Extra: New Year's Date

This Author here had made some observations toward our leads during their new year's eve yesterday.

Quite astonishing, yes. This Author supposed there was a need to make a report about both of their progress outside the main story plot. (Very far ahead after the main plot actually).

Jie Moshu, however, wasn't the type of man who would think of celebration outside of birthdays and anniversaries. Not that he wasn't a romantic person, no, just he was thinking "long companion is the best romance above anything else".

If it wasn't for Mr. Fang's idea—to which he unintentionally blurted out when he was serving our male lead in his study room—Jie Moshu wouldn't have possibly noticed that the date was already 31st December.

Neither would our female lead. She was… umm… a little dense in terms of romantic issues.

As a god from ancient times, he barely had a grasp on modern technology as much as the likings of female humans in modern times. Certainly, Jie Moshu's train of thoughts would be accompanying Liu Huayu to the festival or probably just staying at his mansion for the rest of the day. As he had done for her previous lifetimes.

And Mr. Fang actually snorted but quickly regained his composure to not offend his master. Whereupon Jie Moshu's hawk eyes caught a glimpse of it and there was no turning back for Mr. Fang to cover from his mistakes.

Jie Moshu asked, "What's so funny about that?" Mr. Fang replied "I'm sorry, Master," in such discouraging tones as though somehow Jie Moshu's plan was far beyond romantic.

At once Jie Moshu's mind was circling uneasily. Mr. Fang should have a trick or two! He may be in his fifties but he was living in the era, so asking his advice wouldn't do any harm, maybe.

He didn't feel like knowing the taste of women these days. Especially Liu Huayu's way of thinking.

Simply to point out everything had been wrong right from the start; when he appeared on her front door telling her that he was her husband and that he was an immortal. If that happened in her past life, she would eventually accept him right away after hearing his circumstances.

But Liu Huayu, she didn't even give him a chance. Far worse than he expected. She took him to the police station and accused him as an opportunist. Of course, there should be a change of plan. The plan to slowly conquer her heart.

As the developments had gone—with several life-threatening experiences—it was eventually ripened into positive results.

Sometimes, honestly and truly, Jie Moshu felt like a color-blind person. It was as if everyone could know what she wanted except for himself. Even Mr. Fang seemed to have a romantic plan in his head.

If he was to arrange a surprise date, then what should he do?

Instead of being paranoid of his own to settle with this 'perfect date', Jie Moshu stopped himself from what he was doing. He took a deep breath to lower his esteem, asking the help of his human servant, Mr. Fang, and said, "What should I prepare for a date?"

Mr. Fang beamed as if he had been granted a great honor. He said proudly, "Trust me, Master. Fancy is the keyword to all maidens' hearts."

Although this Author didn't quite agree with that. Anyway, our lead date finally began with...

Hell. Hell. Hell, was probably what our female lead, Liu Huayu would say in the little head of hers.

She could hardly believe it was true. In a very unconvincing way, this was their very first date on passing the year together. Her eyes slid away from Jie Moshu throughout the whole area, thinking: 'What? What?'

Using fancy, this Author believed every reader had their own definition of the infamous fancy dinner.

In this case, yes, the very kind of outdoor candlelight dinner at a sky restaurant that was fully booked. Slow romantic music was playing and there was a wonderful musky scent in the air. No staff milling around except one or two waiters occasionally appeared. No other guests. Physically empty with the two of the leads alive in that area.

Liu Huayu had to wear an evening dress of dark blue velvet—Anna, the Fangs' foreigner maid, had told her the color was in contrast to my fairish pink skin, making her look radiantly beautiful for such an event. Meanwhile, she was rather snappy, dying for the whole night to be over.

It wasn't because she didn't like the surprise date or anything. She loved the idea that Jie Moshu had gone off to prepare something special between the two of them, and she was sure it would be wonderful. He had always been wonderful.

Just that, the evening dress was unaccountably tight. Especially on the waist part, she was barely breathing. It was a wonder how she managed to keep herself smiling and swallowing all those trays by tray silver plate dishes served on the long dining table.

Her eyes traveled to the candles everywhere. At least, she knew that was the reason she almost hypnotized. Finally soothed to the romantic atmosphere between them. Her mind suddenly struck with the thought, all of these might have cost him a fortune.

But who would have said the money was a huge issue for our male lead in the first place? He was a god and the wealthiest man in the nation.

As a matter of fact, Liu Huayu was surprised to find that the candles were still flickering while the air was quite chilly in the evening.

Little did she know, Jie Moshu had made Huashe accept his proposal into helping him. What other reasons for the mighty mythical serpent to accept his mortal enemy's proposition unless it was all connected to a woman. This Author shouldn't spoil too much about who and whom that feisty goddess might be. (Her appearance would remain a secret until the moment was right).

And our poor mythical serpent role in this date was to keep the candlelight's humidity, left burning. As a water elementalist, he was perfect for the job.

Anger was spilling out from him, but mostly directed at Jie Moshu. How could he not be? His honor as a mythical beast was undertaken lightly, but for the goddess, he would rather do anything.

Huashe gritted his teeth, hiding behind the bushes while practicing his magic. His mind reeled to the thought: 'That god better takes his words seriously!'

As Liu Huayu looked around, the long table that separated both of them had her jaw-dropping. About the extravagant food, the wine, even the vibe.

Were they going to spend the whole night sitting far from each other?

"How's the food?" Jie Moshu finally asked.

She tried for a smile but then settled for a shrug. "It's actually pretty good, but I'm stuffed."

He was peering over me with a calculating, furrowed brow. "Are you sure?"

Jie Moshu had known as an athlete her portions for three meals were a bit larger than normal people. He must have had his own assumptions. Put all the blame on the evening dress. She cracked a smile.

"Yes," Liu Huayu answered, almost yelling. "But are you sure we're talking within a few feet apart? I feel like my throat is aching already."

Ah. So this was the problem troubling her the whole evening. He waved his hand off, and in mere seconds, Liu Huayu already felt magic rolled over her. That delicate body of hers flew away from her seat and landed right on his lap with her arms wrapped around him.

Jie Moshu brought his lips close to her ear, lowering his voice into a quiet murmur. "Then how about this? Is it close enough?"

She was staring at Jie Moshu's face. Her lips tightened. She couldn't quite comprehend what just happened, how she went flying so quickly and already in his arms. All of these magic things were one of those aspects that she could never get used to. She blinked, forcing her mind to get back to his question.

"Umm… I'm sorry, you were saying?"

He chuckled, surprised by how much he enjoyed seeing her flabbergasted expression. "I was saying shouldn't we be celebrating?"

"Aren't we?" She said, at length. "With all this fancy dinner?"

"You said you're full," he instinctively leaned closer, whispered. "So why don't we carry on?"

"Carry on? Wh—" Liu Huayu managed to stop when her mind suddenly cleared of what Jie Moshu was suggesting. Instantly, her eyes widened, "Here? You can't be serious…"

Her voice trailed off as soon as she felt Jie Moshu's lips slightly taste her salty skin. Those soft kisses slowly moved along her neck, then nibbled her ear. "Of course, I'm serious. That's the reason why I kept the area reserved."

Liu Huayu gasped. "Jie Moshu! This is outdoor."

He smiled. Slowly. "You're saying no, but your skin sounds different."

Her face flamed and her stomach was flipping, but she wanted him. She couldn't believe what blurted out from her mouth, "Can't this be more private?"

"Then, private it is," he drawled.

And before she had the chance to say a word, before she even had the chance to take a breath, his mouth already swooped down and captured hers in a searing kiss. She gasped a little into his mouth. It was a hungry desperate kiss. Through a kind of humming, she could hear some waiter exclaim, "Oh!" And some saying, "Heavens."

"No," Liu Huayu whispered, more to her ears rather than to him. "Everyone is watching."

But he heard her, his voice was hot and moist on the skin of her cheeks.

"See, again."

He traveled to her lips and forced her to swallow the word.

"See, again."

At last, when they drew apart, Liu Huayu was aware her surroundings were no longer that sky restaurant with candles. She found herself in the dim bedroom light, staring at Jie Moshu, at the strong, broad shoulders, and his muscles were… Oh heavens!

He had stripped naked, and when she looked down at herself—despite his voracious lips demanding more of hers. She was completely, utterly the same as clothless as him.

Liu Huayu's eyes again widened in shock, "Where are my clothes?"

"I find it problematic so I used my powers to take them off," he whispered. "I hope you don't mind."

Without anything on her, Jie Moshu covered her in his glorious skin in the bed. One muscular thigh on nudging her legs apart.

"So," he said hoarsely. "Can we carry on now?"

She let out a fevered groan as she grabbed her by his hips, steering him forward. "Supposed this is private enough," she gasped. "And don't forget to lock the door."

"Rest assured," he grunted. "No intruders this time."

This Author believed there was no need to say further about what happened on that steamy night. How about we leave this as an open ending for one extra for our leads? Who would possibly know they were actually planning to give Axiang other brothers and sisters?

We should see the story progress then. This Author wished the best for all readers and a happy new year!