Grasp the true value of his love

Our first stop was the park, which was just a few blocks from the restaurant. We stopped at the parking lot, then walked a bit toward the picnic ground.

To him, it might be just an ordinary place, but for someone like me, a common folk, it held a lot of memories.

"What do you do when you're out here?" He asked as we continued to leisurely walk around the crowded place.

The park was a large expanse of land, with different amenities, catering to the various needs of the people living around it.

"People love to jog and exercise there." Pointing to a trail and a wide opened area.

"I'm not asking about other people. What do you like to do here?" Clarifying his question as if he was genuinely interested to know.

"I used to hang out here to pass the time with my friends," I told him. My brother and our friends would be sitting on a bench, talking about nonsense, especially on the weekends. "We love to play soccer, catch, freeze bee, or just some goofy stuff."