it not hurt,now stop cry" he try to make me agree but i feel one thing is that disgusting. i want to go away from him but he not let me. irst time i feel the difference between strenght of men and women.

"help" i screme because i have no other choice.i try again buthe not let me he put hand on my mouth.

"plz don't" when he remove his hand i plead him. and i ray in herat god plz send someone to save me from him. i don't want that happend plz save and cry badly. but he not listen he try to kiss me again i try to push him. and then i don't know what hapend i know just that suddenly his body stay from me and he sit on ground.


Adan pov

i see him force himself on my angel that make me angry how his dare to touch her she is mine no one can touch her. no one means no one, i will kill him. i go towards them and make him sepreate from my agel and punch him on face.

"How you dare to touch her"i said and start to beat him.

"she is mine" i hit him on his face, in his stomach blood from his mouth but i am no mood of mercy. he touch my angel without her permission. when i think that how he force himself on him that make me more angry, in angr i hit him on his main part he cry loud with pain like i care. i am busy in beating when someone stop me.

"adan let me handel him you do care of pari." when i listen ahmed word i come in sense i see towords my angel she cry very badly. I feel someone break my heart. i leave him and go to my angel. she sit on ground when i sit in fornt of her,she see me and hug me very tightly and cry. Seeing her cry my angr is increase i want to kil him. i see back and ahmed beat him very badly,his dress covr with his own blood. i pick my angel in bridal style and taje her other side because i don't want her to see it. she see enough today. she cry in my hand i don't know what i do.i just hug her and try make comfortable.