I threw all our stuff on the ship, mounted the shield on the starboard side. Floki and his father were still checking the rudder and the sail. I'm not a sailing specialist, so I did what everyone in my position should do ... I didn't bother those who knew what they were doing.

Several minutes later, everyone was already sitting at the oars, Floki was taking the helm, and I was standing on the prow with Lagertha ... and I wanted to shout "I am the King of the World" ... but if I know life I would probably piss off an iceberg with this.

I turned around and looked at the crew of my ship ...

And suddenly I realized the worst thing that could happen to me on this ship ... there is no toilet ... everyone has to pee and shit in the sea. Man never thinks about the basics when he has something bigger in front of his eyes.

My wife was the only woman here, I didn't want her to take care of her needs in front of others ... and I didn't want to see it myself... our relationship was happy, why spoil it.

We sailed along the coast, first east, then south. Our ship, in optimal conditions, probably reached 12 or 13 knots, but the weather was changeable and although the distance to the shores of Denmark was not very long, it took us three days to reach it. Then we headed west along the shoreline.

We're only four days at sea and I'm already planning how to kill my crew ... to improve the quality of the trip I suggested singing. I even taught them ...

"My mother told me

Someday I would buy

Galleys with good oars

Sails to distant shores

My mother told me

Someday I would buy

Galleys with good oars

Sails to distant shores ... "

I've heard it fifty times in the last four days ... they were inventive enough to even change the lyrics to "My Father Told Me"... I hate them.

(Jarl Haraldson / Seer POV)

- What brings you to me, Jarl Harldson?

- Wise one, I have a lot of questions ...

- I don't have much time and I won't answer all your questions. I see what the gods let me see, I say what the gods let me say.

- My sons are dead ... I don't know if gods exist ...

- You're a fool (laughs) ... but you don't want to ask for Gods.

- No. I'm not asking about the gods ... Ulf, he built a ship, recruited a crew, went west ... after the death of his sons ... I want to know my future?

- I have not seen his birth and I do not see his future, Ulf is a mystery ... but I can see yours. You stand up against each other ... and blood. I can see blood. You can go now, I don't have any more time.

(End POV)

Two weeks later, judging by the coastline, we were in the territory of Friesland. We sailed for two more days to the west and decided to land on the shore, the place looked deserted enough to set up a temporary camp and the nearby forest provided a good shelter. For the sake of safety, camp fires were supposed to be small and placed in pits, I also forbade drinking mead, but the beer was so weak that I was not afraid that they would get drunk.

We sat around one of the fires and explained my plan to the crew.

- I'm going to scout tomorrow, alone. You are not moving from this place. If I don't come back in five days, that means I'm dead.

- Ulf why do you want to go alone? A few people will be safer.

- Ragnar, I have my ways. More people are easier to see and one person doesn't seem to be dangerous.

Saying this, I went to my tent, began to undress and took my disguise out of the bundle. It was a monk's outfit, gray, woolen, with a hood, the whole outfit looked very worn out. I put a necklace around my neck, a wooden cross with a carved image of Jesus.

- Ulf, who are you disguised as?

- A wandering priest, this is the image of the son of their God.

I said pointing to the cross on my neck. Then I was inundated with questions, but most of them I didn't answer. I didn't feel like giving them a theological lecture.

In the morning, I woke up earlier. Lagertha was asleep against my shoulder. Unfortunately I had to wake her up.

I changed into my monk outfit again, said goodbye to my wife and exchanged a word with Erik, Leif's father before I left.

- Erik, I have a request for you. Jarl sent Knut to spy on us. Pay attention to him and pay attention to safety to Lagertha.

He agreed to my request.

I chose the southwest as the target of my reconnaissance. I was also looking for a hill or taller tree to see a bit more of the area, but unfortunately without success.

(Hakon POV)

Why did I agree to participate in this raid ... I trusted Ulf and he colludes with Loki, he wants to kill us, this ... sly one.

(End POV)

(Knut POV)

I don't know how Ulf knows so much about these areas. He knows a strange language, knows their God, knows their habits. As soon as we get back, I'll tell my brother ... and he took his wife to a raid. Lagertha is beautiful and I'd love to fuck her, but not now. I will ask my brother to give me Lagertha as a reward.

(End POV)

Two days past, I found a suitable tree. It didn't take me long to climb it. However, the immediate area was deserted, no houses, no settlement or a living person were visible.

I decided to wait on the tree until the night to see any lights or fires.

It was a bull's eye, I saw some lights at night, a few kilometers to the west. I descended from the tree and headed towards it.