Chapter 10: Pressing Reset

"Something's odd though..", Kousei suddenly blurted out as he and his best friend walked towards the principal's office. Watari almost tripped himself when the deafening silence was broken.


"What?..", Watari asked.


"Did she see you?"


"Probably not.. since there were too many dudes on the field. Plus.. she was too busy being hysterical. Why?"


"Because she didn't recognize me."


Another silence between the two followed. The door to the principal's office could be seen already. They continued to walk as they thought of what Kousei just said.


"It's been almost three years, buddy. And the hair..", Watari said.


"Yeah, but I told her my name..", responded Kousei. Then, they stopped as Watari thought about it.


'Watari must've hated it. He never liked thinking too much.'


"It's either I bolted too early for her to recognize me, or she's playing a cruel trick on me..", Kousei added. 'Option two is quite feasible with that personality of hers.'


"I doubt that. If she recognized you, she would've thrown her arms around you immediately..", Watari answered as they continued to walk.


'Why would she throw her arms around me?..', Kousei flushed as he thought about it.


"Maybe you just broke through the window so fast that she wasn't able to process who you were..", added Watari.


"It still doesn't make sense, Watari. She had enough time to at least let my name ring a bell. She was even able to introduce herself."


"So what're you saying? She's forgotten everyth-…", before Watari had the chance to finish his sentence, they heard Kaori's voice from at least a good five yards away. She sounded like she was pleading.


Kousei rushed to the principal's office immediately. It was his fault anyway. He needed to answer for what he did to the window. Watari followed too.


"Please.. Principal-sensei, sir! I'm begging you.. I'll do community service instead. I don't have money to pay for the window.. My family's been through a lot already.. Please sensei..", Kaori said as Kousei saw her bent ninety degrees at her hip to a bow with her hands intertwined as if praying to the principal. "I'll do a hundred page report.. I'll go to detention for the rest of the school year.. Anything for you Principal-sensei, sir! I'll even do odd jobs for you, sensei, if you want.. Oh no! What am I saying?! I may never get married!"


"Enough! That wouldn't be necessary, Miyazono-san. By January, I just expect you to-..", the principal was cut mid sentence the moment he saw two of his alumni enter his office.


Then, Kaori slowly looked towards Kousei's direction. The look on her face was something one had seen before in some horror film.


"You..", Kaori said while giving Kousei a demonically possessed glare.


Kaori slowly stood up straight like an angry mastiff getting ready to charge towards an intruder. But before she even had a chance to do that, Kousei walked quickly towards her, which actually changed the expression on her face to a surprised one. And then, he hugged her.


Kousei didn't care at all. He didn't feel afraid. He just went with his instincts. At that moment, it just felt so right for him. He closed his eyes, then he embraced her more tightly enough to make her realize how much he had missed her. He felt her go stiff as their bodies went into contact, but he wanted to keep the moment for as long as possible.


"Wow, Kousei.. I didn't know you were that direct, you cheater..", Watari commented with a smirk. And the principal smiled too as if he was touched with what he just saw.


Then, Kousei felt Kaori's arms come up as if she was about to hug him back. It was so surreal at the same time real. It wasn't a dream anymore. He was very awake. She was very much alive.


Kousei was about to shed a tear when it suddenly became a waterfall due to some excruciating pain coming from his groin. His legs started to shake, and he started to fall like he was paralyzed. 'Oh crap, she really had to hit me with a knee there.'


Kaori had hit something very precious in between Kousei's legs with her knee.


"You pervert!! You took the chance while I was vulnerable! You took advantage of me..", squealed Kaori while she held her chest with arms crossed as if she was naked. Somehow, she managed to produce fake tears.


"What?! That was a wholesome act! I had no intention of doing that to your body!..", Kousei exclaimed.


"Aha! I said that you're taking advantage of me.. you said something about my body. Now you're giving me that look. You just undressed me with your eyes, didn't you?!?..", shot Kaori back.


"What the hell?! Where did that come from!? I never gave you that look. I'm merely looking at you because we're talking!"


"See? You're doing it again.. Sorry, but this body belongs to my future husband! And we're not talking! You're yelling at me!"


"Fighting already? Looks like some things are back to normal..", Watari said with sweat dropping behind his head. "Good times..", he added before chuckling.


Then, the principal gave off a long sigh. He shook his head as he looked at Kaori and Kousei while they continued to fight. He gave the look of someone thinking that it was getting out of hand. They never went that far with their fighting before, but it was the principal's first time to see them like that.


"Watari-san..", the principal called Watari, silencing everyone suddenly. "Please take Miyazono-san outside. I'd like to have a word with Arima-san alone."


'Finally, some peace and quiet..', thought Kousei, but Kaori shot him another evil look.


"Sensei! Am I off the hook already? Please?..", Kaori pleaded again to the principal before leaving the room.


"I'll pay for everything, sensei. It was my doing..", Kousei insisted to the principal. The school's headmaster gave him a look that seemed to ask if he was sure about it. "She doesn't have to make that report too. I'll do it. My report for that broken window is more than three years overdue anyway."


Kaori just stared at Kousei in awe and almost endearingly all of a sudden. But she immediately put her tongue out the moment she realized he was looking at her too. She looked away blushing right after. And then, Watari proceeded to escort her out.


"Wow, do I really deserve to be escorted by someone as handsome as you? What's your name?..", Kaori said to Watari while her eyes turned into hearts as she swooned. She kept giggling on the way out as well.


"I can't believe I actually fell for that monster..", muttered Kousei, thinking out loud. However, it also made him realize something. 'Why was she asking for Watari's name?'


"Really? You're so cute as well. I'm Watari Ryouta. What's yours?..", Watari replied to Kaori while he did his usual flashing like he was on a pedestal or something. Nonetheless, he gave his best friend a quick glance, implying that he would be back soon, and Kousei should just hang in there. Somehow, he knew exactly what was going on.


'Like I said many times before, he just simply acted stupidly shallow on the outside.. but he really was always very smart and observant..', pondered Kousei.


"Arima-san..", the principal called as soon as the office door closed.


"Sensei, I was serious about paying for the window and doing the report..", stated Kousei.


"Very well. But you didn't come for that, did you?..", the principal answered immediately, almost saying in between the lines his former student had more questions. "I believe you and Miyazono-san used to be very close..", he added, almost making Kousei flush.


"I-I actually don't know where to start."


"I thought so. Maybe you'd like to start with how she is alive."


"Yes. How did that happen?"


"I believe she survived a life threatening operation about three years ago but was needed to be taken somewhere else immediately for further treatment. I do not know the details, and it's best that you ask her or her parents."


"Words cannot express how overjoyed I am that she's alive, sensei, but somehow, she doesn't recognize me and Watari."


"Oh. And that issue. How do I explain this?", the principal took a while before he spoke again. "That was about four months ago when she came back, yes..", he added, seemingly thinking out loud.


"Please do go on, sensei..", pleaded Kousei, bringing his former teacher back to reality.


"Miyazono-san's parents oriented me and the rest of the faculty about her current condition sometime after summer."


"You needed to be oriented? For what?..", Kousei asked, dreading for the worst. 'She already survived something really difficult, now she had to suffer another one.'


"Surviving a very high risk operation came with its costs. Miyazono Kaori lost most of her memories as a side effect, I guess. I'm not a doctor, you know."


"It's fine sir. I need to hear it."


"They said.. as much as possible, we do not force memories that are somewhat linked to her. Although it was encouraged we help her regain her memories, it was still best she asks the questions herself. Then, we ask back to make sure she does remember."


"With all due respect, sensei, but you seem to have lost me there."


"I know. It's confusing at first. But I think the way to do it is to simply tell her about yourself and not talk about how you are to her before. Yes. I think that's a good example."


Kousei thought about the situation for a while. This was actually harder for him than he had initially thought. There were many things about him that were linked to her. "Why do all this, sensei?"


"Again, I do not know the details. It is best that you ask her parents. We just followed, and it had turned out great so far..", replied the principal calmly.


And for the hundredth time that day, a sigh was given off. This time, it was Kousei. So many things were going through his mind, but at least some questions were already answered.


'I don't know which one is more painful. You dying on me, or you forgetting about me..'


"Thank you very much for your time, sensei. One last thing.. how much do I pay for the window?..", Kousei asked. The principal simply whispered to his ear.


"Eh!?!..", Kousei exclaimed. The people outside might've heard him scream his lungs out. It looked like he was going to need his dad's bank account.


Without even looking at the mirror, Kousei could tell his face was grayer than the hallways of the school in late afternoon. He lacked sleep. He had not eaten. He owed the school a small fortune. Then, he just found out his long dead lover was alive but did not remember him. 'It was an incredibly productive day.'


"That went well..", Watari said as his best friend walked out of the door, shocking him through his bones.


'When did he get behind me?..', thought Kousei. "Wait. Where is she?..", he asked since he was expecting Kaori to be with Watari.


"Oh, Kao-chan went home already. But I got her number. See?..", replied Watari, showing it off with his phone. "I have no plans of competing with you when it comes to her though. I'm starting to hate to see you lose a lot..", he added as he chuckled.


"I guess you've got an idea what's going on now, huh?"


"Yep. Sucks. All those times together. Gone. But yeah. At least we can make more good times with her since she's back."


"Yeah. I think I'm up for that. But I think I still need more answers."


"Then what are you waiting for?"




"Go after her, you fool. About time you paid a visit to your in-laws."


Kousei felt his face go hot with all the blood rising. "We're not married! What the hell?!"


"Yeah, that mentality's gonna get you somewhere..", Watari said sarcastically right before he smirked.


"What if she doesn't want me to go there? What if she still hates me because of that window?"


"Buddy, have you forgotten? Only the girl will let you know once you get there."


Later on, Kousei walked slowly out of Sumiya. Watari decided to stay because he wanted to check out the remaining cute girls in school. He said that it was his only chance since it was the last day before the break.


The snow started to fall again. It was late in the afternoon, but something told Kousei from the depths of his soul that the day was far from over. He was thinking of what he was going to say to Kaori's parents. He still didn't know where to start. And then, he did the unthinkable.


Kousei took his phone out and dialed a number. He didn't need to find her in his phone book. He memorized her number long ago.


"Yes?..", Emi answered her phone from the other side of the line.


"Guess what..", Kousei teased while he continued to walk.


"You're in Tokyo too.."


"Wow. That was boring. How did you know? Oh, I know. Because you helped Watari convince me to come home."


"Didn't know that it actually worked..", smugly put Emi before she laughed. "But hey, I only really did help him when we saw each other after the Christmas show. He even showed me the picture."


"That's cruel.."


"You have no idea."


"You're testing me, aren't you?"


"Good luck."


"Well guess what again.."


"She's alive..", Emi's blunt answer couldn't get any colder.


'She knew?..', assumed Kousei, but no. She laughed right away, implying that she was kidding, a bad one though.


Then, an awkward silence followed, one that the couple never had in a long time. "I'm sorry, Kousei.. that was a little bit too much.."


'Of course it's easily forgiven because it's Emi.. but what I'm about to say next would surprise her.'


"Yes..", Kousei said as plainly as possible. He needed to get it out. Emi was the only person who understood him the most. 'And yet.. I couldn't help but feel like I'm being unfair to her again.'


"Eh? Yes what?..", Emi asked, giving off a perplexed look.


"Your guess is right. She's alive.."


Another awkward silence followed. She must've been trying to look for the words to say.


"You must think I'm going crazy..", Kousei had to break the silence.


"Never did I think of you as crazy despite your weird antics, Kousei. But are you sure it's really her?..", Emi answered, still skeptical though.


And then, Kousei told her everything that happened. 'I must say, I actually feel better..'


"At least now you know where to find your answers, Kousei..", Emi continued.


"So that's it?..", Kousei asked her once more. He felt disappointed not only in a way that it was all she had to say, but she listened all throughout intently that it made him feel like he was being unfair to her again. 'In a way, Watari actually looked better at this since he never asked a girl he dated for advice on how to deal with another girl he liked.'


"I mean.. you're not telling me to stay away from her, or not flirt with her, or date her?..", added Kousei.


"Why?..", Emi asked.


"Because we're sort of together?"


"No we're not. And you know why."




"Sure we hangout and stuff, but that's all there is. We can't commit to anything, Kousei, especially now..", Emi reminded again they were not really together. "Look.. Kousei, don't make it harder than it is. Okay?"




"Oi, Arima Kousei-kun."




"Don't sweat the small stuff.."


'Now where did I hear this before?'


"Right..", responded Kousei.


"I'll see you soon. Bye..", and then, Emi hung up. The thought of her crying after she cut the line stung Kousei.


'I hope she didn't..'


As Kousei continued walking, he started having second thoughts of going to Ma Fille (Miyazono-san's bakery and home). He thought Kaori wouldn't be thrilled to see him, definitely. However, he needed to see her parents. The answers to the questions he was looking for were there.


Then, that black cat appeared out of nowhere. This time, it did not try to run. Kousei hunched down to pet it, but it backed away a little. He backed away too and squatted down. He just reached out his hand, then it slowly approached him.


The cat reminded Kousei of Miyazono Kaori. Whenever he tried to pursue it, it ran away. However, the animal lingered around whenever he seemed to mind his own business.


Kousei continued to walk while pondering. The familiar scenery of the apartment complex near school was right beside him. However, there were no Sakura at this time of the year. It was the middle of winter. But for some reason, the snow that just started to fall seemed to transform in color. It looked like petals that blossomed from the sky.


'Suddenly.. when I least expect it, she appears out of nowhere..', thought Kousei in a mix of pleasant confusion and bewildered awe the moment he saw Kaori standing under a withered cherry blossom tree as if waiting for someone. 'Now this looks familiar.'


It was that same spot from before. Kousei kept walking. Then inevitably, Kaori saw him. She gave him that curious childlike look. He immediately looked down and continued to walk silently.


'What the hell? Why am I avoiding her? Why can't I talk? I'm not in middle school anymore.. come on..'


After walking past her, Kaori said something that made Kousei halt abruptly. "Yuujin A!"


Kousei stared at her with great surprise because she used to call him that before she supposedly died. He suddenly remembered he actually begged her to stay in a dream, and one of its conditions was it was okay if Kaori called him, "Friend A". And it looked like he got his wish. She was pointing towards him and was slightly frowning. It was an incredibly and endearingly familiar sight.


'But why did she call me that if she forgot everything already?'


"So, you do know who I am?..", inquired Kousei excitedly.


"No..", Kaori replied, effectively dismantling Kousei's excitement. "But I do recognize you from somewhere. You look familiar, y'know."


"Then, why did you call me 'Friend A'?"


"Because I remember your name starts with letter 'A' but couldn't quite recall it. So.. 'Yuujin A'!"


"It's Arima. Arima Kousei.."


"Yuujin A! We're not that close yet."


"You have no idea..", Kousei almost slipped, remembering he should not force himself yet.


"What was that?!..", Kaori pressed. She was starting to get possessed by the devil again.


"Nothing..", Kousei replied as he looked away.


After a few moments, Kousei realized Kaori was still staring at him. He felt his face getting warm as he tried to avoid the gaze of her grayish blue eyes under those thick rimmed glasses. "What're you doing out here, by the way?"


"That's no way to talk to someone. Look at me..", commanded Kaori. When Kousei looked at her, he was surprised to see her so close. He could actually feel her breathing, confirming she was very much alive. "That's better..", she continued before she smiled. Kousei smiled too, but awkwardly. "I was waiting for Watari, so he could walk me home. Would you know where he is?"


'This again? Wow, what form of twisted magic brought me to this alternate universe?!..', thought Kousei with a skeptic look on his face. 'Or did Watari set this up?'


It would be a terrible thing if Kousei told her Watari was girl scouting. He didn't want to make his best friend look bad and at the same time, Kaori might think he was bad mouthing him. "He probably continued with his football practice.."


"Okay. Then I'll just go to him..", Kaori said, causing Kousei to panic.






"I mean.. N-No because you might distract him, and he might not perform well..", Kousei used almost the exact same lie from three years ago.


"Come to think of it.. if he performs badly because of me, then he might hate me after that. Oh well, you've got a point..", Kaori answered, and Kousei's little excuse seemed to work the same way. "So.. it's decided! You'll do as a substitute..", she continued as she seemed to think of something. "I appoint you, Yuujin A, to walk me home."


Kousei didn't even have a choice to say no, so they eventually walked together. But it was more of Kaori skipping and hopping all over the place.


'Unbelievable. It was as if everything was being replayed..', pondered Kousei as he watched Kaori do her usual things ahead of him. Her mannerisms, her expressions, her way of speaking, her temper, her personality, were all the same, except that she forgot everything.


'Same character design in a new game. It's like you pressed the reset button. And then.. you made me promise not to forget until my dying day. Such cruelty. Can I press reset too?'


Suddenly, Kaori stopped and about faced towards Kousei. She flashed him that eye closing smile he had been longing for since forever. But something told him she was going to need something from him.


"Yuujin A!..", Kaori called out, still smiling.


"Yes? Miyazono-san?"


"Who are you in my life..?"


Translation Notes:


Sakura - also known as cherry blossom in English. This flower is arguably the most iconic symbol of springtime Japan as it only blooms during the said season. It has been mentioned many times in the "Your Lie in April" anime series, manga, and light novel, and often referenced to the story's heroine, Kaori.


Yuujin - also known as friend in English. Although there are many more often used words for "friend" in Japanese, Kaori used this word to identify her friends, particularly Kousei as "Yuujin A", or "Friend A".