Public-private, one yard to one yard

Gu Feiyan was furious!

She was indeed Qi Yu's fiancée, but didn't she never marry him? So what if she married him?

It was the same thing, but it was so simple. How could Madam Lin, who was the grand wife of a general, not understand?

She hadn't stopped to save anyone since last night, and in the end, she was still subjected to this kind of inexplicable humiliation?

What the heck is this?

Gu Feiyan picked up the bag of gold coins and looked at Madam Lin with a cold expression.

Madam Lin had experienced the power of Gu Feiyan and thought that she was going to do something to her. She quickly retreated and angrily said, "Impudent! What are you trying to do?"

Gu Feiyan's expression did not change as she said coldly, "Old Madam Lin, General Cheng's condition has only improved slightly. He still needs to be looked after carefully, don't be careless. Get someone to boil some millet soup, and when General Cheng woke up, he would drink the rice soup first. He could only eat seven parts of it. There was no need to take the medicine just now. The medicine that Imperial Physician Su had prescribed can be taken on time and according to the dosage. Imperial Physician Su will be arriving at the military camp tonight. You can listen to his instruction then."

Old Madam Lin didn't think that Gu Feiyan would say such things. Although she was a little surprised, she was more disdainful. She pointed at the door and angrily said, "Stop putting on an act. You're just pretending to be kind! Immediately scram! "

Gu Feiyan turned a deaf ear, she maintained her composure and continued, "Madam Lin, during our trip from the imperial pharmacy, six guards, one driver and I were ambushed by assassins in the jujube forest on the western side of the military camp. The assassin intended to rob the medicine. I escaped by chance. I will report this matter to the justice courts when I return. Here, I'll let you know too. "

Gu Feiyan's words reminded Old Madam Lin of the assassin. The assassin intended to rob the medicine, that was the same as taking her precious son's life!

Old Madam Lin, whose mind had been clouded by hatred, finally calmed down and turned to look at the deputy general. Before she could say anything, the deputy general spoke first, "Madam, this lowly general understands! Bring some people to investigate immediately! "

"Go quickly, send a pigeon to deliver a message to the justice courts! Tell them to send people here as soon as possible. "

After the deputy general left, Old Madam Lin's gaze returned to Gu Feiyan. Before she could speak, Gu Feiyan had already snatched the lead and said "Old Madam Lin, there's one more thing …"

Old Madam Lin's tone was not as tough as before, but she was still displeased. "What else? Let's finish this together!"

However, Gu Feiyan suddenly raised the purse in her hand. Old Madam Lin was shocked, "You, what are you doing?"

What for?

Since the business talks were over, it was naturally about personal matters!

Gu Feiyan was as calm as ever, and she even had a smile on her face. She asked, "Madam Lin, if you had known that I was the fiancée of Qi Yu, would you still have let me feed the medicine to General Cheng?"

These words caused Madam Lin's heart to skip a beat. She did not dare to think or face the truth.

At this point, Gu Feiyan's hands could not relax and she smashed the heavy bag of money at Madam Lin's feet.

Madam Lin cried out loudly, "Ah …" "My foot, Gu Feiyan, you are too presumptuous. Someone come and take her away …"

Gu Feiyan forcefully interrupted, "Old Madam Lin, please listen carefully." I, Gu Feiyan, am a medicine girl from the imperial pharmacy, and I took the salary of the imperial pharmacy. I'm only following orders for this trip, there's no need for such a small reward! And, ** off, I won't go! According to the rules, I need to wait for Imperial Physician Su to arrive and explain to him about General Cheng's reaction after taking the medicine before leaving. At that time, you don't have to rush me, I will leave myself. In addition, if Madam cares about my identity due to personal grudges, I will have to trouble you to send someone to the imperial pharmacy to inform the steward that, in the future, do not ever send me again for any work related to the Cheng family, thank you! "

After hearing this, Madam Lin was stunned. Gu Feiyan turned around and left in large strides. Her back was tall and straight, but her body was quite slim.

"Damned girl, you, you …This lady will not quibble with you for now! "

Madam Lin's face alternated between red and white; she was both angry and embarrassed. Compared to Gu Feiyan's distinctive action towards public and private interests, her impulsive actions from before seems to be indistinguishable. She had to admit that she did admire this little girl a little bit. She couldn't help but think, if this girl wasn't Qi Yu's fiancée, how wonderful it would be!

Gu Feiyan was depressed. As she walked to the back of the camp, she added the Cheng Family to the blacklist. Along the way, she was also wondering who was the one who was going to put the blame on her.

When she arrived at the back of the camp, she saw Eunuch Wu sneaking into the cooking tent. She quickly followed him, thinking, "This old eunuch is indeed fishy!"