A few minutes later I saw my army approaching city and I felt relieved because there were also a dozen or so Arabs approaching the gate from the city... I would have stopped some of them, but a dozen or so armed Arabs was a bigger problem.

I wasn't scared of death ... I've died twice, actually three ... that fucking spider. I was afraid of what awaits me after death ... if Weles had mercy, I would go to Nawia, but he could also send me to Australia... A long time ago I even thought about becoming a Muslim, but 72 virgins didn't interest me, I preferred women with experience ... then I found out it was only for martyrs. Which made me even more discouraged, as a child I carried a heavy backpack to school, I didn't want to do the same as an adult in some shopping mall.

I walked the streets of Pamplona and was surprised that the war might look so peaceful, there were fights, but the civilian population was hardly affected by them. There have been isolated cases of someone being killed, but not many. The houses were not set on fire, the women were not raped ... at one point I wasn't sure if we were Vikings or the Salvation Army ... but I enjoyed the obedience of my army, but later I will have to reward them for their behavior.

A few hours later the city was already taken over, it was also thanks to the local parish priest, in addition to the valuable information he had given me earlier ... when he realized what was going on and that we were attacking the city, he walked around the Christian district and warned people not to leave their homes.

At noon, I ordered to gather all the townspeople in the main square. I also called One-Eye and Torstein to my place.

- Do you understand what to do? One-eyed, you wait for my signs, first left hand, then right. (Ulf)

- When am I supposed to act? (Torstein)

- You'll get a sign too, choose one of our people, but it must be good to pretend. Use the pieces of meat, pieces of the face and hair of the killed people. (Ulf)

Time for a show ... it takes a few things to awaken religious fanaticism in people, most of it was done for me by the Arabs ... I just had to throw a burning match on a powder keg... The social pyramid itself created such an opportunity ... at its top there were Arabs, then Berbers, Muwallad, Mozarabs and Jews.

I went out to the square and began to speak to the gathered residents, of course the parish priest was translating my words.

- Brother Christians, my name is Gilles de Rais, and by order of God, the Pope and King Charlemagne, I have come to free you from the tyranny of infidels. God remembered you and will reward your sufferings ... But you must do one thing, carry the word of God on your lips and swords, let your faith be like a fire that will consume the enemies of our faith.

I have the governor of the city brought to me. It was called Mutarrif ibn-Musa.

- I know that if I propose you and your people a change of faith, most probably will refuse ... so I want you to see with your own eyes the power of God ... Bring all heretics to the mosque. (Ulf)

All the men and some women were led to the mosque ... accompanied by a dozen or so Christians.

- Governor, I have a proposition for you. I am thirsty. So pray to your God for water so that I can put out the fire in my body, if God heeds your request, I will set you free. If he does not listen, your women will be taken prisoner and sent to the Kingdom of the Franks, where they will be mothers for a new generation of Christians. We will do the same with your children under three. (Ulf)

I don't know if Mutarrif ibn-Musa really believed in the power of prayer or was hoping for a miracle ... but he fell to his knees and began to pray fervently ... after a few minutes I raised the cup with my left hand ... everyone was watching what would happen.

A few seconds later, sand began to pour down from above right into my cup.

Everyone was shocked by what had happened, a few Christians fell to their knees and began to pray loudly.

- Your God has a great sense of humor, in the face of the destruction of his faithful ... or he is too weak to protect you ... Look what true faith does. (Ulf)

I fell on my knees and prayed loudly in Latin ... I spoke the words with passion, although it was more mechanical ... my thoughts were in Kattegat and I was planning to make myself a new armor ...

At one point I got up and grabbed the cup with my right hand ... and after a few seconds, water began to fall into him, there was so much of it that it overflowed from the cup ... I drank it in one gulp.

- Though your God has power, he is like a child compared to my God ... You have seen the power of the true God ... take him into your hearts. (Ulf)

Fortunately, One-Eye knows how to distinguish right hand from left hand, although from his face he does not look like a thinker.

Unfortunately, is it fear or real faith, but none of the Muslims wanted to convert to Christianity ... their loss. I ordered the women to be taken out of the mosque, along with some of the men I was going to release. Older women and children over 8 years old were brought into the mosque and locked inside with the rest of the men.

- Set it on fire !!! (Ulf)