I am your big sister...

"Good morning class." Teacher entered the class with a student wearing spectacles and looked so funny."This is Kabir, your new friend. Kabir, say hi to your friends." she turned to him.

"Hello, everyone.I am Kabir." he told in a small voice.

"Sorry, I cannot hear you." a girl shouted from last seat of the middle row.

"Sofia, Are you creating trouble again?" teacher showed scary eyes to her.

"I am Kabir." Kabir spoke in quite a loud tone.

"Kabir?" she smiled "What a funny name!" she started laughing.

Teacher was angry."Sofia, Out of class." teacher shouted.

"Sorry ma'am. Please give me a chance." she bowed to teacher to ask for forgiveness. "I won't tease him again. I promise." she told making a cute face.

"Okay! Then, Kabir, go sit next to her." teacher pointed to Sofia.

"Okay!" Kabir replied and went to sit next to her.

When he was going to sit, Sofia placed a pencil with it's lead open, where he was going to sit.

"Ahh!" Kabir shouted.

"What happened child?" teacher was worried. Kabir. He with his teary eyes looked at Sofia who was calling him by pulling his cloth, she asked him not to tell by shaking her head.

"Teacher, May I go to washroom?" he asked in painful tone.

'Oh! So, that's the problem with him.' teacher thought to herself and nodded her head in approval.

Teacher started to teach but he didn't return. Teacher send Ronak (a student of the class) to see if he was okay.

He was going to go to washroom, Sofia stood up and asked,"Teacher, May I also go with him?" Teacher thought that she was a girl and she couldn't enter boys washroom, So, she shook her head for disapproval.

Sofia, being a spoiled child of rich family always did everything she wanted in her childhood and was still a child in middle school.So, she didn't listened to the teacher and rushed to washroom on their floor being followed by Ronak.

They entered boys restroom. Sofia turned to Ronak and asked,"What did teacher tell his name was?"

"Kabir" replied Ronak.

"Kabir?" she called to almost all doors on the restroom.

1st one, door was opened but none was there. 2nd one, someone was inside. 3rd one also had someone inside it and the last one was also empty.

She knocked the doors calling his name, none spoke.

But then,"What is a girl doing here?" a boy came out of 3rd door.

"Our friend is hurt." she was in tears and started crying.

"Girl, you are a girl and aren't allowed to enter boys restroom. So, let's go outside." the boy took her out of the door.

Seeing her crying melted his heart, "What is your name?" the boy asked .

"Sofia" she replied and looked at him.

"I'm Samir, I'll help you find him, don't worry." he patted on her back, she showed a fake smile.

Then another boy came out of restroom, Ronak following him came outside.

"Probably, He isn't here." Ronak told and rushed to teacher.

"Where did he go?" she asked to Sami.

"We will find him, don't worry." he added and took her to playground.

She saw Kabir crying on the corner of basketball ground. She felt very bad. She said,"Samir, Thank you. I have found my friend, you can go to class." she told pointing towards a boy crying with his head hidden between legs.

"Okay, If you have some problems you can contact me anytime. My class is next to your class door."he showed a smile.

Sofia nodded as she was feeling sad that Kabir is crying."I'll get going, Bye." Samir added.

"Bye" she went towards Kabir.

"Is it still hurt?" she asked to Kabir who was even not looking at her.

"No, please go." he asked polietly.

"Then, Why are you acting?" her voice was fierce towards him.It made him scared.

"I'm not acting, I am..." he was saying something."Okay, okay,let's go to class," She pulled him up but he didn't came.

"I cannot carry you, Pig. Stand up." She said.

"Who is Pig?" He asked.


"You are a pig."

"I'm your big sister, call me sister."

"Sister of pig is also pig." he started laughing.

"No, you are only my big, fatty and funny pig with spectacles. None other will dare to call you that because I am your sister." she felt relieved seeing him laughing and started fighting with him.

When they were quarreling, teacher came."What happened kids?" Teacher interfered.

"Teacher, he was sick. So, He came to have sun basking." Sofia pretended.

"No.." He was going to say something. But then Sofia turned to him with her those big scary eyes, he paused and nodded.

"Are you fine now?" Teacher asked with a confused expression.

"Yes, teacher. Now, I am fine." he said looking at Sofia.

"You scared me, Let's go to class." said teacher smiling as she knew that in that corner, shade of the tree was only present,But looking at Sofia and Kabir talking through eyes, She didn't say anything.

Actually, Kabir is Peter, Just because she said Kabir, 'a funny name', he changed his name to something good to feel better because he was always affected by each and every words from Sofia, though she was teasing him. Next year, his father got transferred to another city, but his mother didn't wanted to change his school. When he came to know that he had chance to leave the school and the bulling Sofia, he insisted to go with his father and went to another school,Sofia thought he had to go but never knew that it was his decision to go and she never knew that every word she said teasing him, he took seriously and was hurt by it, but she never meant it. She never thought of him as someone she hated but he always took her as someone who always hated him.

Samir, the boy from restroom was the same best friend of Sofia who was still with her during her adulthood. He fell for her from the first day, they met but never told her and always waited for her silently helping her, protecting her and loving her. They became besties after 3 or 4 years of friendship done that day on the restroom. They have always been best friends and knew each other very well. So ,they were dependent on each other, directly or indirectly.