078 R18

Lagertha did not look angry, she was just surprised. We used to talk that I would have a bed slave and my wife did not object.

I looked again at Lagertha and before she responded to my invitation to play ... I walked over to my wife, pulled her to me, lifted her up and sat her on the table ... I lifted her dress up and started kissing her legs, thighs and pussy. I noticed Hild's face turned red and she wanted to leave the kitchen, but I stopped her.

Lagertha was wet, but it wasn't because of my caresses, she had to watch us longer ... and the sight of me and Hild fucking on the table turned her on a little ... in the series Lagertha liked women too ...

I tore my wife's dress to reveal her breasts and had Hild start kissing her breasts ... both women were surprised, but neither objected, although Hild was more reluctant, perhaps because of Catholic upbringing or she was simply not interested in women ... but I didn't care about her reasons, Hild's only job was to obey.

Continuously caressing my wife's vagina, I watched the actions of both women, Lagertha pressed Hild's head tighter to her breast, and mine was pressed tighter with her thighs against her pussy... after a few minutes, my wife's breathing became faster, she gasped more heavily and at one point squirt on my face... It didn't happen to my wife too often, especially when she was later pregnant or up to a few weeks after giving birth, so I wasn't surprised by the behavior of her body... I got up and told Hild to take my place ... she was even more reluctant, but Lagertha held her head and I started to fuck Hild from behind ... I held it longer this time.

Now I had to strike the iron while it was hot ... Whoever plays high must win.

- Your position in this house is changing, Hild. From today you are a bed slave, mine and my wife ... when I am away you are to make her life more pleasant and I will teach you how. (Ulf)

- You don't ask me what I think? (Lagertha)

- I just saw what you think my dear wife ... Hild did you understand? (Ulf)

- Yes, Lord. (Hild)

- Good, now get me a bath and clean the kitchen, my wife made a mess here. Tomorrow you will have no household chores. I'll take a new slave or two into the house, and they'll have to obey you too. So you have to keep an eye on them. (Ulf)

Everything happened so quickly that Lagertha could not say her opinion, especially as she was still lying naked on the table and had not fully recovered... Hild started to prepare a bath for me and my wife had to go back upstairs to check if the twins woke up.

When my bath was coming to an end, Siggy returned from a walk with Yrsa ... when I saw her, I wasn't sure if she was my daughter or the swamp monster ... She fought the pig in the mud and lost? I know kids get dirty easily, but now it would be easier to wait for the mud to dry and then chip it off.

- Siggy throw that piglet in the tub, the water is still warm.

For my daughter it was another opportunity to play ... I quickly washed the mud off her ...

- You are the same as your mother when I first visited her home ... she looked the same. (Ulf)

The dirty clothes were left in the tub, I wrapped Yrsa in a towel and carried her to her room. I changed her into a different clothes and put her to bed and to make her fall asleep faster I started to sing to her...

"Što j pa moru, moru siniamu Tam plavala stada bielych liebiadziej Sa malymi liebiadziatami. Adkuĺ uziaŭsia siza-biely arol, Raźbiŭ stadu ŭsio pa siniamu moru, Biely pušok da pa niebiejku pajšoŭ, Siza pierje pa zialionamu lužku. A chto ž heta siza pierje sabiare? Źbiare pierje krasna dzievica.

Što j pa moru, moru siniamu Tam plavala stada bielych liebiadziej Sa malymi liebiadziatami."

I think she was tired because she didn't need much time ... then I went to the bedroom myself, I had to sleep off the raid, sleeping on the ship for a few days is exhausting.

Lagertha was feeding Arne at the time.

- I hope you enjoyed our afternoon relaxation? (Ulf)

- Did you plan... ? (Lagertha)

- No, I wanted a woman, you were asleep, and Hild was just in the kitchen ... and then when you came it was spontaneous. Have you been watching us for a long time? (Ulf)

- A few minutes ... what will happen when she gets pregnant? (Lagertha)

- If the child is not recognized by the father, he will have the same status as the mother, he will also be a slave. Such a child can be killed or sold ... (Ulf)

- I'm not asking about habits, but what will you do? (Lagertha)

- I will accept such a child, but you need not fear Arne is my firstborn son and heir ... and all my children will be Kings and Queens ... (Ulf)

- Will you promise me that? (Lagertha)

- Of course, and even that you will become the Queen. (Ulf)

Lahertha put Arne in his cradle, Revna slept peacefully in the other ... She turned towards me, sat on my lap, opened my dress ...

- I know you like, I can feed you ... (Lagertha)

I couldn't refuse such an invitation, but we had to be quiet so as not to wake the children.

The next morning I woke up refreshed like never before, had my breakfast quickly ... today we share the spoils and I have to plan the next conquests ... Norway is the most important right now, having the whole country, I will have a bigger army for the next operations... There is also the topic of training my army, the losses in England were great because they could not keep discipline.