Chapter 14: A Test Served Cold

"Oi! Kao-chan, you alright? I heard something crashed..", stated Watari as he entered Kousei's music room. He stared at Kaori first, then he looked at Kousei curiously with a smirk. From his point of view, he was seeing "something else". Then, he chuckled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa.. Am I interrupting something? You should've closed the door if you guys wanna hit it ou-…"

"You're not interrupting anything!!!..", Kaori and Kousei cut Watari mid sentence in unison.

"Watari invited me over to watch you play. I couldn't say no to that..", Kaori said after a few moments.

Kousei looked at his best friend with a blank stare.

"You live here too, Watari?..", asked Kousei sarcastically, implying that his friend shouldn't have invited people in someone else's house.

"Hiroko-sama let me in before she left.. I got bored waiting for you to finish so I invited Kao-chan over..", Watari answered. He was quickly forgiven since it was Kaori he invited after all.

And then, an extremely familiar figure appeared right next to Watari out of nowhere. The incident caused Kousei to suddenly stand up in attention, making sure she didn't think Kaori and him were doing "something else". She was wearing a black beanie and actually, black everything except for that familiar red blazer.

"Emi!..", called Kousei while he ran towards Emi before tripping himself. But he stood up straight immediately without creating too much of a fuss.

'Looks like I did create that much fuss..', thought Kousei as he saw everyone staring at him blankly. "What are you doing here?..", asked Kousei upon kissing Emi's forehead.

Kaori's grayish blue eyes went wide under her glasses. 'Oh.. he has a girlfriend?'

"Have you forgotten?..", Emi asked with a confused look. "You invited me over..", she added, to Kousei's confusion. It looked like he was forgetting some minor details since he was panicking for some reason.

Watari rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh with a snort. Then, he looked away when he saw Kousei look at him.

'I know what he's implying. His expression obviously said, "awkward"..', thought Kousei as he squinted at his best friend.

Kousei stealthily kicked Watari on the shin afterwards. He was definitely in a world of pain after that, but he composed himself.

"Oh. Sorry, Emi..", said Kousei before he awkwardly chuckled. "I guess I was just tir-.."

"Trying to entertain your friend here?..", Emi cut Kousei while looking at Kaori.

'Uh-oh.. she's definitely gonna kill me..'

"Forgive my manners.. You must be Miyazono Kaori, right?..", Emi continued by approaching Kaori, offering her a handshake. She was suddenly smiling genuinely and completely ignoring Kousei.

"In the flesh! How'd ya know me?..", Kaori asked as she shook Emi's hand.

"I've heard so much about you.. I'm Igawa Emi..", Emi said while she flashed Kousei that eyeless smile of hers.

'Did I actually just see an evil teddy bear behind her again?..', imagined Kousei in dread.

While Emi continued to smile as they shook hands, Kaori's grin faded to a very curious look. This was when Kousei suddenly felt very nervous. Something was about to happen.

"I know you..", Kaori remarked, suddenly stunning all of them.

"You do?!?..", Watari and Kousei inquired in unison as they somehow teleported beside the two girls. This was beginning to become quite a development.

Emi released Kaori's hand. She knew the situation very well since Kousei told her already. She just looked at her and smiled with her eyes open this time. "Really? How then, Miyazono-san?"

"Weren't we classmates when we were five?..", Kaori asked to everyone's surprise. She frowned and looked up towards the ceiling as if she was recalling something. Then, she smiled again. She always managed to smile in the most difficult of circumstances. "Yes that's right! I don't know how I remembered it.. but we were definitely classmates in kindergarten. I'm sure of it", she added before giggling.

"That's amazing Miyazono-san. Even I failed to remember that. It was so long ago. You just reminded me..", Emi replied as they hugged each other with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

Watari and Kousei just let a drop of sweat roll at the back of their heads.

'Girls are so complicated..'

After the short reunion, the four decided to buy dinner outside. It was time for Kousei to take a break since he had been practicing the whole day. The snow covered streets of their hometown were no longer white but orange since the sun was already setting. He realized he actually lost track of time.

'If the girls hadn't come.. I would've passed out for sure again.'

"Watari..", Kousei said while they walked. The two girls were walking ahead of the boys, still reminiscing their childhood.

"'Sup?..", Watari responded.

"Does Kaori remember you already?..", Kousei asked as he glanced at Kaori. She seemed ecstatic while she talked with Emi.

"Nope. Not even a bit.."

"Me neither.. and she remembers Emi..", Kousei said while he looked down depressingly. It took a few more blocks of walking before he got into a realization. "Maybe she remembers things from her earlier memories, right?..", he added, causing Watari to almost trip himself with the sudden break from silence.

"You've got a knack for taking long breaks from talking, huh?..", Watari remarked, almost popping a vein. "I guess you're right. I've read something about her condition. She really might've retained her oldest memories."

"Really? You read now?"

"Oi, Kousei. Don't you look at me like I'm a dumbass..", Watari exclaimed as his friend chuckled. "I guess we could start from there. Hopefully, she'll gradually remember us.."

The newly reunited friends eventually settled for ramen in a small and cozy place near the train station. It was cold, so they sought out something to warm their cravings. It was a good decision. The ramen was delicious. The curry had a distinct spice in it that somehow retained the heat of the soup, even if the winter cold cooled it quickly. The richness of the flavor of the chashu exploded as if it was never finely cut. And the noodles were so carefully prepared that it never tasted overcooked, even if it continued to soften up in the heat of the ramen itself.

However, there was another type of heat that made Kousei uncomfortable the whole time. He had never felt this kind of tension before. He never thought that being seated next to Emi could make him sweat out of his bones.

"You two really look good together..", Kaori said, causing Watari to cough and let his soup go down the wrong hole. She was referring to Emi and Kousei though.

Even if there was tension between the unofficial couple that time, Emi had this skill of not making it noticeable. They really did look like a happy couple having some dinner.

Kousei didn't understand the feeling that came afterwards. It was bittersweet somehow. It was nice since a very important person in his life recognized the good chemistry between Emi and him. But it also hurt that it came from Kaori as she smiled genuinely and without a hint of awkwardness. He just stared at her as he nodded with a crumpled smirk.

"We're not together though..", Emi said as usual, denying their relationship again.

"Eh?! But the way you are to each other.. Surely you're a thing, right?", Kaori replied to her obvious disappointment. She looked at the couple for approval, then at Watari, but he seemed to pretend to be minding his own business and whistling some tune as he looked outside.

'For some reason, that hurt..', thought Kousei.

"Yeah, a thing..", mumbled Kousei before he chuckled awkwardly.

"More of nothing..", Emi said, then she actually laughed.


'Eh? So they're not really something? But weird.. why do I feel disappointed and relieved at the same time?..', Kaori put up an awkward face. She seemed to try to giggle awkwardly, but it looked like she never really had that ability to begin with. Everything about her was so genuinely animated.

"Don't worry Kaori-chan.. we just simply enjoy each other's company. Let's just leave it at that for now..", Emi added, flashing that eye closing smile to reassure Kaori.

It was around seven in the evening when the four friends finished their dinner. Darkness had already engulfed the sky creating that black and white contrast with the snow covered streets. But that monochrome was continuously shattered by Kaori's laughter as they all talked before saying their goodbyes.

Eventually, they went to their separate ways, but Kousei insisted to take Emi to her home. They needed to talk. Until suddenly, his cell beeped. Someone texted him.

"I don't know if it exists, but I felt like a fourth wheel on a tricycle today, buddy. Good luck with Emi-chan! Time to get some cuties of my own..", it was Watari.

Kousei actually laughed to his heart's content with his best friend's text message. Watari sure did have his way of lifting one's spirits up.

"So..", Kousei shifted his attention to Emi as they walked hand in hand. It was starting to snow heavily, fitting as the mood got colder. "I failed the test, right?"

"What test?..", Emi asked as well.

"I know you were testing me the whole time with Miyazono-san..", Kousei answered, somehow regretting that he did.

Emi just simply giggled and looked at Kousei. "Why do you always have to make things more complicated, Arima-kun?..", she asked again as she stopped walking to cup his face in her hands. She looked up intently towards him with her reddish brown eyes. "The world doesn't revolve around us, stupid Kousei.. Kaori and I knew each other way before you did. We just did some catching up. Got that?"

"G-Got it.."

"Now.. let's hurry before the snow buries us alive..", added Emi as she grabbed Kousei's hand and hurriedly walked.

Kousei never really believed in anything Emi just said to him. Those crimson eyes were full of sadness that gave the truth away.

The two walked faster than usual, and it really tired Kousei out since putting more force on his feet actually pierced the snow even deeper. Emi and him never said a word and just panted the rest of the way. And after a few minutes, they finally arrived. He was about to kiss her goodbye as she opened the door to her house when she suddenly pulled him inside. He didn't even have the chance to object.

"You're not going anywhere.. yet. You'll freeze to death out there. Wait it out a bit..", Emi insisted with a lot of concern in her tone. "Text your dad or Seto-sama. I'll just go get changed..", she added as she went upstairs to her room.

'No objections there. Japan's about to transform into Antarctica outside..', thought Kousei.

The Igawa residence represented a modern Japanese home very well. There were sliding glass windows covered by dark brown curtains everywhere. There were some plants positioned in some corners, or atop small tables, but the furniture was very minimalistic.

'Somehow, I get this feeling I shouldn't be in here yet..', pondered Kousei as he blushed at the thought of being in Emi's house for the first time.

Kousei was still looking at their family portrait when Emi suddenly called him to go to some room downstairs. He never actually saw her go down. He was too engrossed in peering around the living room.

The moment Kousei opened the door to that room, he felt his blood slowly rise to his head. He was pretty sure he turned as red as Emi's shirt, with a teddy bear logo in the middle, that covered a fourth of her thighs, as he realized it was the only piece of clothing she was wearing.

"Emi! why're you not wearing anything down there?!..", Kousei yelled as he looked away, blushing fiercely.

"What do you mean by not wearing anything? Of course I'm wearing my underwear underneath my shirt, stupid..", Emi remarked as if that made everything less uncomfortable. "I sleep in these, Kousei. We're just waiting out the snow storm before I go to bed..", she added like it still took the stress away from her male companion.

Kousei just sighed. Modesty aside, it was her home anyway. "Is it okay for your parents that you walk around like that while I'm here?..", he asked, at least out of respect.

"I'm alone 'til new year. They're on a ski trip, don't worry..", reassured Emi again, like that was going to make Kousei worry less.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"Because I need to practice..", replied Emi, reminding Kousei about the upcoming competition. "Speaking of which.. that's why we're here. I need your help with something..", she added while she gestured towards the grand piano.

'I barely noticed we are in her music room with all the drama..', thought Kousei with an awkward grin and a lingering blush on his cheeks.

"Are you sure? We're going to be opponents in Maihou, you know..", Kousei joked and snickered a bit to lighten the mood as if he was going to cheat.

Emi then sat down on the piano bench. Kousei sat down at her left side afterwards.

"I'm not quite sure how I'll hit these five keys..", Emi said while she played five high notes on the far right. "Should I go slower towards the end or beginning? Should I make it linger a bit? What do you think?"

There was this childlike curiosity on Emi's face. Kousei rarely got to see this adorable side of hers that it somehow got him unnecessarily excited.

"Emi.. you're a piano prodigy. I don't get why you need to ask me about this.. but I'm quite flattered..", Kousei replied with a smirk.

"Because I've never beaten you on your good day..", Emi said as she frowned surprisingly. She had never been very expressive with her emotions. "Ochiai-sensei told me it should be like this.. but something's not quite right..", she added as she played it again.

"Remember Maihou Junior High Competition? You and Takeshi beat me there. I considered that to be a good day..", Kousei replied, teasing Emi. She just stared at him blankly. "I think the reason why these five keys are so high up is for it to linger a bit. That means it has to be thicker, but don't smash it. Touch it delicately.."

"Like this..?", inquired Emi as she pressed the keys. It seemed like she still didn't get it.

"No..", rebutted Kousei while he looked at Emi and then the keys as he moved his arm around her to guide her fingers with his hand. "Like this..", added Kousei while they pressed on the keyboard together.

As the ticklish tune of the last note slightly lingered in the atmosphere, Emi faced Kousei with her eyes peering through his soul and with her cheeks gradually flushing. And the next thing they knew, they kissed. Then, they stared at each other for a moment. Her face was as red as her shirt, and Kousei's was too.

Suddenly, Emi kissed Kousei again, this time, longer and more passionately. They made out as she surprisingly straddled herself upon him. A while later, she removed her shirt.

"Wait..", Kousei said while he pushed her back gently. He was flushing out of control.

"Dammit, Kousei.. what now?!..", Emi angrily asked while she kept breathing heavily.

"This is wrong.. Emi, this is wrong. I'm sorry.."

Before Kousei even got out of position, Emi stopped him. "What's wrong with this?"

'She's red all over.. wait! I'm not supposed to look at her everywhere..', thought Kousei as he shook his maddeningly blushing head to regain focus. "We're not 'together'.. 'this' is wrong.. we're not a couple."

"And? We did quite a lot of wrongs before."

"It would've been a lot easier if..", Kousei paused for a while and stared at her reddish brown eyes. He hesitated for a bit. "W-Why can't you just be my girlfriend, Emi?"

Emi cupped Kousei's face with her hands but tighter this time as if she was preventing him to run away. "I will ask you questions that I need you to answer for yourself only. Got that, Arima?"

"Y-Ye-..", Kousei never even had the chance to agree.

"First, you kept chasing me around, but who was the only person you could see?..", Emi fired her first question. "I was right beside you.. but in which direction did your gaze point at? Lastly.. I am half naked here in front of you, but who are you thinking of?"

Kousei was about to open his mouth to say something, but Emi quickly put her pointer on his lips to hush him down. She was looking at him with tears falling down her cheeks. 'This is definitely breaking my heart.'

"Sshhh.. there is no need to tell me. At least, you have your answers now..", hushed Emi with a smile slowly emerging from her face. "Now, as I've said earlier. Let's just enjoy each other's company. Where were we?", she added right before she continued kissing Kousei again.

Thoughts began to flood in Kousei's mind, but one stood out.

'I failed the test.. I am such a jerk.'

Translation Notes:

Maihou Junior High Competition - the division in the annual Maihou Music Competition in which Kousei joined after two years of being inactive as a pianist. In this chapter, Kousei referred to this when he pointed out losing to both Emi and Takeshi due to disqualification. It was told in detail in the original prequel series.