After a week of sailing, we reached the shores of the Kingdom of Geirstad, although, as it turned out to call this place a kingdom, it was an exaggeration, it was rather a dozen settlements, under the leadership of a local Jarl, who called himself King.

The largest settlement did not even have a wooden wall, just like Kattegat a few years ago. It's hard to keep the cows here, let alone defend against the attack.

I wouldn't call it a conquest either, after seeing our army, Jarl and his men surrendered and swore allegiance and obedience to me ... I was a little disappointed, after sitting in Kattegat for a few months I needed some entertainment... But It was not a bad solution, getting rid of local structures and building new ones is a tedious task, and it is not said that the person I would appoint as my representative would do the job well.

After spending two days as Jarl's guests, we headed towards the Kingdom of Vestfold. However, in this kingdom I did not expect a peaceful solution, even if the other side wishes to surrender, I will not be able to leave them alive, King Halfdan the Mild was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

- You look more concerned than usual, something bothering you? (Leif)

- Yes and no, I wonder if King Halfdan could be spared, but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that clan Yngling must be annihilated. (Ulf)

- It won't be the first time we do something similar, if he has to die he will die ... and do you know where his nickname "the Mild" came from? (Leif)

- Because when it comes to the distribution of the raid loot, he is generous to his people, but during the feast you can only eat bread and water in his house. They say he can "starve" his guests. His father was Eystein the Fart ... (Ulf)

- That's the one who got killed by King Skjöld of Varna... I've heard the stories ... but back to the topic. Do you have a plan? (Leif)

- Yes, apparently King Skjöld cast a spell, the ship was hit by a wave, and Eystein fell overboard and drowned ... I don't believe it myself, but... as for plan the simplest possible, we have to attack Kaupang, then we will head towards Skíringssalr ... then we just have to win. (Ulf)

- Indeed, the plan is rather simple ... (Leif)

- If you cut off a snake's head, you don't have to worry about its tail. (Ulf)

We landed less than a kilometer from Kaupang, it was already evening, and although we did not know the area well, I decided not to wait for the attack. Kaupang was a growing trade and craft settlement, it will reach its peak of popularity and importance only in 100, at the moment there are not many inhabitants and potential defenders.

We waited a few more hours and only after the full night had fallen, we started the assault ... covering a few hundred meters took us no more than two or three minutes. There was no guard or patrols in sight. There were several ships in the port... but they were all merchant ships.

The attack was swift and brutal, seven hundred warriors attacking by surprise a trading settlement that had not even 500 inhabitants ... the result of the battle was obvious before I gave the order.

I saw that some of the inhabitants managed to escape and were headed north, they probably wanted to notify King Halfdan and they were looking for refuge in Skíringssalr ... now it was too late to ...

- Kill them all and burn the whole village. It will save us problems in the future.

Men, women and children were dragged out of their homes and killed by ax blows. Several residents barricaded themselves inside the house and thought they were safe ... they were very wrong ... the houses were set on fire with the residents inside... Screams and the smell of burning hair and meat filled the cool night air ... One of the villagers grabbed an ax and fiercely defended himself against the attacks of my men ... but finally fell as five of my spearmen surrounded and made a pincushion of him.

I forbade my men to play with women, it was a pity to waste my time here, especially since the minute lost here is the minute King Halfdan will receive as a gift ... but my warriors will be able to make up for this loss in Skíringssalr.

The massacre did not take long, it was over after an hour or so, the inhabitants who had escaped to warn King Halfdan did not have to do so ... the burning settlement was visible from a distance of several kilometers.

- Stand in the column !!! We're going north. (Ulf)

Skíringssalr was less than two kilometers from Kaupang. It didn't take us more than twenty minutes to get there ... the settlement was surrounded by a wooden wall, the torches were lit, and there were also several defenders.

- These are not all their forces ... (Leif)

- No, those on the walls are only supposed to watch us. The king probably organizes an army in the settlement. (Ulf)

- What are you gonna do? (Leif)

- I'm going to win. We have the advantage of surprise, the King did not have time to send for reinforcements to other settlements, and even if he did send someone, they will be here in a few hours ... in the worst case, we have a few hours to conquer the this settlement... but for now, prepare and place ballista, load the harpoons and open the gate. (Ulf)

We placed the ballistae out of range of the enemy archers, as it was dark it was difficult for me to judge the quality of the gate ... but to be sure I ordered four harpoons to be fired. My men grabbed the ropes and began to pull.

Several minutes later the gate gave way under the pressure of force, the defender only managed to cut one of the harpoon ropes. Skíringssalr was open to us ... almost.