Leif followed my advice and organized hunting and mass fishing, I still thought it was unnecessary, but since it made him feel better ... we sent out scouts every day to have information about the enemy's movements ... but I was bored. Maybe it's the English weather, but I didn't enjoy anything ... although it had its advantages as well, I became more creative. To keep the morale of my people, I invented the women mud wrestling, the one who won got more food and the one who lost had to try harder, I didn't believe in the rewards for being a participant... My days passed calmly and purposelessly, but less than two weeks later, Ecbert's army was only 10 kilometers from Jorvik and at last something was starting to happen.

I have sent a messenger to King Ecbet saying that his son is my guest and I would like to meet him in a neutral place. If he wants to see his son, I will gladly prove to him that Aethelwulf is alive and well, but I expect the same from him.

The next day the messenger returned. The meeting was to be held in two days, halfway between Jorvik and Ecbert's camp, each side could only take ten men with them ... Of course I agreed.

- What are you going to achieve with this meeting? (Leif)

- I will force, or at least try to force, Ecbert to attack King Offa's army. I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try. (Ulf)

- And what next? (Leif)

- ... you are like an old woman. I need to find a suitable wife for you. You'll have less time to constantly worry. (Ulf)

Two days passed quickly, we left Jorvik early in the morning and headed south. I thought we would be there first, but to my surprise Ecbert was already waiting for us there. He didn't look nervous ... I told my people to wait for me, got off my horse and started walking towards the former King of Wessex.

- Since you are imprisoning my son ... (King Ecbert)

- He is a guest, not a prisoner, just as my son is your guest. (Ulf)

-... that means you got Winchester. Apparently, the alliance was not meant for us. (King Ecbert)

- Yes, the alliance was not meant for us ... but I am a gracious king, you can fall on your knees before me and swear allegiance to me. You will be my subject. (Ulf)

- I have your son. (King Ecbert)

- Son ... we met here today to see if our sons are safe and sound. If you wish, you can personally check that Aethelwulf is in good health, or if you are concerned about your life, send someone from your soldiers. (Ulf)

Ecbert was a cunning and cautious man ... he sent one of his soldiers. After a few minutes, the soldiers returned and told Ecbert that the prince was healthy and well-treated.

- Can I now check how my son is doing? Let one of your people bring him here, I believe in your word less than the assurances of a whore about love. (Ulf)

Moments later, one of Ecbert's men brought Sten. The boy had grown a bit during this year, he didn't look sick or even scared.

- Father ... (Sten)

- You did well. (Ulf)

- Tostig ... Tostig is dead. One day he fell ill and died two weeks later. (Sten)

I hugged the boy.

- As you can see your son was treated well. I have your son, you have my ... new alliance? (King Ecbert)

- No. (Ulf)

I took out the knife I had at my waist and stuck it in Sten's back, I felt the blade rub against his ribs and pierce his heart ... he died quickly.

- Why ... Why did you do this ?! (King Ecbert)

Ecbert was shocked, as was his soldier who had brought Sten.

- I did it so that you understand me well and what I am capable of ... if I did something like that to someone I love, just imagine... what will I do to someone I don't care. (Ulf)

I quickly took the knife out of Sten's back and put it to Ecbert's neck ... I shouted to the soldier to back off and not do anything stupid, not knowing what to do, he took a few steps back.

- Listen carefully, tomorrow your troops must attack King Offa's troops, if they do not, your son will suffer ... but if you are wise and you do this, I will give your son back and let you leave England ... but you will never come back. Your son's life is in your hands. (Ulf)

I pushed Ecbert to the ground, turned and walked quickly back to my people, all the while holding Sten's body ... I didn't hate him and he wasn't my enemy, he was useful and he did well ... he deserved a normal funeral ... I threw the body on my horse, hung it, and we drove off to Jorvik without looking back... When we were near Jorvik, Leif spoke up.

- Why didn't you kill him, an army without a leader is useless. (Leif)

- If I killed him, his army could join King Offa ... as they are Christians, for revenge or to free Aethelwulf. (Ulf)

- This is how you wanted to make him attack the Kingdom of Mercia? Do you think it will work? (Leif)

- I don't know, but we'll find out tomorrow. If it attacks well, if it doesn't, then we still have two enemies, so nothing will change. (Ulf)

We could gain something and we lost nothing, unless you count Sten and Tostig ... if I can exchange the life of a child and an old man for 3000 soldiers, this is a price worth paying.