It Depends on Level Up

"You can heal Huashe, right?" I asked Jie Moshu.

Huashe was already released from the robes that bounding him, dropping his knees on the ground. He was quite a mess with all those beaten up traces. He rolled his eyes at Jie Moshu. "I... the mighty beast, don't need the help from... s'sssuch immoral god."

"And I don't want to heal a familiar that failed to protect its master," Jie Moshu snarled, his dark gaze hardened.

I sighed. Oh my God. Not again. Both Jie Moshu and Huashe looked just like two women who were about to start a catfight. Now I felt needy and crossed myself. I didn't know what happened between them in the past. But shouldn't they put away their hate and grudge aside first? Why was Huashe even prodding Jie Moshu? Why couldn't they take some space?

On the other hand: what the hell were they thinking about?

Axiang was still sleeping soundlessly on Jie Moshu's chest. Earlier, the enchantment magic cast upon him had been lifted by Jie Moshu. Well, I suppose he would no longer in harm. Instead, I was worrying if these two break into a fight and tore this place apart.

I jumped between the two male cats with their furs standing on the end.

With my utmost friendly smile pasted on my face, I began at last. "Jie Moshu, a great man like you won't hold grudge against a little guy like him. So, just heal him, will you?"

"Tell me, wife," Jie Moshu muttered in a snide tone. "On what basis I have to heal such insolent water snake like him?"

Anger exploded from Huashe at his harsh words. "What water snake? I'm a mythical beast and a serpent that once could fly!" He snapped, out the corner of my eye I saw him curling his hands into fists. "You're the one that is cheeky, you—ugh!"

I gave a light kick on Huashe's stomach before he made the situation worse. His cheeks flushed an angry red and he opened his mouth, ready to critic me some more. Luckily, my reflexes were fast enough. My hand clamped his mouth before he could say another word. As result, I felt ominous glares behind my back.

'S'ssstinky female human!' echoed Huashe, voicing through Get your hands off me! Don't think you can block my mouth, but my mind is still working! Ha! I'll keep complaining until you—"

"You said it yourself," Jie Moshu grinned. "A water snake that once can fly."

"Noble god Huashe, you should choose your words carefully in front of me. You wouldn't want me filing a report to the Heavenly Kingdom and have you arrested." He said, giving me an impassive nod, and I nearly choked. Well, there was nothing I could really help Huashe with about that, but why... threatening? Uneasiness swelled inside me. "Fugitive noble god Huashe," he added meaningfully.

I could feel Huashe's mouth twitching under my palm as though he was complaining. My smile froze. I turn to see him, signaling him to stop by batting my eyes.

Shit. Why couldn't this snake be a little obedient?!

"Just forgive him this time, he realized what he had done," I said with a relaxed laugh. "I promise you, after this, I'll teach him how to talk politely to a crown prince—"

'WHO WANTS TO TALK POLITELY?!!!' Huashe's shouting cut me. His loud voice slammed through my brain making my head pounded. It was as if invisible daggers were stabbing their way deeper into my brain.

'Well, can't you be a little patience? For whom am I doing this for, huh?!' My voice got louder and sharper in every word in my head.

Of course, I hid my anger in front of the great Jie Moshu. I was stiff—really stiff—but my mouth still obeyed to smile, even if it was screaming internally. "Above all matters, I'm the reason he's hurt, right? I mean... um... he's a friend."

"A friend?" His brow deeply furrowed as he muttered my last word under his breath.

There was a huge pause. Jie Moshu eyed me, his dark eyes glowing. His expression seemed like his brain was dealing with some huge, knotty problem.

"If he's a friend, then"—he said at last—"what am I to you? Still that no-brainer opportunist?"

I blinked at the abrupt change in subject. "What?"

Shit. Seriously, I mean... seriously?

Okay, so I wasn't exactly hoping that he would be jealous for a trivial matter like this, but Jie Moshu seemed to be taken aback by 'no-brainer opportunist'. That actually sounded harsh—the fact that he had been in love with this soul of mine all along. Confused, I just kept staring at him.

Jie Moshu's lips pulled into another frown. "Well? I need a clear status—Axiang needs his mother," he insisted once more. "Or I don't know why I should bother to heal a 'mythical beast' like him. Unless I'm doing this free for my family member."

I mean, I hadn't been one hundred percent sure about my feelings for Jie Moshu. Okay, he was a gorgeous, hot, muscled man—but honestly. There I was thinking about his proposal for marrying me, and there he was, thinking about my answer.

"Oh, er... you're..." I drew in a breath.


Heavens, stop pushing me. Something clenched my stomach and before I could think straight, I blurted out, "You can be considered a boyfriend!"

"Only a boyfriend?" Jie Moshu turned to me in astonishment. "I have learned about this century's glossary terms—and I know the meaning of boyfriend. But do I only live up to that term, a boyfriend, nothing more?"

Oh my God. Again, I really couldn't escape him, could I?

"It's a better level up than a no-brainer opportunist," I put on my utmost stern voice to demonstrate. "The most I can give is a boyfriend. No bidding, no negotiation. It'll up to your performance—"

Dammit. Almost immediately, I regretted it. Great. I had just gained myself a boyfriend. Well done, Huayu. (What a way to self-deprecating myself).

"Ah..." Jie Moshu nodded as the realization caught up with him. "That's what you meant," he said with a renewed vigor. "I'll do my best to gain your 'level up' again," he added for a good measure.

"Your Highness!"

The voice came like a shot, giving me such a startled jump. I swiveled back, finding a man approached us and knelt on one knee. I had seen before, and I knew him too well—the dandy god, Si Ming. Seeing someone like him kneeling was something between earning a medal or closing the Foodville's book with profits.

Jie Moshu seemed to pick up my dark thoughts and stared at me while his lips quivered, as though trying not to laugh.

"This humble god have disappointed you. I was about to verify whether the information regarding the goddess' exact position was true. I didn't expect that this would be a trap. I truly have disappointed you!" Si Ming kowtowed once again at Jie Moshu's feet.

And I began to wonder if Jie Moshu's position as a crown prince god was fearsome after all.

"At ease, star deity Si Ming."

Si Ming rose, his head still bowed, but he kept sending little glances at Jie Moshu.

"Um... uh..." He swallowed desperately, "I'm sorry, Your Highness. But by any chances, did this humble god here do anything that offends you while I was under a spell?"

"Ah, right," Jie Moshu nodded matter-of-factly. "You did horrendous faults."

"Um... Please clearly indicates to me, Your Highness." Si Ming gulped. His face suddenly had turned into a pale kind of green and I felt incredibly sorry for him, although at the same time—hello? He was the one that caused me to be kidnapped by some obsessed woman. (Not consciously though).

"For bringing my wife and son to be sacrificed, for being disrespectful to me—calling me 'Shushu'." Jie Moshu gave Si Ming a serious look. "Say, are you guilty enough to deserve a million deaths?"

I was a bit hazy about all this Heavenly Kingdom's punishment, but that sounded enormously—dreadful. I couldn't imagine dying a million times, over and over again. I mean, how was that even possible? Even if they were gods, wasn't this a little too much? Looking at how Si Ming rubbed the sweat off his brows, I did think of helping him, though. At least, he didn't mean to put all of us in danger. I was about to say, "Have a mercy on him, he's innocent," when I realized it might not be the thing to say.

Instead, I moved on to a different topic. "So, can you now heal Huashe?"

Jie Moshu was peering over my face, and I blinked at him. My smile froze.

Now he was leaning closer to me and whispered, "Of course, my future wife. I should start doing my 'performance' to get level up for your favor."

And he was smiling at me, that handsome hot smile enough to make my cheeks beating with blood, my mind circling furiously. What could I do now? What? What?

A little voice inside me was telling me to rein in. I should stop being too abash by his words. I needed to control myself.

Meanwhile, Si Ming heaved a long, relieving sigh. He muttered, "It looks like I won't be suffering a million deaths for a while."