Chance for a future

I strode to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. Mom left a note that she would be at the grocery, while my aunt was out for the day for some errands. I guessed I had the house to myself.

I wanted to paint today. I was out the other week and found a shop that sells some materials and paints. I looked at the picture of Luke, which I displayed on my wall, and decided to make a painting of Nathan too. The two most important people in my life. 

"You are still lucky." My mom once told me in one of our conversations.

"Why?" I asked her, unable to fathom the wisdom in her statement. I could not see myself as someone fortunate, especially in my current situation.

"You found true love twice." She commented as she looked at me thoroughly as if she wanted to read my thoughts. "Only a few experienced that. After your dad died, I knew he was the only man meant for me. I guessed I would grow old just like your Aunt Brie, alone."