Threats, insults, wild shouts are normal tactics in psychological warfare, showing who has the bigger balls. But my father was an idiot, he heard in his life stories about berserkers who grit their teeth on shields before the fight to intimidate the opponent ... and he did the same.
Without hesitating for a long time, I kicked the shield from the bottom, knocking out most of his teeth ... the wood tore my father's cheeks and I could hear the crunch of cracking bone... If there were a Darwin Prize in those days.
- Daddy is so old, and still his milk teeth are falling out.
My opponent dropped his shield and sword, he was holding his mouth with his hands, trying to dig out fragments of broken teeth with his fingers ... a large red stain appeared on the fur fragment that served as a ring.
I wasn't going to take advantage of the moment of his inattention, there would be no finesse in it. I waited for him to pick up his sword and shield.
After a few moments he realized where he was and in what situation he grabbed his sword and charged at me. I moved towards him to close the distance, hit him with my shoulder, he staggered backwards but didn't fall. He tried to swing his sword, but I hit him in the groin with all my strength.
He dropped his sword again and leaned forward to catch his breath. At that moment I suddenly got up, hitting him with my head in the face, he fell back, covered in blood. He tried to get up, but before he could do anything, I crushed his knee with all my weight and strength, first one then another.
He tried to crawl out of the ring on his back, it would have been his defeat, but also that he would have kept his life ... no honor, no respect, no fortune ... but he would still be alive ... as a cripple.
I didn't want to let that happen, living as a cripple these days must be terrible, I decided to show him some compassion and mercy and spare him a terrible future.
I picked up his sword, it was not very good, you can see that it was badly forged, it weighed maybe a little over a kilogram, the center of gravity was more at the handle, which was well suited to the hand.
I walked over to my father, grabbed his chain mail and lifted him up. I looked into his eyes and saw only pain and fear in them.
With a quick movement I thrust the blade into his stomach, it went up to the hilt ... and using all my strength I slowly slid the blade to the right. Blood and guts started pouring out on me and the ground ... I didn't think it well ... I'm going to have a lot of laundry now. I guess I cut his intestines too, because the stench was unbearable.
I looked into his eyes as his light was fading out, there was something reassuring about it ... I guess a similar feeling as after a long and painful constipation you will finally feel relieved.
I dropped his corpse on the ground, I looked at the gathered people, some of them were excited, some disappointed that it lasted so short and only two people were terrified ... my stepmother and my little half-brother.
I wanted to explain the situation as simply as possible, so that there would be no misunderstandings or bad blood between me and my stepmother.
- His house, his forge, his land and riches are mine. You can stay at home, but I won't support you. You want to eat, work, or sell yourself or sell that little shit, there will probably be someone who will pay for his ass ... I don't care how, you can find a new husband ... but remember one thing, you can die quickly or slowly. I hope you understood and I would like us to be on the same page.
She hasn't said a word to me, so I take that as agreeing to my terms. I have always respected sensible women.
I looked again at my father's corpse ... it's a pity to leave the chain mail, damaged but I can always fix it ... and maybe he has other valuables with him. It turned out that I was right, he had two brooches and an ornamented bracelet with him.
Taking off the chain mail took some effort, I didn't want to damage it any more and had to break the joints of the corpse.
I didn't know who was taking care of the bodies of those killed in Holmgang, probably the family must have buried them, I looked at my stepmother again and said pointing to the body.
- That is your problem.
I looked again at the crowd that was slowly dispersing. The show is over so the audience is return to their normal activities, although I will probably be the subject of many conversations.
- Hey you? What is your name?
- Floki, Floki Vilgerðarson.
- Today is a good day ... catch this for you. I tossed him my father's ornate bracelet.
I have to somehow buy into the circle of serial main heroes ... I don't know exactly what their fate was over all seasons, but Leif died in the first season, Torstein in the third season. Floki was still alive then, so I bet on the horse that will be closest to the finish line.
Not looking at anyone anymore, I set off on my way to the village. Yes, today is definitely a good day. I was so glad I started singing ...
"My mother told me
Someday I would buy
Galleys with good oars
Sails to distant shores
My mother told me
Someday I would buy
Galleys with good oars
Sails to distant shores
Stand up high in the prov
Noble barque I steer
Steady course for the haven
Hew many foe-men
Hew many foe-men
My mother told me "