Chapter 10 : The Tournament

There was a bustling coming from outside as Edmond heard a pounding on his door , Edmond jumped out of bed , It was one of the campers he recognized her it was Sky , and she was breathing hard from running ,

Whats up " I asked puzzled "

Your telling me you are not ready to go yet , I have been up since 2 am prepping for today " Sky said frustrated "

Whoa I literately just woke up . Did i miss something as he looked at the time it was 5 am . Are you Fucking joking waking and Lucia up at this early hour of the morning ? " I asked Pissed off "

It is tournament you idiot only the most important day of the year and you are not even fucking ready ? you haven't even pack as she brushed passed me to my dresser grabbing a duffel bag and grabbing 7 pairs of my boxers and 3 pairs of jeans and atleast 5 t shirts .

What the hell I said

Lucia just stared unsure of what to do , Sky grabbed a few pairs of clothes for Lucia as well throwing everything we'd need for vacation in a bad , But Sky shoved the bag into my arms , I stared at her , as she dug through my closet. she took a pair of black jeans and a graphic tshirt and a leather jacket and threw it a me along with my shoes .

Put those on , as it was Lucia's turn , She grabbed the jacket Lucia always wore which was a matching jacket . and a long black long sleeve with blue jeans and black converse she wore all the time and threw them at Lucia .

Hurry and change both of you " Sky said "

she took the duffel out of my hand and headed down stairs , I'll meet you both outside .

I looked at Lucia shrugged and we both changed . We both ran down stairs to see 4 school buses . Sky was helping packing as well as other campers . and The Leaders . all the campers were getting into their assigned seats on the bus .

I sat down by the window as Lucia sat in the middle and Sky took the isle seat . Then Asher got on snearing at me , He looked at me and said low enough so only the three of us heard .

I will get you back for getting me in trouble the other day dipshit " Asher said"

I just looked at him with a expressionless face and shrugged , and continued tostare out the window .

Don't ignore me bastard or else i may take your little sister for a spin later , " Asher said chuckling " .

At the I stood up , " Is that a threat I said ? " My eyes glowing poison green with rage .

everyone looked at us on the bus until Mr. Popo got on , and looked at the site in front of him noticing Lucia's facial expression was filled with fear , and Edmond's full of rage .

Mr. Popo growled enough Asher , I thought I told you to stop your bullshit , or shall we step off the bus and have another discussion . " Mr. Popo said "

everyone noticed how dark it became out side . Mr. Popo calm down a voice behind him spoke it was professor Brom .

the sun light came back into view , as Mr. Popo calmed down . go sit down brat he said loudy .

And with that the bus started to move , Mr. Popo was still standing , Then he spoke in a booming voice " Alright listen up maggots " For the campers who know what to expect and know what tournament is all about , Goody for you " he said sarcastically "But for the first time tournament maggots , your all going to get your ass kicked around by more experienced maggots . Just don't get killed ! And remember most of all "NEVER LET FORUMS FOOL YOU" looks are deceiving , never under estimate your opponent . They will not show you mercy they will challenge you and those who you are close to , Now you will have a " Tact Call " which mean you can call someone of your choosing to come help you fight but also remember they will target who you Love and won't give two shits about you , so in turn you also show no mercy . They have real weapons and powers , magic and other things , The Gods are allowed to challenge their children , and anything is allowed DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME ! They will not care . their will be Titan 's , Gods of Olympus , Titans , Norse , Monsters . everything you can think of , if or when you want to use your "Tact call" for one of us Leaders , make sure it is a fight you can not win .

with that everyone said in unison " UNDERNSTOOD !

Lucia leaned and whispered Isn't Mr. Popo being mean ?

Sky softly giggled " It's hard if you don't know him well , but Mr. Popo genuinely cares for most campers even if he doesn't show it .

Ohhh " Lucia said "

Edmond had a bad feeling about this Tournament , What if people used Lucia as a targetto get to him , Mr. Popo already warned them it may happen . He noticed Mr. Popo's eyes on him as he may have sensed his fear , Edmond looked at Mr. Popo then at Lucia , then back to him as if they had a silent agreement , He hoped Mr. Popo sensed what he was thinking , If he wasn't allowed to be her Tact call he would want Mr. Popo to step in .

Mr. Popo stared at the girl , She was unaware of what she would face . But he nodded at Edmond sensing the boys fear. He silently Promised he'd take care of her .


We started heading for a tunnel under ground and through a magic barrier . The first time campers were in aww , It was a coliseum under the ground, It was huge . we got out of the bus and made our way to the entrance , we all followed the leaders in and took our seats , Lucia and Sky sitting next to Edmond . Lucia was very uneasy staring around the arena and held onto Edmonds hand , She felt someone sit behind he and squeeze her shoulders , she looked to see Peter and Johnathan both behind her and put a smile on , but inside she was terrified she had no idea what would happen .

Mr Popo was looking around the arena , then was brought out of his trance .

Well if it isn't Mr. Popo , Havent you got any kids yet " oh wait weren't you with that white haired bimbo looking towards Jill's direction " Odin said in a mocking tone with Thor beside him .

At this Mr. Popo flicked his finger not even touching Odin and sending the man flying down several flights of stairs making everyone from the camp snicker , What were you saying maggot .

Everyone was startled by a loud boom and the whole arena was dark then all the sudden music started to play , it's was sexyback " Justin Timberlake ' and then a huge tv appeared showing the God Hermes dressed in a pair of jeans and a t- shirt he had a micophone and his voice boomed over the speakers " Hello Everyone and I'm your host the most handsome , the most awesome God Hermes " he shouted there was an applause through out the arena . " For those who are new welcome and good luck " Hermes finished and with that who's first ?

A man in a dark coat jumped in . Sky is leaned over to Edmond that Jaz The Wizard , He is son of Hella and he likes to bully people who are younger then him, Mostly he picks on Guardiana and wins all the time , as if on cue he points to Guardiana . smiling evilly lets go Bitch he says .

Jaz the wizard

Guardiana jumps in the arena and the crowd goes wild banging in their seats , the crowd shouting . "Beat that scub of the earth whore "

At this Zeus speak's " Silence and let the fight begin "

At this Jaz strikes at Guardiana sending her sliding back , She stops herself just in time and dodges Jaz's punch . She jumps in the air round house kicking him in the stomach sending flying across the arena .

Not bad Guardiana , I see your brother has been training you well " Jaz says mockingly "

Guardiana sneers at him , Go fuck your self Jaz

The crowd " OOOOOOOh .

Someone else in the crowd yells " Don't let that whore talk to you like that , bring that bitch to her knees and beg , The crowd cheered again .

As you wish " Jaz said " coming at her full speed again , knocking the wind out of her sending her flying till she smashed into the arena wall .

Who wants to see the bitch scream " Jaz asked the crowd grabbing Guardiana by her hair

.......... Mean while in the stands

Peter is gripping his chair struggling not to send this man this bully straight to hell where he belongs.

All the camp leaders watched with anticipation then all the sudden the leaders all stared at Peter darkness and rage radiating off the boy .

Sit down Peter you cant enter the fight unless she calls a tact call , " one of the campers said " .

Shut up , you didn't raise her , I did . Fuck the tact call ! " Peter said Jumping from the stands and landed in the arena .........

In the Arena >>>>>.....

The crowd cheers with anticipation then the arena went quiet ..........

Jaz stops smiling and slowly turns to see an Raging boy around his age maybe older in the arena " You could get in trouble for this Peter " Jaz said coldly "

Should I rape your sister and make you watch ?

Peter closed his eyes took off his glasses with a calm but yet serious tone then put the glasses in his shirt pocket then opened his red eyes . " You really should stop picking on my sister and let her go " . and second you wont get a chance to touch her .

Just then as Jaz was holding her by her hair , she was gone just like that , as wind blew past him he turn to see Peter sliding across the sand holding his sister bridal style , He put her down outside the ring near Dr. Dray . " Take care of My sister " peter said "

Dr. dray nodded and carried the girl away .

Peter straightened and dodged a second hit from Jaz , " Lets get this straight Jaz you will , never ever come near my kid again , you will never touch her again or even look in her general direction is that clear !!!! " Peter screamed in full rage mode sending every one in their seats hair flying in the wind . He sent Jaz flying and landed on the ground , then Peter land on top of him with his hand around his neck staring down at him , "If you ever threaten my family again I will kill you Peter said"

getting off Jaz leaving the imprint of the hand print on his neck so he would remember the warning that Peter gave him for the rest of his life . Peter glared directly at Zeus and walked down the hall out of the arena The Hermes announced Peter declaring him the winner as Peter walked away down the hall where Dr. Dray took his sister .

............................Mean while the crowds in the stands stayed quiet....

As Jaz layed on the ground thunder boomed the medics came and took him away .

Hermes looked at the screen Lucia's name popped up next . He looked in her direction " looks like someone just challenged the new comer he announced putting the spot light on Lucia .

Lucia looked at Edmond terrified as she got up and started down the stairs . Looking back at Edmond .

What the Hell No !!!!!!!!! " Edmond said standing out of the seat , but then metal magically wrapped around Edmond sitting him back down He looked to see Zeus glaring at him .

Keep your campers under control Chiron " Zeus ordered "

He is only acting out cause your provoking the boy " Brom said "

Mr. Popo Looked around to see who challenged the girl, His eyes narrowed and he glared at Zeus " honestly can you not think of anything better to do Zeus then pick on my new campers you are seriously starting to piss me off "

Zeus got close to Mr. Popo so only he could hear , " You know I hear rumor that she is The child of Lukis Stormborn ".

Mr Popo glared at him gripping seat cracking the arm of his seat , " What are you insinuating killing one of my campers just cause you suspect she is Lukis's offspring she is a child she doesn't understand anything about that man nor does she probably know who he is , If you threaten that little girl or go near that innocent child , I will come after you and your wife do you understand me faggot ? Now get the hell away from me " Mr. Popo ordered "

Hera jumped at Lucia making the child run away away , as Hera slammed her staff making the child fall . Lucia got back on her feet. Lucia turned to face her

"what did I ever do to you to make you hate me ? " Lucia asked terrified with tears in her eyes "

Nothing except being born " Hera hissed at her " You are the child of the scum of the earth , you are nothing and you will always remain ugly , weak ,and pathetic just look at you where is your father and mother ? she asked They don't even love you other wise they would be here to protect you .

Lucia started to cry . holding her face in her hands

Just then Hera picked the girl up and choke slammed her into the sand .

I will make you wish you were never born you brat " Hera said smiling evilly " then stabbed her with her staff .

At that The whole crowd went silent

Mean while in the stands .................................

Uhh if Lucia is what they are say the child of Lukis , Isn't she mocking Lukis? one of the campers asked

Brom stared "then she will get whats coming to her if she continues to mock him and throw his name around especially if she is his child , He will take that as a challenge and end her Zeus should be smart enough to know this. "

( Mind you Brom already knows Lucia is his niece and his brothers daughter . But He doesn't want to put his family in any more danger then they already are,. Question For Read : Have you figured out Who Lukis is yet ? comment below and ill tell you if you are right ;) ) ...Author note for reader. )

Everyone froze ... time stood still

She actually just stabbed her ? " Sky said covering her mouth then slowly looked at Edmond who was sitting beside her . " Oh No " she breathed

Edmond's eyes turned Poison green then he blacked out

Everyone in the crowd turned to Edmond as he changed form into the creature breaking Zeus's hold on him screaming in rage . ( The crowd could almost feel his pain and suffering ) But someone was in the the crowd who identified with the boys pain .

Edmond jumped from the stands swatting a surprised Hera away from his sister , crouching over the bleeding unconscious Lucia protectively.

Ahh so your the supposed son of the assassin Lewis " Hera asked " Now you know what pain your father caused you don't deserve to live

Edmond growled at her and charging at her full speed

So fast " Hera thought to herself"

The Creature screamed in a croaking voice " What did she ever do to you old hag except be born , she isn't your child or play thing , She is mine I raised her , And I will eat your heart out for taking what's mine " He said with tears in his eyes screaming at Hera "

We need to stop this before this gets out of hand, I'm part of his team he'll listen to me " Sky said looking at Brom " She was abut to get up but Brom stopped her .

You will be killed if you try to stop him in that form , Someone that needs to stop him isn't here " Brom said "

( Telepatic battle Between Brothers)

( Brom Silently talking telepathically to his elder brother ) " Lukis if you your listening right now you need to stop him , he will not be able to take the pain that comes with this path he doesn't deserve it , I'm not trying to tell you what to do but this is your place as a father to help him , Don't let him turn out like we did , the poor child has suffered enough ' I'm begging you Lukis do you really want that for him ? I know our enemies will always hunt our children , but it's our responsibility to make sure that our children don't suffer the same way we did Lukis , your son needs his father to take his pain away, please save your son and daughter . " Brom had tears falling down his face they don't deserve this .

..............In the shadows , A cloaked young man clenched his fist , tears falling down his own face watching the fight go down between Hera and The Creature form who was Edmond feeling the pain as his own " ( Your right Katana he doesn't deserve it but unfortunately that is the family he was born into so unfortunately the boy will have to learn the same way I did through pain ) " Lewis spoke back to Brom "

"I am not talking to you Lewis I'm talking to the brother that raised me , you are nothing to me , you are just a form of Lukis your not actually him " " Brom spat back "

Well thats rich coming from you , you always let your feeling get the best of you " Lewis said "

"But I never let my hatred take over Lukis did , and that is how you were made , your just a form of his hatred your not my brother now get out of my head Lewis and go back from whence you came "

sending Lewis away ,

Your braver then I gave you credit for . "another voice boomed in Brom's head.

Talking back to Lewis couldn't have been easy

L L Lukis " Brom Questioned "

Yes ? " the voice answered "

where are you? , where have you been ? why did you leave ? you never even said good bye " Brom asked almost like a child .

Always one that asked all the questions and followed me around and you'll just have to forgive me for that little one " Lukis said with a chuckle " ( aka > Spoiler Lukis always called Brom little one when he was little ) ( And Brom is also his favorite biological brother cause he respected him not feared him like the other brothers , while Hades and Poseidon are his favorite adopted brothers besides Chiron )

Will you help him ? " Brom asked almost begging "

My Little brother of course I will , They are my children . I never left you i've been there the entire time you just got to look closely .

................ End of Telepathic Moment between brothers