Kattegat wasn't as big as the show's later seasons, nor was it as rich. Most faces I didn't know, but they knew me. The news of peace and a summons to Jarl spread through word of mouth throughout the settlement and its surroundings.
Gaining fame at such a young age among the Vikings It meant I became the focus of young girls and women ... which was something good, and the other group showing interest in me was men... which wasn't that good anymore. Most of them proposed arm wrestling or glima (wrestling). I didn't want to waste my time on this kind of fun, nor did I feel like cuddling ... wrestling with half-naked hairy men. I was walking around the settlement for a while, but as I found nothing interesting, I decided to go back to my home.
In a previous life I learned a few useless things, blacksmithing, carpentry, brick and tile making ... something that was just an excuse and running away from my wife's family, now it could turn out to be useful.
So the first thing I did was to fix the chain mail and fit my father's helmet to my head. I was wondering if the half-armor would be better, but I stayed with the chain mail ... during the battle I could stand out too much and the enemies might think that I am someone important and worth killing ... I did not want to stand out like a virgin in a brothel.
Another thing I was going to do was a weapon, besides the two axes I had, I also got my father's sword, there was a spear in the house and some unfinished axes and spearheads in the smithy. I dreamed of a saber, but it will probably not be possible to make it, there were two obstacles for this, bad iron and I have too little experience. In the end I decided to stay with the classic with a little bit of modernity, I was going to forge myself two throwing axes, improve the quality of the sword and make nadziak (horseman's pick) for myself. I spent so long in the forge that I forgot what time it was, and I didn't even get past the design stage.
I went home, my stepmother ... my slaves were already asleep. I went to the place where they slept and gently, so as not to break the boards, kicked their bed. They both jumped up immediately, not knowing what awaited them.
- I'm hungry, you make me something to eat ... and you sleep, tomorrow, you'll have to chop up and bring back the wood.
Bodil quickly heated something in a cauldron, put it on my plate and handed it to me. I told her to sit down. I tried the food ... it was edible and so was the cardboard.
- Bodil let's make it clear, I probably cook better than you, looking around the house, I clean as well as you, and I lived in the forest ... You are as useful to me as the hole in the longship, therefore tomorrow I will look for someone willing to buy you, together with son or separately, and the further the better.
- You can not...
- You're not going to tell me what I can and can't do ... go to sleep. Before I change my mind and feed you the wolves.
I was sitting in a chair and staring at the empty space, suddenly I noticed a small shadow just outside the door. I quietly decided to come closer, unfortunately there was not much light in the house ... it was a figure the size of a cat, dressed in peasant clothes, had long gray hair and an equally lush gray beard ... if I am not mistaken it was Domownik (Household Lord). He was one of the few house spirits in Slavic beliefs. I decided to speak to him, but he did not react ... maybe if the Slavic spirit will try it in another language ... I spoke Polish.
- Jesteś głodny? (Are you hungry)
The Domownik looked at me and nodded. I went to the fireplace, I took the whole cauldron and brought it to him.
- To wszystko jest dla Ciebie, nie jest to najlepsze jedzenie, ale przynajmniej nie będziesz głody.
(It's all for you, it's not the best food, but at least you won't be hungry.)
After a while the cauldron was empty. Due to some magic of the Domownika, all the food in the cauldron evaporated.
- Następnym razem postaram się o coś lepszego, ale nie wyprowadzaj się. W tym domu będzie potrzeby ktoś taki jak Ty. Do zobaczenia.
(I'll try to get something better next time, but don't move out. This house will need someone like you. See you soon.)
I went to sleep, reflecting on this meeting, Weles mentioned that I can meet creatures from legends and folk tales ... if I met the Domestic, then maybe I will also meet Zmorę ... I hope not. ( Zmora Slavic demon that drinks blood from humans or animals while sleeping, also uses a knife to kill)
(Bodil POV)
Ulf is a madman, he took the cauldron of food, put it at the door, and started speaking in some strange language. There was no one with him. Perhaps it is some demon, he himself lived so many years in the forest and did not die. There is something strange about it ... Gods, why didn't he die? He came back killed my husband, destroyed my family, I became a slave and he wants to sell me and my child ... my son. I have to do something.
(End POV)
The next morning I got up refreshed, full of life and energy, so Bane did not visit me. I ordered Bodil to prepare a bath for me, and I went to the forest to hunt for some dinner ... and just in case I have to hunt a few magpies. To nail them in several places in the house, certainly not in the area where my stepmother and her son are sleeping ... she can eat them.