The next day I was sitting in my quarters in Jorvik with Offa's dead body and Ecbert bound in front of me ... and I was laughing at myself ... so much preparation, stealth, hiding and it didn't really matter, it all ended well, but ... I felt like a fool.
I did not think that Rollo would do so well, divided the army into two smaller ones, then attacked the Anglo-Saxon camp with one of them, and when the enemy, despite their initial surprise, started to defend themselves, the rest of the army, which had been waiting in hiding so far, attacked them. Then the army led by Leif joined the attack and our advantage on the battlefield was even more evident... and at that time I was crawling on the ground so that no one would see me, my ambitious plan to sneak into the enemy camp and catch both kings was good, but as it turned out, it was not needed. As soon as the opportunity arose, Rollo captured the tents belonging to both kings, during the fighting Offa was killed and Ecbert captured.
My pride suffered a bit and I could only blame myself ... I wanted to be an assassin instead of a viking... but the most important thing was that it was over, after killing one and capturing the other king, the morale of the Anglo-Saxons completely collapsed ... part of the army surrendered, many also fled. Fortunately, Rollo did not order a chase after them, it could only increase our losses, which were not small.
- What will you do with me? (King Ecbert)
The voice of my prisoner took me out of my thoughts.
- ... forgive me, I thought. What will I do with you?... You will die. See my friend, you will not die because I want your land or your riches. I also don't care what god you believe in ... you will die because you slept with my wife ... (Ulf)
- What?! I don't know your wife !!! You are crazy !!! (King Ecbert)
- I know you have never met Lagertha and think what you want ... but there are things that are hard to explain, and even harder to understand. I have no reason to lie to you... you are dead anyway. (Ulf)
Of course, Ecbert couldn't know what I was talking about, my actions lacked logic too ... killing someone for something he hadn't done yet and won't even be able to do ... sometimes it's better not to think too much.
- Was it worth? (King Ecbert)
- You're asking about the war? (Ulf)
- You lost your son just like me, was it worth it? (King Ecbert)
- You're wrong, you killed your son. You could stop the assault of your troops, you could negotiate his release ... you could leave England, but your ambition would not let you. I just lost a servant, a young boy, and nothing else. (Ulf)
Surprise appeared on Ecbert's face, only now he realized that I had been planning some things for a long time.
- You, you cheated me ... where is your honor? oaths by the gods? (King Ecbert)
- You really believe that I would give you my own blood for a hostage? There is no force in heaven and earth that will force me to do so ... and since we are alone, let me tell you something about Gods. Odin, Thor and others ... I do not believe in them, nor do I believe in your God ... If gods are to decide our fate ... Your fate is in my hands. So I am God !!! Bow down to your Lord, pray to me ... hahaha. You are a fool, Ecbert. You asking for my honor? There is no honor among thieves. (Ulf)
It was fun, the one who broke many oaths himself and treated religion instrumentally ... he asked me about honor and gods and accused me of cheating him ... as someone once said, "Let those who pride themselves in the past shut up, because every whore was virgin."
I did not want to extend it unnecessarily, I did not intend to torture him, I could not do anything worse than I did ... I destroyed his dream, his plans and his ambitions. Before me, there was a fool who considered himself smarter than others ... and I, too, may be in his place someday.
I got up from the chair, took the knife by the belt, Ecbert looked at me with cold eyes, bowed his head and started to pray .. I gave him a few minutes to reconcile with his God. When he was done, he looked at me again and asked.
- What did you do with Judith? (King Ecbert)
- She's alive, she's here in Jorvik, I had her tongue cut off, and I'm going to sell her as a slave, she's still a virgin, so the price should be substantial. She will give birth to many bastards ... funny ... not always someone's destiny can be changed. (Ulf)
- You're a monster. (King Ecbert)
- In your mouth it is a compliment ... are you ready? (Ulf)
I didn't wait for his reply. I put the knife to his chest and, looking him straight in the eyes, stabbed him in the heart ... he gasped ... I twisted the knife 90 degrees and pushed his body backwards. Blood poured out of his mouth, forming a small puddle on the floor ... I sat back in the chair and looked at the dead Ecbert. I picked up the mead cup.
- Augustus mortuus est, habemus novum Augustum ... the same as the previous one. (Ulf)
Now there are other matters to deal with, the most important of which will be the sale of slaves in Spain and maybe a short vacation... maybe Lisbon or Toledo. I have heard that there are many attractions in the Emirate of Córdoba.