Are you really not fine???

The next day, he went to his office as usual with his cold and fierce look. None found the difference between him yesterday and today, he was emotionless on his face as always. But that day he felt himself different, he was happy somewhere on the corner of his heart.

He went towards his office and he found none on the desk of Sofia, he wondered outside, didn't get to see her and he went inside his office. He went to his office desk and rang the bell on his table.

"Knock, knock" he thought that it was Sofia, smiled a bit and told in a cold voice as usual."Come in." he was pretending as if he is looking at his files.

"Mr. Peter." it wasn't Sofia.

"Umm. You..." he asked in confused tone seeing the person sitting next to Sofia.

"Ohh! yes, today Sofia is sick. So, she told me to give you your coffee with sugar and also tell you that she had left the application in your drawer, please check it." she replied.

"Okay." he answered to the girl.

"Do you need anything? If you need, you can call me anytime." she smiled.

"Not now, but when necessary.You can go out." he was as cold as usual.

"Okay." she was going to leave.

"Remember to shut the door for me." Peter asked.

"Okay." she shut the door and went to her own seat. He then hurried to see the application.

He opened the drawer and found a letter inside envelope but had a note sticked to it's envelope.

He took a glance at note ' Peter, I am feeling quite unwell today, don't get angry at other employees.. If you have anything missing in the application, feel free to contact me, I really cannot come today. Sorry'

He smiled and laughed as he was thinking that she made an excuse to have holiday. He called her,"Hey."


"Which hospital are you really attending?"

"City hospital."

"You think I will believe that..." he was saying something. Immediately a boy's voice said,"She is sick today, talk to her the next day." he hung up.

It was Samir. He hung up and explained,"He is really crazy." Sofia smiled.

Again, the phone rang, it was again Peter. "He might have some really important work, let me discuss." she asked her phone from him.

"Hey" she told in a slow tone.

"Hey, Sofia, Why are you sounding so different?"he stopped for her to answer. But before she would answer any thing he asked in a panicked voice,"Are you really not feeling good?"

"No, quite sick." she smiled as hearing him panicking.

"Hold on, I'll just be there." he hung up.

Sofia looked confused, she thought that he wanted to investigate if she is really sick or not or might be he wanted to bully her in this situation too.She just started thinking how would he bully her.

But it wasn't same for Peter, he rushed , he heard that she isn't okay, to the hospital as soon as possible. He entered the hospital gate, asked driver to leave and went inside to see her.

When he opened the door of her cabinet, he found her eating apples which was being fed by Samir. Both of them, gazed at him, he was all soaked in sweat and was breathing heavily. "Were not you sick?" he asked her.

"If she isn't sick, why would she be in hospital?" Sami said in very angry tone.

"I am talking to her, let her answer."He made Sami speechless with his words.

"May I talk to her?" he again turned to Sami asking him to go outside.

"Don't bully her." Sami stood up and again sat" If he bullies you, say me, I'll kill him." he again stood up and went out of the cabinet.

As he went outside, Sofia looked at Peter,"Why are you here?" She questioned.

"Can't I be here?" he questioned as he raised his hands towards her face.

She thought that he is going to hit her. "Stop" she held his hands in the air and continued,"Now, I'm sick, You are happy? why should you hit me?" she looked terrified.

"Seeing you sick, I'm not at all happy." he took another hand and checked the temperature of the of the head of Sofia.

[At house of Peter]

"Mom, I'll be late today." James said coming down the stairs.

"Why?" Father asked.

"Because..." he wasn't expecting dad to be there, now, he didn't know what to say.

"Because he is going to his maternal home." His mother again supported him.Dad didn't get anything to say because he was scared if they divorce, they will have huge impact on his company's shares. He just was worried if his company will collapse, So, he preferred to shut his mouth and stay as nothing happened..

Actually, Dad didn't accept to send his son, Peter to hostel but was forced by the emotional drama shown by his mom. He was just pressurized to follow what she says because she was always manipulating him and giving him pressure that she would divorce and his company will collapse. He always had to make a compromise since they were married because his company was going to collapse. It was also hard for him to send Peter to hostel but was still forced to do so.

The only move he did to his son was giving him the post of C.E.O, by pointing the bad effect if it is given to James. But also he used to get mocked by his in laws for doing so. He was so forced but he never told it to anyone but just smiled and showed them his fake happiness, making his own son hate him so much.