Hello, Old Foe... (1)

I had managed to pull myself together. When fear and worry bubbled up, I would repeat my mantra like some wacky cult—For the cure, and extra money... The cure and extra money—and pushed the anxiety aside. Convincing myself if the worst case happened, I have Jie Moshu to rely on. (He did tell me that the "backhand kiss" was some kind of a protection charm, but I didn't really know how it works).

The movie set wasn't as far as I thought it would be. Especially when you had the experience of sitting in a plushy chauffeur-driven Mercedes sponsored by Mr. Fang, I probably wouldn't mind the ride. And as for the idea Huashe tagging along might be useful later on... I mean, who knows when trouble came knocking at the door? At least, he had to fulfill his duty as my familiar. It never hurt to be taking precautions.

It was settled in a common traditional Chinese residential area: a fully enclosed green brick walls courtyard with simple-styled hard hill roofs facing front and back. I noticed a small crowd coming in and out from the front gate. Then I saw a glint of TV cameras and a fluffy microphone bobbing above people's heads.

I thought there was no big deal. I thought I would be looking forward to all the information I would get. Until Si Ming greeted me himself at the front gate and I instantly knew: it was worse than I expected.

"Well, hello-hello-hello!" he said smoothly, leaned in for a peck on the cheek. I cringed away, but his hand swished straight through me. He shot me a dazzling smile. "My dear screenwriter, it's just a little skinship. Your husband won't be that jealous. Mind if I call you, Huahua?"

I forced myself to smile and nodded. My eyes scanned him adroitly. As usual, he was extremely eye-catchy with that expensive-looking jacket. Bomber jacket. Probably cost him a fortune. It coordinated with his red shirts, yellow shorts, and sunglasses pushed into tawny blond hair styled in pomade.

"So, this is what they call a movie set," I said with an awkward brightness, changing the subject. "It's really nice! Very... busy." I gestured at a couple of people walking around, looking all hectic.

"Right." Si Ming looked bemused, running his gaze over Huashe who stood beside me. "Huahua, I see that you've found yourself a good companion. This blondie here, if you'd like I could cast you as one of our main actors."

Huashe snorted disparagingly. "Such a lowly profession won't even catch up to my qualities."

I was speechless as he made that statement. I mean, he had that cocky attitude. With that looks, he could be a star in no time. And what would it leave me? His manager? Again, I was thinking about money.

A smile curled on Si Ming's lips. "In that case, you could contact me anytime. I see that you're also no ordinary... human." He said the last word slowly, but the hidden message was clear—he was oblivious to Huashe's identity, a mythical beast.

Although he was in his human form now, he could sometimes be blunt for showing his nature serpent when he was irritated. But looking at the current situation, no one could tell he was a mythical beast. He wasn't even hissing. My sixth sense told me that this was no longer a simple matter as providing me extra cash.

I stiffened, my attention was jumping from Si Ming to Huashe. There was something swift about this Defied Judge of Life that made me was clear that he was being hostile. Now, more than ever, I wished Jie Moshu could be here. Remembering his words from the conversation we had yesterday. Most likely, he would have known what to do.

"I can't go with you, he'll only prevaricate his real intention," I recalled Jie Moshu said before I went to see Si Ming. "What we can do now is play along."

My stomach was bubbling with nerves. Si Ming was our biggest clue. I couldn't lose my chances. I was this close with the information about the Goddess of Souls. A cure for the ultimate beauty within me.

All for the slightest hint about that goddess's whereabouts...

"Anyway," I said with more vigor. "Why would you call me here for? I guess writing can be done anywhere. So, why bother to come to your workplace?"

"Oh yes, look at me," Si Ming said hurriedly as he clapped his hands."I'm sorry, I get too carried away with fascinating things. Then, Huahua, I'll let you meet my next star for my next upcoming blockbuster movie." He gave me a smirk. "Now, shall we?"

No, I want to go home.

"Um, of course, lead the way."

We slowly filed inside the courtyard, following Si Ming. Passing through the two gatekeeper stone lions, magnolia tree branches sprawling across the walls. The air smelled of sweet fragrance, like dusty violets. Beside me, Huashe screwed his nose, looking like he was about to sneeze.

He stared at Si Ming's back, his eyes like jagged with ice. Then, he whispered in alarm, "Female human, don't tell me that is the Defied Judge of Life, s'ssstar deity Si Ming."

"That's the guy," I hissed back, and his yellow eyes immediately turned to slits, evidently showing antipathy towards the god.

"I've lived this long, but I've never heard a Defied Judge of Life like him," Huashe said, surveying Si Ming critically.

"Him?" I stopped dead. All confused.

"The Defied Judge of Like I know isn't a male god like this."

"What you mean... " I stared incredulously at him. "You mean, he might be fake?"

He met my eyes and shook his head. "Ah, I guess that I, as the more knowledgeable one, should do the explanation."

I rolled my eyes, but that only made Huashe amused. Clearly this familiar had a high self-confidence. Later when we get back, I should ask Jie Moshu how to train this bratty snake as a familiar, like those in How To Train Your Dragon. Making him taste the power of his master.

He coughed. "Ahem. There's a lot of immortals who are appointed as star deity. As far as I'm concerned, there are two gods in charge of the position of Deified Judge of Life. A god and a goddess. When I was still serving—Never mind. The point is, I have encountered those two gods. Both appeared like normal gods, and they looked nothing similar to this one."

I was listening to Huashe in utter disbelief. Who was this Defied Judge of Life? Twenty-one years living in this world had given me the lesson of having major trust issues. A dandy with secrets. I couldn't say I would trust him to give us a hint as simple as just by having me as his screenwriter.

But it wasn't about what Huashe said that made me wandering. It was that thing Jie Moshu asked me to play along with this Si Ming. Moreover, that husband-wifey roleplay. It was weird. It felt wrong.

What was Jie Moshu up to again this time? Was it another trick? Or was he really helping me?

I rubbed my arms, trying to regain my train of thought.

Huashe continued when it became obvious I was too tongue-tied to speak. "Not that I'm saying you and that immortal, but going along like this isn't a good method. Why don't you take the easy way—do the kidnapping and torture him until he spits out things we wanted to know? What a waste of time. This is certainly what a fussy immortal like him would do."

I frowned and gave him a little nudge—more like a bloody great elbow in the ribs.

Huashe hissed under his breath, as he shot me a look. "What was that for?"

"Nothing," I adopted a serious tone. "That was for you to speak ill about Jie Moshu. And note that he isn't a fussy immortal."

He's one of the most attractive men I'd ever seen. Now that I had the role of becoming his wife, I should protect his image. Dodging all kinds of things that could ruin his reputation. Yes, the virtues of being a good and loyal wife. I should get used to it.

"Female human!" He raised his head, glaring at me. "Just because you're my current master, it doesn't mean I can't do anything to you. Wait and see. I'll find a way to break this blood oath."

Just as I wanted to retort back that I had Jie Moshu as my back up, Si Ming suddenly stopped by a room. "So here we are! Our star's changing room."

As we went in, my attention was suddenly drawn by the things inside the room. It was a bit incongruous, surrounded by flashy dresses and props for a circus. I thought they were filming in the Republican Era drama. But if the director was this dandy Si Ming, I wasn't that surprised.

"Perfect, now, Huahua, come with me," Si Ming dragged me to a make-up table with warm lights. A woman was sitting with her eyes closed. She had two people surrounding her. One makeup artist curling her hair and another with a powder brush on her hand.

"Well, let me introduce you. This is our main actress and female lead to my next project." He said that in a posh way—femaleee leaddd. "This is Li Ruman."

I thought I heard a very familiar name. Then my eyes flicked to the mirror that showed the actress's reflection. There it was. Something about her appearance was very familiar that I almost jumped. If I put out that red dress, and those thick make-ups...

"You have got to be kidding me."

She smiled, as her eyes elegantly opened and met mine through the mirror. "Liu Huayu, long time no see."