A Playscript of Fate (2)

Wow. The Defied Judge of Life. That was quite unexpected. I knew that this could be considered as offending; to stare at a person that you've just met that long. But I was so transfixed on Si Ming in a state of shock.

Stories about Si Ming passed on through generations. Many believed that the fate of every human being was in his hands. He might haven't been the most powerful god, but he wouldn't be feared and worshiped by people for no reason. That was for the ability he wielded, the far most complicated and exclusive one; to draw destiny lines of mere mortals.

And this Si Ming in front of me was nothing like I've expected. He reminded me of Johnny Depp, with no mustache and hair similar to a lion's. Handsome, but not overly handsome. A gay kind of handsome, preening over his flashy appearance.

The feel of Jie Moshu's hands grabbing at mine, made my skin felt like it was crawling with insects. I pushed him away, wanted nothing more than his hands off me. I was still very much angry about him deceiving me for weeks.

"Star deity Si Ming, please mind your words." Jie Moshu raised his arched eyebrows at that dandy man. "You're making my wife misunderstood our relationship."

I looked back at the dandy god—Si Ming. And his gaze was kept to my face, straight into my eyes like he was searching for something.

"A jealous wife, eh?" He tilted his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "What a pity. An attractive god like you should stay single forever. If I'd known earlier about this"—his finger pointed at me—"human, I'll ask my other self to change her marriage line."

Did he want to change my marriage line? I merely stared at him, not sure I should look scared or confused. In particular, he meant that he could make me unable to marry off for the rest of my life. The life of being alone forever?

Bloody hell no! If that Si Ming wanted Jie Moshu, then leave me alone. Why would I be the victim as well? Gods were totally out of my league.

I belatedly realized, a mere mortal like me probably shouldn't go provoking gods. Maybe, I should just leave this deceiving matter. Who knew when Jie Moshu would be eaten up by his anger or frustration, then used his fire magic to burn me alive like those guilty women burnt at stake?

My mind ran through the possibility of a worst-case scenario.

Jie Moshu in his perfect chiseled features, his dark eyes had turned into bloody crimson red behind his midnight dark hair in his face, and the amazing body went with it. That manner instantly evoked the background of Castlevania with bats flying behind him—no, he's not a Dracula, so erased that.

My hands and feet bounded with a rope. I kept pulling my wrists as my eyes stared at the top of that castle. Up ahead, Jie Moshu looked down, his fiery gaze to meet mine. Those eyes had ignited his weeks of pent-up anger towards my... rejection?

His brow furrowed in anger, fingers curling into fists. "You mortal human! How dare you reject me, a mighty god, to be your legally wedded husband? Now, burn!"

The magic pouring at his shout was thick and powerful and it threatened to overtake me. To make me believe that he was going to end my life. His hands burst into flames. Fire flung through his fingertips and aimed at me. Yaaakk!

A violent shudder wrenched out of my imagination. I wrapped my arms around myself as if I had shivered.

Yeah, for the sake of my well-being, maybe I should just let Jie Moshu off the grid.

I could hear Si Ming burst into laughter. As he wiped his eyes from tears, he said, "Now, I know the reason why you choose her. What a very interesting human-being indeed. I want her."

Eh? Why suddenly he changed his mind? Could it be the dandy going back on a straight mode? Somehow, I doubted my undeniable charms that were to whisk this dandy god into having some kind of attraction to me.

I looked down to my chest; flat as a pancake. My thoughts were cursing myself. And that made me want to cry all over.

Si Ming let out another uproarious laugh, indicating his mood lifted. "Wow. Human, I couldn't say anything about how imaginative your brain is. Fascinating, fascinating."

My stomach was flipping over. I felt my eyes widened, and couldn't help gasping inwardly at his 'compliment'. My thoughts were on a circular loop: Imaginative brain? What did he mean? What fascinating?

Okay, okay. I would rather choose the handsome Jie Moshu than a vain guy like him. Well, at least, Jie Moshu tends to have most of his characteristics of a straight guy.

Once again, Si Ming laughed under his breath. The way his brown eyes lightened was showing how readable my mind was. Even though I didn't want to take this the wrong way, but a huge part of me assumed there was a chance that this dandy could read minds. But before I could say anything I heard Baba saying, "Star Deity Si Ming, long time no see." And I forced myself to follow Baba's lead in moving on to the next topic.

"You are?" Si Ming gazed at Baba in a measured way, thinking hard.

"I can't believe only a few hundred years, and you've forgotten that I used to treat your hand—" Baba deliberately paused, and he shook his right hand, "—tremor."

Well. Nice. It looked like a clever trick to slide away and changed the subject.

"Oh... King of Medicine. Yes, it has been quite some time since we last met. But sorry to say, I didn't use a brush anymore. Today, we're using computers, laptops. A thing called a keyboard," Si Ming hurriedly said in his taken-aback expression. He added, "Can't say I could recognize you as well—you looked rather... old."

I blinked at Si Ming, trying to hide my surprise. Old? Oh, wow. On which side did my Baba look old? At least Baba looked younger than his age—like in his early forties. Hang on, he admitted that he lived as an immortal as well. Most likely above five hundred?

Baba gave out a humorless smile from his feigned attempt to taunt. "Sorry, I should have a fatherly look for being a father. A fox fairy helped me with her face-changing magic."

My heart hammered in my throat and my mouth went dry. The shock was too small to describe what I had felt. I was beyond shocked. I was stunned. Baba used face-changing magic?

I wondered how many other things that Baba kept hidden away from me? Could he be like a half handsome as Jie Moshu; using that magic method to cover his gorgeous features?

No. What would it leave me then? I didn't want a father who looked way younger than I was. Or worse, made me appeared decades older than him. The thought of it made the hairs on the nape of my neck were standing at the end.

"At least, Baba still looks okay with his age," I snapped. Damn. Did I say something on my mind in front of all these people? I clamped my lips shut.

Baba shot me a murderous look, and I realized all people in the room were looking at me. I spoke without thinking. "Thank you, silly daughter. Even if I wanted to transform to my original form, that fox fairy is nowhere to be found. So, I'll have to stick with this old man look for a while."

Jie Moshu jumped in before my wildest fantasy could indulge further. "Star deity Si Ming, I suppose you didn't come here to go talking about the old days."

He had an aura that toppled mountains and froze hurricanes. His voice going lower, darker like he commanded Si Ming—and those who heard him just tightened by its intensity, to have the urge to obey.

"Indeed." He gulped, sounding desperate. "I had something to inform you about this human's contractor. But, on second thought, there's something that catches my interest."

His eyes flickered in my direction. Goosebumps prickled up across my skin. I had a real bad feeling about this.

A smile tugged at his lips. "This little human wife of yours, is she available for me?"

I glanced sharply at him. Suddenly, Jie Moshu stood in front of me, blocking Si Ming's gaze straight to mine. My sixth sense made me wrinkled my nose. I knew it was ridiculous, but a strong sour, musty smell was there surrounding Jie Moshu—the tiniest hint of him being jealous. Like what happened last time with Huashe.

Jie Moshu brows arched. "Meaning?"

"Don't take this wrongly," Si Ming said in a dry voice, as he rubbed his sweaty brow. "I'm not interested in her that way. How would dare to snatch 'your' wife? Apparently, with my current state, I couldn't possibly be able to be interested in anyone, don't you think?"

"Ah, yes, you're a god with two ethereal souls. I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me."

I snickered. Did Jie Moshu simply mock him as a dandy? What a fancy way to do so.

"Hey, hey," he admonished. "Don't laugh. Anyway, I was thinking about offering her a job as a screenwriter."

I cocked my head to the side, peering Si Ming through Jie Moshu's shoulders. "A screenwriter?"

I stiffened. Did I hear that right? Screenwriter? As in writing... screenwriter?

"Yes!" put Si Ming in triumphantly. "I may be a trivial god, but not in this Human World—I'm a famous director. All those marriage lives, in-laws quarrels, from enemies to lovers... Those clichés were my masterpieces. And you can help me earn another award for this year."

The Defied Deity of Fate is a movie director? I thought I saw a glimmer in his eyes when he explained. I would like most likely those types of occupation maniac. Someone who would marry off his job.

"Um..." I felt dumb asking, but it was important. "How much is the pay?"

Baba gave me an incredulous look. "Liu Huayu!"

Even Jie Moshu sighed heavily.

Si Ming laughed. He outstretched his ten fingers and waggled them. "Around this much? That can be arranged. Easy case."

I stared at him in surprise. Seriously, Liu Huayu? That's what surprises you about this whole situation? Those amounts? Well, I had to be practical. Logically practical. I was living in a world where money was essentially needed. Working with a god should have earned me a pretty decent payment at this point.

Should I raise the price a little higher? I didn't have time to negotiate about the preferable price for myself before I felt hands grip me from behind. It was Jie Moshu.

"What—what are you doing?" I asked, trying to step back, but he caught my arms and held me fast. I struggled against him, shrieking with rage when he picked me up and carried me like a princess. I kicked my legs. "Let me go! Jie Moshu!"

His dark eyes were glowing with crimson red, he seemed to see everything that was on my mind. I had the strange sensation that he had seen through me inside and out. And something about his eyes that desperate for longing.

"Where are you taking me?" I yelled. Did he expect me to go: Okay, you can carry me with your muscled arms. No problem at all. I'm all yours.

"Somewhere that your brain won't be thinking of anything else," Jie Moshu murmured in a voice as smooth as silk.

Suddenly, he leaned forward. My eyes widened in surprise as his lips pressed against mine. I went wild, hitting, scratching, and pushing all I was worth. He didn't budge, and I sank lifelessly into his arms.

Through a haze, I felt myself being lifted and carried away. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy.

"It has been a long day. Sleep, wife, just sleep."

Jie Moshu's voice was the last thing I heard before my mind surrendered to blissful darkness.