Chapter 7: A Target on my back

Great now I'll be looking over my shoulder for the rest of mine and Lucia's life .

I hurried up and picked up up the pace and looking down my sleeping sister as she stirred she held onto me sensing my presence. I held onto her and I bumped into Dr. Dray and Peter . They both looked alarmed .

Peter looked at me with genuine concern what the hell happened? Is Lucia okay ?

Dr. Dray was concerned as they both rushed to my side . I could tell Dr. Dray was looking over her to make sure she was okay .

Son what's going on ? " Dr. Dray said"

Someone threatened me and my little sister . I said and I don't know if they did anything to Lucia . I said trying to hold back some emotions.

Peter take him to the Great house and I will get my medic bag . Dr. Dray ordered with urgencyI will meet you there , run and find Mr . Popo

Peter nodded and we were off , Peter and I sprinted to the House to find that mostly all the camp leaders and adults were there in a meeting. In the library.

Peter and I slammed the doors open which alarmed everyone in the room then they saw me holding Lucia , Professor Brom was already on his feet making his way towards me and knelt down to Lucia . Mr. Popo narrowed his eyes with some emotion .

Son what's wrong ? "Professor Brom asked "

Peter glared at the entire room their lives were threatened " he said with a cold attitude "

Edmond gently lied his sister down on the love seat . And glared full of rage tears threatened to spill from his eyes .

And you think one of us did it ? Said one of the camp leaders.

There is no other explanation. Edmond screamed . If one of you did I will make sure you never live to see another day .

They all leaned forward "how do we know this isnt a trick one of the camp leaders said .

Edmond threw the knife he found near lucia on the table which slid across the table which landed in front of Mr. Popo .

Mr. Popo Looked at the Knife then the sleeping child then back at Edmond , He understood the boys Justifiable anger , Mr. Popo looked around the room noticing everyones fear .

And I found this note near my sister.

Everyone leaned forward to look at the note


am I lying now asshols Edmond yelled .

Mr. Popo looked at Edmond in a calm voice , did you notice anything out of the ordinary?

Well today someone was following Sky and me . I dont know why . Edmond said . but it seems one thing after the other happens no matter where I go it's like I have a Target on my back and I don't know why .

Professor Brom looked at the knife . And then the note . Edmond how were they placed near Lucia ?

Umm the note was lying flat and the knife was laying diagonally across from the right , why ??

Professor Brom .. closed his eyes as if he was shutting out a bad memory.

How much do you know about your parents? He asked .

Umm nothing . As far as I know they died after Lucia was born , I never met them . Atleast that's what the people in foster care told me .

This is just a wild hunch but Either this is a sign or a warning . Son I don't think your parents are dead , I think this is from your Father warning us . You see I've seen this knife before , and only you were able to touch this without being harmed . This knife was made to kill. and to poison his enemy's , But he didn't poison this blade which means he wanted you to find it , and come here . He did it on purpose If he wanted her and you dead you would already be dead .

I think the goes with out saying . " said Mr. Popo "

But this was a warning to us leaders and campers . Letting us know if we mess with you . We are dead . This knife belongs to Lewis Stiormborn . I know because I have studied him , the Last sighting of this assassin was in China 24 years ago . ever since then his where abouts have been unknown . So I think Lewis is your Father .

How dare you throw that name around " one of the Leaders spoke up "

I am just speaking facts , He isn't going to kill me for that , Not only that but its the only explanation for this , after all just the other day Asher targeted Edmond for sticking up for Sky , maybe Lewis now decided it was time to show himself and put fear into all of us again " Professor Brom said sternly"

Just then Lucia began to stir then woke up . She looked around the room the looked Edmond" What's going on ?

Everyone became silent ....

Edmond knelt down and hugged his little sister . As long as your okay I'm okay . She looked at her Brother then looked at everyone else .

Am I in trouble? Lucia asked .

Everyone chuckled at the young girls question .

No no little one Professor Brom knelt down . We were just having a disagreement thats all . But my dear you had a nasty fall , and youll probably need to spend the night in the infirmary .

Nobody wanted to scare the young girl , so they went along with the Professors story .

Lucia turned her head to the side , okay ..

Later on that evening

Edmond was sitting on the edge of Lucia's hospital bed . taking everything in that he just heard , Why now does he think he can show up in our lives after so many years , Why ? Just then his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door , It was Peter ,Johnathan and Scarrlett .

How is she Peter asked ?

Honestly I think she is good , Dr.Dray said he didn't find any poison in her system ,.

That's good news then Scarrlett said . Look I'm sorry about the other day . She handed Edmond a coffee .

Thanks , and It's alright .

Johnathan Shut the door , Everyone looked at Johnathan , Look something is going on here and we all know it , When Peter and I first cam to this camp with our sister we were just like you , I'm starting to see a pattern , things started happening to us too .

Peter spoke up , What we are trying to tell you Ed is that you and Lucia can trust us , If there is anything you need just holler , Peter put his hand on Edmond's shoulder even if it's just to talk or confide in . Just show up to our room . I have alot of experience with protecting people who are important to me . Look when I first came to this camp I didn't trust anyone , being a older sibling is alot for a kid to handle , so trust me when I tell you you can come to us with your troubles and we will help you , And that is a Promise .

Edmond looked down then back a his sleeping sister , Thank you guys , I'll take you up on that sometime .

and with that they said their goodbyes and left , Edmond kissed Lucia on the forehead and started to walk towards Cabin #11 .